Major Irina PavlovaForum.png

Character Information

  • Full Name: Irina Pavlova
  • Race: Human
  • DoB: 2144.06.13
  • Age: 247 (physiological age 24)
  • Gender: Female


  • Father: Gregori Pavlov, Deceased
  • Mother: Tatiana Gutsu, Deceased
  • Siblings: Brother Anatoli Pavlov, Sisters Ekaterina and Liliana Pavlova. All deceased
  • Children: Katya Pavlova, age 223 (physiological age 6)
  • Religion: Atheist (formerly Russian Orthodox)


  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 195lbs (appears as 120lbs)
  • Hair: Light brown
  • Eyes: Gray
  • Skin: Fair
  • Build: Slender, but very densely muscled.


Irina was the oldest of four children, and while not the best of them academically, she was always the athlete of the family. From gymnastics in her childhood years to track, polo and rugby as a teenager, Irina was always an overachiever when it came to any test of strength, endurance and coordination. All of her coaches in the various sports hinted at olympic-level talent, if only she would stick with a particular sport long enough. Sadly, Irina usually got bored with an activity far too quickly to truly become world class. It was only the violin and shooting that she stuck with for any length of time. The violin because her father, a violist in the St. Petersberg symphony would likely kill her if she quit, and shooting because she liked the noise and staying interested just involved increasing distances, reducing time or introducing movement to her targets.

After high school her only real career options were military service or music, and while a talented violinist, she wasn't talented enough. She and neighbor Dimitri Popov joined the Earth Defense Marine Corps and attended the academy together. Her marksmanship skills quickly attracted attention at the very highest levels of the marine corps, such that she was pulled from the academy a year early and sent to the newly formed Starfleet Academy for special cross-training as a naval security officer, hand-picked by Commodore Vittorio Moretti, the commanding officer of the USS Columbia for his historic five-year exploration mission.

Pavlova and Popov by this time were romantically involved, and unknown to either of them, Irina became pregnant on their last night together before Columbia's departure on July 20, 2169, the Columbia's mission not coincidentally starting on the the bicentennial anniversary of man's first walk on the moon. At only 22-years-old and a newly commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Irina was the only marine on Columbia, and was her chief of security.

Baby Katya was born 9 months into Columbia's mission. Two years later, Columbia emerged a battered hulk on the other side of the Aurix II wormhole, and lacking life-support, Commodore Moretti sent an away team to the only planet in range with even a remote possibility of sustaining life. Katya along with most of Columbia's crew went into stasis, while Irina was part of that away team to the planet Kjenta II, barely L class on a good day.

Irina spent 219 years on Kjenta II. The planet, much like the Ba'ku home world, has special properties that affect living creatures on the surface. The away team members all found themselves getting younger, if such a thing was possible, until they stopped at their physical prime. For Irina who was only 24 at the time, she simply remained the same age. Doctor Treng and Commander Lennon, both in their 40s, reverted to their mid 20s. Nobody ever got sick, and wounds and injuries, unless immediately fatal, healed at a shockingly rapid rate.

The away team was stuck on Kjenta II because of another side-effect of the unique planet, which was the heavy ionization layer in the atmosphere that sucked all power from all equipment, to include their shuttles on the way down. Crash landed without working weapons and communications, the away team had to fight off barbaric savage tribes descended from the advanced humanoid species that had, 4 centuries earlier wiped themselves out in an apocalyptic war.

Essentially immortal while on Kjenta II, the brilliant scientist Dr. Treng set them to work on finding a way home. It took almost 120 years, but she finally designed and built an antenna capable of penetrating the ionization layer and sending out a distress signal. The USS Miranda in 2293 responded to that distress signal. For three weeks the Federation ship orbited Kjenta II and through Treng's advanced antenna collaborated with the Columbia survivors to devise and escape strategy. Sadly, nothing they tried could penetrate the atmosphere, and so under orders from Starfleet Intelligence not to leave that monofilament antenna or any evidence of it, USS Miranda fired on the antenna, overloaded its generator (killing six of the Columbia survivors) and left Kjenta.

Another century passed until in 2390 Treng built another antenna, but this time she also built a transporter and converted an old missile into an exit vehicle. Whoever came in response to their distress signal this time would find them prepared, with two escape plans and a very healthy distrust of the Federation. USS Discovery-C, herself badly damaged from the Aurix II wormhole, responded to that distress signal.

