Skarbek/Current Intelligence

< Skarbek
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The Razing of Schulman

Schulman Outpost before the attack

Deep in the Demilitarised Zone, during the heyday of the Maquis, Schulman Outpost has come under attack by the Cardassians. In a ruthless, salted-earth assault, the entire outpost has been razed in their attempts to eliminate the Maquis cell based in the small colony. Outnumbered on the ground and in the air, the Maquis vessel known as the Skarbek escaped only by performing a dangerous, in-atmosphere jump to warp, after ensuring the safe evacuation of the civilian population.

Insider speculation is that the Cardassians' primary goal was the successful capture of a Starfleet intelligence officer currently held captive aboard the Skarbek. Commander Quinn Reynolds was recently kidnapped from a Starfleet vessel in a daring guerilla raid, and is believed to possess knowledge both sensitive and potentially damaging to the Cardassian Union. The exact nature of this information, and how the Maquis plan to acquire and use it, is currently unknown.

During their flight from Schulman, the crew of the Skarbek experienced a series of bizarre hallucinations. The exact cause is unknown, but theories range from an experimental Cardassian weapon to poisoning from the toxic gases released during the razing of the outpost.

Ambush in the Sansom Coulee

The SS Fourcade

When a recent raid on a Cardassian installation was met with unexpected resistance, the crew of the Skarbek took significant losses. They retreated to Peshkova Colony to lick their wounds and mourn their dead, until receiving a distress call from the SS Fourcade a "pirate radio" ship which also acts as a mobile subspace relay, passing messages between various Maquis cells.

The Skarbek crew responded to the call, and discovered the Fourcade crashed on the surface of Omicron Noctae IIIa, close to an abandoned Cardassian outpost. The crew split into teams, providing the Fourcade aid, investigating the outpost and maintaining a skeleton crew aboard the Skarbek itself. Despite the traps laid by the Cardassians both on the surface and in space, the Skarbek crew were able to get the Fourcade back into space, rescue enslaved workers in the outpost and escape from an ambush laid in space.

Escape from Cardassian Prison

Corridor in the Cardassian prison

In a recent operation, the Cardassian Union reportedly seized many Maquis resistance cells, including the crew of the Skarbek cell. Cardassian officials reported that they caught the whole crew in one location, but the cell Captain contradicted this, claiming that they were betrayed by their old pilot, who arranged a Cardassian attack. The Cardassians transported the detainees on a Hideki-class ship to an unknown location, leaving only one body behind. The remaining Skarbek members pursued but were forced away by Cardassian escort craft. The inmates are now imprisoned in a Cardassian jail, with tensions amongst gangs and no idea how long their sentence will endure. The Skarbek crew intends to escape to the prison's lower levels and then conduct a daring escape to the surface. Everyone is advised to keep a safe distance from any known Cardassian outposts, according to the military communication office.

Current Operations

Corridor in the Cardassian prison

Witherington Colony is under attack from Cardassian forces bearing down on Indre III with remorseless fury.