Rekkr Baldersson

2nd Lieutenant Rekkr Baldersson is a Marine Officer on the USS Vigilant



Rekkr Baldersson


  • Callsign: Iceman
  • Gender: Male
  • Position: Marine
  • Ship: USS Vigilant
  • Rank: Second Lieutenant
  • Race: Human
  • DoB: 236410.01 (October 1st 2364)
  • Age: 25
  • Height: 5ft 8in
  • Eye color: Hazel
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • Birthplace: Earth


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  • Full Name: Rekkr Baldersson
  • Birth Place: Austin, Texas,Earth
  • Postition: Marine Officer
  • Assignment: USS Vigilant
  • Status: Healthy
  • Weight: 185Lbs
  • Scars: Eye Socket eye lost in combat and chest Scars
  • Tattoos: Starfleet Marines Special Forces emblem, left shoulder
  • Build: Muscular
  • Tone/Voice: Raspy
  • Distinguishing Features: Eye Patch
  • Abilities: None
  • Current Status: Active


  • Marital Status: Single
    • Significant Other: N/A
    • Father: Stryke Baldersson
    • Mother: Mathiar Baldersson
    • Brother: Angus Baldersson
    • Sister: Dochas Baldersson


Other Skills

  • Mechanics
  • Tracking

Martial Art Type:-

  • Boxing
  • Krav Maga
  • Jeet Kun Do
  • Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
  • Wrestling

Linguistic Skills

  • English
  • Federation Standard

Personal History

The Balderssons migrated to the great state of Texas in the early 19th century from Scotland of old. Ever since then the first born male of every generation has been in the military and fought in at least one war. Stryke Baldersson was the first of the Baldersson males to not even join the military. His passion was in cooking, where he became a very accomplished chef with a small restaurant chain. He met his wife Mathair, and decided to settle down so he moved them to Bastrop, Texas a small town in which he hoped to keep any children they had away from the family tradition of being in the military.

On October 1st, 2364 Rekkr was born. Followed by his two younger siblings, two and four years after. Rekkr was an average student, for he had no intention of being anything but a soldier when he grew up. He grew up to be an average looking guy with an athletic build and a strong drive for success. As soon as he was old enough he joined the Starfleet Marines. Shortly after graduating with honors he was shipped off to war where he was badly wounded in a skirmish. In an attempt to rescue a squad of fellow Marines his team was ambushed and he was shot in the chest four times and lost his left eye in an explosion. Following his order that everyone would make it, home his men dragged him.out of the fray in hopes that he would live. During his time healing he developed a small alcoholism problem. Close to the end of his time spent healing he met up with an old friend that convinced him to go into officer training.

In the short time between his healing and joining officer training Rekkr did some freelance bounty hunting. He spent sometime in the Klingon empire, where he became an honored Klingon warrior.

Career Path

:Cadet years not shown|

NPC Listing    ·    USS Vigilant Senior Staff    ·    Crew History
FltCpt Diego Herrera
LtCmdr A'ern Zerxes
LtCmdr Alleran Tan
LtCmdr Eerie
Lt Sabor
Lt Irina Pavlova
Lt Dueld taJoot
Ens Aleana Dennis
LtCmdr Velana
LtCmdr Aribelle Tagren
Lt (jg) Denji Ryan
Lt Richard Matthews
Lt (jg) Udas
CWO2nd Chase Valaine
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