T'Mihn Ah'mihghan

Revision as of 00:42, 8 November 2012 by T'Mynn (talk | contribs) (→‎Family)
USS Vigilant-A

  • Gender: Female
  • Position: Chief HCO Officer
  • Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Race: Vulcan

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  • Full Name: T'Mihn Ah'mygahn ch'Ahvrom ( Shortens name to Ah'mygahn)
  • Race: Vulcan
  • Date of Birth:
  • Place of Birth: Vulcan
  • Age: 80
  • Gender: Female
  • Telepathic status: 5T/5E


  • Height: 1.52 Meters/5'
  • Weight: 46Kg /101 Pounds
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Length of Hair: Long-Down to the waist when loose. On Duty, it is tied back in a pony tail, braid or whatever hair do works to not let it get caught somewhere.
  • Eye Color: Indigo/Dark blue
  • Skin Tone: Tan with faint green under tones.
  • Birthmarks, Scars: No birthmarks. Scars: 2 centimeter long scar just under the left collar bone from a war. It's possible a small peice obsidian is still inside.
  • Build: Petite, but athlectic build,excellent muscle tone.
  • Face: Oval shaped
  • Eyes: Slightly Almond shaped
  • Mouth: appropriate for face shape.
  • Arms: 2 ( Has excellent muscle tone.)
  • Legs: 2 ( Same here)
  • Carriage: Confident, graceful, has a gentle, quiet joyful serenity..
  • Poses (Hands/Gestures, Feet/Legs, Torso/Head):
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Clothing similar to Terran Indian Salwar Kameez,and an assortment of items. Fashion taste is "simple elegance". Has a Long tailored leather coat, and a Cestus Comets baseball cap.
  • Shoes: On duty Standard Starfleet boots but prefers Dr. Martien's if allowed to use them. Off duty, DMs, sneakers, flexible slipper-like shoes or barefooted.
  • Voice: Easy on the ears,pleasant sounding.
  • Handedness: Ambidextrous- uses right hand a little more.


  • Quarters: Standard quarters for a LT.jg, but with lots of herb,spice and flowering native Vulcan plant life. A lyar and a guitar in the corner,a calligraphy tapestry T'Mihn created is on a wall. Standard furniture replaced with a sleeping pallet on the floor along with a low table, lots of tastefully colorful pillows and a few other items. On the desk a standard computer consol, a few PADDS, hard bound books, calligraphy materials,holos of her parents,siblings,her children and deceased husband sit in prominent area on the desk and next to the pallet.. Environmental controls set for Vulcan standard gravity, atmospheric pressure, temperature is set at 35C daytime,and much cooler for the evening while sleeping.A tall 'cat tree' stands in another corner having multiple levels, shelves and hiddy holes. The quarters are comfortable, homey, neat, but shows the personality of the inhabitant.
  • Favorite Room: Observation room, Tiger's Den, and Stellar Cartography.
  • Habits: Eats breakfast, skips lunch. Carries around a Metal thermal mug with some beverage in it. Sits in crowded areas reading her PADD while people watching.
  • Mannerisms: Graceful in nature.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Believes in "The One". Monotheistic.
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Rock climbing, Parkor (Free-running), building things, Vulcan calligraphy, cooking, watching Terran flat vids with friends,reading a good book,listening to music and 'hanging out'with her cat.
  • Likes: Learning about the many peoples and cultures in the Federation.
  • Dislikes: Bullies, manipulative people.
  • Ambitions and Goals: Short Term: Build her own 1 or 2 person high warp capable scout vessel. Long Term: Captain her own Starfleet vessel.
  • Achievements in Life: Created the holographic gesticular interface for her PADD during Academy years as an assignment in LCARS programming. It was later imported to the stellar cartography lab by Starfleet which credits her. Two doctorals. Peacekeepers Ribbon.
  • Disappointments in Life: Husband had died a decade ago.
  • Temperment: Very calm, gentle, but is capable of getting quite mad if pushed beyond her limits. Fortunately she has a very, very long fuse.
  • Mental problems (complexes and phobias): (PTSD) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from involvement in a war. It unnerved by large bodies of water, even if fascinated by it. Warp speed makes her dizzy.
  • Physical Limitations: Short. Being smaller than the average Vulcan and Human, she has to resort to other ways of getting things off a high shelf, such as climbing.


  • Marital Status: Widowed
    • Spouse: Vahlihn
    • Place of Marriage: Vulcan : At her parents home at the traditional place.
  • Children:
  • Parents
    • Father: Fahrin Ah'mygahn
    • Mother: T'Ahmmi Ah'mygahn
  • Siblings: Sorin,Sarek,Mira

Personal History

  1. 232001.01: Event.
  2. 232001.02: Event, etc.

