Alucard Vess

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Crew of the USS Gorkon


Commander Alucard Vess

LT jg Alucard Elrich Vess is currently assigned as Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Thunder and at the Duronis II Embassy.



DOB: Unknown
Age: approximately 24 (see personal history)
Race: Human
Adopted Homeworld: New Caledonia

Gender: Male
Height: 6’ 5"
Weight: 200 lbs
Eye Color: Black (Note: In lieu of the mandatory sunglasses required on Duronis II, Alucard developed a set of self-polarizing contact lenses. These give his pupils and irises a solid gold color when he is out in the sun.)
Hair Color: Brown
Hair style: Short
Scars/Marks: Many tattoos, including St. George and the Dragon on his left calf, and a phoenix design on his right calf. His latest is a modified caduceus on his left forearm. It is visible when he is off duty wearing a tshirt.
Voice: Speaks with a mild Scottish accent. It gets thicker around other Caledonians, such as his father
Religion: Atheist, despite his fathers wishes.
Preferred Uniform Style: Prefers scrubs and long white lab coat while on duty in sickbay. Wears standard uniform during other duty activities.
Alias: John Doe 2375-118


Mannerisms: Has a penchant for getting lost in deep thought, getting a “spaced out” look to his face.

Temperament: Quiet, easy to get along with. Does has a temper, which does not seem to be tied to any one trigger.

Habits: Likes loud music.

Hobbies and Pastimes: Piloting. Searching for his past. Playing computer games.

Alucard is very quiet and hard to get to know. He keeps a list of “trustables” which ranges from 10 to 12 people. Once you gain his trust he is very open and friendly. He is incredibly smart, able to complete complex calculations without the aid of a computer. Doctors are unable to account for this, although Alucard suspects they are hiding something from him. In fact, he can’t even access his own medical records, as for some reason they have been classified.


  • Marital Status: single
  • Children: none
  • Father: unknown
  • Mother: unknown
  • Sister: unknown
  • Brother: unknown
  • Adoptive Father: Alfons Vess, who is currently Captain of the USS Rodimus; also only permanent on Alucard’s list.
  • Pets: Jameson and Ice, brother Irish Wolfhounds


Personal History

Alucard Vess is a bit of a mystery, even to himself. He was discovered on an old abandoned science station by the crew of the USS Rodimus on stardate 237511.23. He was found in a stasis pod directly connected to the stations auxiliary solar panels, the rest of the station was lifeless. The station's computer had been wiped, all the Rodimus crew could ascertain was the stations designation (Tech-9, written on the stations hull) and it’s age via isotope dating (roughly 200 years of age). It is unknown at what point during the stations 200 year history that Alucard was placed in his pod, as he himself has no memories before being reawakened. He appears to be a tall terran boy of about 10 years of age when he is reawakened.

The ship's helmsman, Alfons Vess, takes pity on the boy and adopts him, giving him a name. Since his true birthdate is unknown, they use the date of his discovery as his birthday, November 23. Alucard lives with his adoptive father for the next seven years, when he is accepted to one of the Academys satellite campuses, at the approximate age of 17. He chooses to major in medical and to minor in Helm like his father.

See OTHER WRITINGS for more.

In 2380 (age 15) Alucards girlfriend of one year Alicia Macsen, daughter of the ships stellar cartographer, becomes pregnant. Even though the circumstances were less than ideal, they decide to marry and raise their child the best they can. Tragically, 5 months later Alicia miscarries, losing the baby. Already suffering from bipolar disorder, this blow is too much for Alicia to bear, and she takes her own life. Alucard sinks into a long depression, which ends when Alucard decides to get his first tattoo to commemorate his lost fiance and what would have been his daughter, feeling that a dose of outer pain would help dull the devastating inner pain. A phoenix destroying the clock of time, it becomes the first of many.


Professional Qualifications

Medical School Courses


  • Cardiothoracic Surgery
  • Neurosurgery


Vess, Alucard. “Thoroscopic Left Atrial Bypass: The New Three Chambered Heart.”Journal of the United Federation of Planets Medical Association. Stardate 238609.03: 104-127.

T’rel and Vess, Alucard. “Preliminary Review of Schwann Cell Therapy for Theorons Disorder: A Surgical Approach.”Starfleet Medical Journal of Neurology. Stardate 238711.29: 41-98.

Starfleet History

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Cadet 4th Class 2382 - 2383 Accelerated Academy Courses, Advanced to 2nd Class Medical Cadet
  Cadet 2nd Class 2383 - 2384 1st Two Years of Starfleet Medical School Medical Cadet
  Cadet 2nd Class 2385 Med School 3rd year, Rotations Medical Cadet
  Cadet 2nd Class 2386 Med School 4th year, Surgical Sub-Internship Medical Cadet
  Cadet 1st Class 2387 - 2388 Internship and 1st Year Residency Medical Cadet
  Cadet 1st Class 238808.29 Graduated Starbase 118 Academy Medical Officer
  Ensign 238808.29 - 238810.10 USS Thunder/Embassy Duronis II Medical Officer
  Ensign 238810.10 - 238811.21 USS Thunder/Embassy Duronis II Assistant Chief Medical Officer
  Lieutenant Junior Grade 238811.21 - Present USS Thunder/Embassy Duronis II Chief Medical Officer


Duronis II Embassy/USS Thunder Missions


[|Origins] Dr. Vesses awakening and search for belonging


Sarah Red Elk

NPC Listing   ·   Embassy/USS Thor Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Toni Turner
Executive Officer
Geoffrey Teller
Chief of Security
Krindo Pandorn
Security Officer
Dar Elandra
Marine Ops.
Hannibal Parker
Rode Mitchell
Wes Greaves
Second Officer/HCO
Ben Garcia
Chief Medical Officer
Addison MacKenzie
Medical Officer
Quen Deena
Medical Officer
Chief Counsellor
Alexander Brodie
Chief Science Officer
Lorian Lovar
Science Officer
Tara Wilkins
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