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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code BLVI
Federation Status Unknown
Planet of Origin Seccora Ia, Par'tha Expanse, Alpha Quadrant
Encountered Members of this species have yet to be encountered by Federation personnel
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level C
List of Named Balivaris

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Evolved from some type of herdbeast or pack animal, the Balivari are long rather than tall. At the shoulder they may reach 150 cm, but from nose to the tip of their tail they range anywhere between 350 cm and 400 cm. Even on younger Balivari, their deep-set eyes look aged and wrinkled; their putty-colored skin looks old, and is deeply lined with runic patterns. Skin colors range from olive green to golden brown. They have no discernable nostrils, though their face is mostly snout. Their faces are thrust forward on long thick necks that are covered with manes of hair. They have two sets of arms, a pair of legs and a tail. When they walk on their two powerful legs, their massive long tails are not heavy enough to counterbalance the weight of their heads. So they walk with a heavy, slightly swaying gait, and the aid of a walking stick held in one of their pairs of forearms, while their hind arms hang down towards the ground. Their garments are something between a coat and a saddle blanket, and the weight only adds to their immensely slow and considered movements. Their incredible longevity gives them no cause to ever rush, for the average lifespan of a Balivari is approximately 800 to 1000 years.

An extremely xenophobic race, the Balivari attempt to avoid contact with other races if at all possible. They have extensive telepathic and empathic powers, but live an incredibly simple life of peace and contemplation. They live on the terrestrial moon orbiting the first planet in the Seccora system, though that is as much knowledge as anyone has. The exact location of the Seccora system still remains a mystery to all, with one exception. The only known Balivari in the populated galaxy is D'Taeon Maliin, head of Balivari Industries on Illara Prime. Unfortunately, it is virtually impossible to get an appointment to see him, and then he will only speak about business. That is probably for the best, though, considering their xenophobic natures.