What followed was a veritable bloodbath as Treng tried to take control of the Discovery's away team, ultimately getting killed by those she tried to control. Of USS Columbia's crew, nine remained alive on Columbia herself in deep cryo-stasis while 26 were originally on the surface. At the end of the struggle, only four remained alive from the original away team, two who escaped the planet in the rocket during the power struggle, Commander Lennon who was severely injured just before the final battle, and Irina Pavlova, who had challenged Treng prior to Discovery's arrival and found herself aligned with Discovery's crew more out of necessity than choice.

Following her return to Earth, Irina was studied, poked, prodded, tested and evaluated. Like the Ba'ku before her, Federation scientists were very interested in how a 246-year-old human was not only alive, but young. Irina had little choice but to cooperate, but as time went on, she became less and less cooperative until finally she ripped all of the probes, needles and tubes out of her body and forced her way out of the medical ward. She didn't make it too far before she was sedated, but an athlete with over two centuries on a high-gravity planet was considerably stronger than the nurses and orderlies who at first tried to restrain her.

When she woke up, she found herself in a familiar place, Earth Defense Marine Corps headquarters, now part of Starfleet HQ. She was given a choice, return to active marine duty, or return to the medical ward. Irina chose active duty.

Irina was immediately cleared for duty (CPT Waltas and LCDR Amman of USS Discovery-C did some corrective work on her personnel file) and was assigned as a marine on the USS Vigilant. Her adjustment to the 24th century is a work in progress, made more difficult when Vigilant's marine detachment was transferred from the ship and Irina was laterally commissioned as a Lieutenant in Starfleet and assigned to the security/tactical department.

Security/tactical isn't particularly difficult for Irina as it is perhaps the one branch where little has changed over the last two centuries and change. Weapons and shields are more powerful and ships are faster, but the basics remain the same. It is only in computers where Irina has trouble, and in the year since rescue she has become more and more proficient, though a special use profile is required to shift LCARS displays to monochrome due to her complete color blindness.

Since serving on Vigilant, Irina has developed something of a reputation for being sarcastic, a bit hot-headed, and frequently getting injured. Of course, she is always at the very front of whatever dangerous situation is present and usually "On Point", so in a way it is to be expected. She has also shown a rather healthy fear of doctors and counselors, but at the same time a very protective nature over her shipmates. Irina has even managed to make a few friends, particularly Lieutenants Udas and T'Mihn in science.

More recently Irina learned about time travel and how James Kirk traveled back in time to 1968 and later to 1986 successfully. She has since been studying and planning how she can herself go home to 2171. She understands the ramifications, how this might alter the timeline, and is torn between her desire to return to her proper time and the understanding of the damage this might cause.

Finally Irina suffers from many side-effects of her long exile on Kjenta II. Kjenta II was a high gravity planet with unusual and harsh light from the nearby red dwarf Kjenta star. She is completely color blind and highly light sensitive due to the complete fusing of the cones in her eyes. She also suffered fairly severe nerve damage to her left side that while mostly repaired, was not and never will be perfectly so. This results in severe cramping of her left hand if she tries to do any fine motor control and has made it almost impossible for her to play the violin. Irina is also exceptionally strong, the benefit of living 2.2 centuries in almost three times earth normal gravity. She has essentially the same level of physical strength as a strong Klingon or a weak Vulcan. Lastly, she is VERY rough around the edges after 220 years living in essentially a post-apocalyptic world. She holds many normal customs in quiet disdain and was sarcastic, borderline insubordinate during a recent inspection of the USS Vigilant.

Irina is an expert sniper, with expert something of a modest understatement. She has perfect hand-eye coordination and is still the only non-synthetic life form to ever be recorded with a perfect 100% marksmanship score on all Starfeelt, marine and even Marine Force Recon/Sniper qualifications. Simply put, Irina can hit anything with any weapon so long as she can see it and it is within the weapon's range. She remains the only human to ever, repeatedly hit birds in flight at 500 meters using iron sights with projectile or beam weapons (she can do it with both, unfailingly). While the federation does not and never did condone assassination, Irina was trained nonetheless to take head-shots at hyper-extreme range; a skill she put to excellent and frequent use on Kjenta II.