Professional History

  • Date Graduated from Academy:
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
  • Current Assignment: USS Tiger-A 52199
  • Duty Post: Chief Science Officer

Awards & Commendations

  • The Order of StarFleet Merit and Achievement 1: Date awarded.

Peacekeeper Award


  1. 232001.01: Event.
  2. 232001.02: Event, etc.

Lt. jg T'Mynn Ah'mygahn is a Chief Science Officer currently stationed on the USS Tiger-A.



  • Parents:
    • Father: Fahrin Ah'mygahn, Dr. (Astro Physics-Genetics)
    • Mother: T'Ahmmi Ah'mygahn, Dr.(Planetologist-Botinist)
  • Siblings: (2 Brothers) Sorin, Sarek,Marihn,Laina

Two new siblings on the way.

  • Bondmate: Vahlihn s'Tor'el ch'Ahvrom,Dr ( Engineering, Medical-immunology)


Chronological History

      • These records are sealed by Privacy Seal as established by Vulcan family tradition. It can be unsealed only by the permission from the owner or Ah'mygahn family elder.***

Born on Ti'Valhk'ain (Vulcan) during the time of Surak and the Ahnk " The Great War". A time when V'tosh were violent and emotional mastery and balance was not wide spread. While the "Great War" was making it's way across the planet,seventeen warships turned generational ships or farships were preparing to leave. Half of the Ah'mygahn Clan boarded Shield along with 4,000 others. On this ship the colonists thought their world and its culture was going to be destroyed,they opted to leave in order to save it.

Professional History

  • T'Mihn's career before Starfleet: Graduate of Vulcan Science Academy via online

classes, helping on the family farm and exploring the planet cataloging the flora and fauna. Ph.D Bontony, Ph.D Astro Physics and Spacial Phenomenon, Ph.D Cultural Anthropology.

  • Starfleet Academy: Cadet.

Major-Astro and Theoretical Physics Major-Pilot She choose to enter Starfleet to explore space,learn of other species and cultures after an interesting encounter at Deep Space Nine. While at the Academy, T'Mihn had developed a gesticular based holographic user interface as a part of an LCARS programing assignment,for greater ease of use on the Stellar cartography computers. She was credited for the program's creation.Whether it will be implimented on starships is still in review.

She has a mystery to solve involving her people, and Starfleet has the resources.
  • Current career: Lt. jg on USS Tiger, NCC 52199-A

Engages in logical debating with t'Kashian Vulcans via Holo-com system, letters and face to face.

Rank- Ensign- Earned Peace Keeper Ribbon Moved from Science Officer post to Assistant Chief Science Officer. LTjg- Chief Science Officer


Peacekeeper Ribbon

Planet of Origin

Born on Vulcan,raised there. Current resident world.

  • Name: t'Oigen
  • Weather: Temporate similar to Terra only a little drier with flora and fauna brought from Vulcan was successfully transplanted and adapted to t'Oigen's biosphere in its desert regions. Many of the species hadn't been seen on t'Kashi/Vulcan in centuries.
  • Gravity: 1.45 of Earth Standard, slightly heavier than t'Kashi (Vulcan) Standard.
  • Primary: G2 type star.
  • Satellites: 2 moons, one is in a tidal locked orbit around the planet. Both moons has sustainable atmospheres.
  • General Information: t'Oigen is out in the interstellar "boondocks ",thus few vessels go by the system,let alone knowing it is there. No interstellar trade yet. The new inhabitants Pre-Surakian Vulcans were busily making a new home,whether they step into interstellar arena is in debate.

NPC Listing     ·     Tiger-A Staff Roster     ·     Crew History
CO: Flt Cpt Sidney Riley   ·   XO: Lt Cmdr Darius Clack
   MSp: Lt Cmdr Ian Lane West
CE:Lt Cmdr Alex Blair  ·  EO: Ens Francis Logan  
EO: Ens Rocko Stevens  
CTO: Lt Brayden Jorey  ·  TO: Ens Samuel Braddock   
CoS: Lt Brayden Jorey   ·   ACoS: Lt JG Chloe Mannin   
Sec: Lt Francis DeMarc
CSO: Lt T'Mihn Ah'mygahn  ·  Sci: Ens Bowrapiquis Jetseen   MO: LtCmdr T'Pen  ·  MO: Lt JG Gabriel Warwick   
Coun: Lt JG Zinna  
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