Her innate and natural shooting talent was reinforced during 219 years on the harsh planet of Kjenta II, where the USS Columbia away team were under constant attack. Irina's verified record was a head shot with a .50 calibre sniper rifle at 3.6 kilometers with a telescopic (optical) sight, while a longer shot at 4.3 kilometers though unconfirmed, would the longest sniper shot ever recorded with a hand-held projectile weapon or beam weapon by an organic life form.

Strangely and out of sync with her history and branch, Irina is also extremely gifted at math. While she only has the normal 22nd century Marine Academy Bachelor of military science degree, she studied advanced mathematics under the legendary Dr. Lan Ngoc Treng during her 219 year exile on Kjenta II and is essentially equivalent to a doctor in applied. mathematics. She also learned, by necessity, basic mechanical, electrical and civil engineering working on the many construction projects geared toward departure from Kjenta II.

More recently Irina was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, and reassigned (and laterally transferred back to the Marines) as chief of strategic operations and ;after as Chief Tactical officer at Duronis II Embassy and USS Thunder. Upon arrival she was re-united with now Colonel Tyr Waltas, the ship captain who had rescued her from the purgatory of Kjenta II. He again played the role of savior when he prevented her from performing the slingshot maneuver in a stolen runabout in an attempt to return to the 22nd century, and then helped her cover her tracks.

In the time since arriving at Duronis, Irina has felt her grasp on reality slowly slipping away despite the best efforts of those close to her to try and keep her grounded. Whether it was PTSD after more than two centuries on high combat alert or depression finally setting in after coming to an understanding that she will never see anyone from her past other than her daughter Katya, Irina has slowly been descending into madness these two years since her rescue.


2164.06.10 Graduated Yuri Gagarin High School, St. Petersberg, Russia

2167.06.21 Graduated Earth Defense Marine Academy, Commissioned Second Lieutenant

2168.01.15 Marine Sniper School. Tested out on first day (accuracy rating still highest ever recorded, remained to train instructors)

2168.02.10 Marine Force Recon Training, Branch Qualified Recon/Sniper

2169.06.13 Completed Starfleet Academy Security Branch cross-training. Promoted First Lieutenant and rated for Starship service

2169.07.20 Assigned USS Columbia NX-03 (NX class) as chief of security. Began Five-Year Exploration Mission

2171.11.13 USS Columbia lost, presumed destroyed at Aurix II.

2171.11.13 Stranded on Kjenta II for 219 years

2172.04.16 Promoted to Marine Captain (Posthumously)

2190 Rescued from Kjenta II by USS Discovery-C, poked, prodded and studied for two months until with the help of Captain Waltas and Lt. Commander Amman of Discovery her file was edited and she was cleared for duty.

2190 Lieutenant, Security/Tactical, USS Vigilant

2191 Lieutenant Commander, Security/Tactical, USS Vigilant-A

Present Major, Chief of Strategic Operations, Duronis Embassy

Notable Relationships

Dimitri Popov, died in 2232. They were unofficially married over a long-range comm relay with plans for a real ceremony on Irina's return. He was long dead when she finally made it home.

Katya Pavlova was born on April 2, 2170 and went into cryogenic stasis on November 11, 2172. While Katya slept during the entirety of Irina's 219 exile, she did age in stasis at a vastly reduced rate, emerging at the physiological age of 4 instead of two. Initially behind her age group developmentally upon awakening, Katya has caught up quickly and is now an extremely bright 6-year-old, though one raised with some very odd values by her highly unusual mother.

Career History

2164-2167 Marine Corps Academy 2167-2169 Starfleet Security Cross-Training 2169-2171 Chief of Security, USS Columbia 2171-2390 Chief of Security, Columbia Away Team on Kjenta II 2390-Present Marine Officer, USS Vigilant

Career Overview
Rank Date Assignment Duty Post
  Lt Commander 2390-present

Professional History:

  • 2169-2390 - Assigned to USS Columbia
  • 2390 - Assigned to USS Vigilant

Mission History

NPC Listing   ·   Embassy/USS Thor Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Toni Turner
Executive Officer
Geoffrey Teller
Chief of Security
Krindo Pandorn
Security Officer
Dar Elandra
Marine Ops.
Hannibal Parker
Rode Mitchell
Wes Greaves
Second Officer/HCO
Ben Garcia
Chief Medical Officer
Addison MacKenzie
Medical Officer
Quen Deena
Medical Officer
Chief Counsellor
Alexander Brodie
Chief Science Officer
Lorian Lovar
Science Officer
Tara Wilkins
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