Chythar Skyfire/Service Record: Difference between revisions

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<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Chythar Before Starfleet|350|COLOR=Teal}}</h3>
<table style="width:75%"><tr><td><h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Career Overview|COLOR=silver}}</h3></tr></table>
Born on Earth, raised going to public schools by his father. Calvin did his best to raise the boy after his birth. Captain Skyfire did what she could to raise the boy before she was recalled to negotiate peace between two warring factions on Romulus when Chythar was 12.<br>
<br>As a result of going to public school, Chythar's interest in science became an obsession. He decided many of the hard sciences interested him: xenobiology, linguistics, and chemistry. By the time he was old enough to enter University of Washington at age 18, he focused primarily on chemistry and linguistics. His adaptability at languages was sophisticated enough that he was able to speak fluently in Greek, Chinese, Latin, Russian, and Hebrew. Captain Skyfire remained on Romulus until the planet was destroyed. Prior to his years at Starfleet, he grew up loving to read anatomy books and spent a good deal of time thinking about what would happen if he ever joined the academy to take after his mother.<br>
<br>Once he graduated high school, he took it upon himself to head to University of Washington where he graduated as an MD.

'''Notable Relationships:'''
*'''Captain Kyrethia Angelica Skyfire:''' His mother was, as far as Chythar was aware, always in Starfleet and always busy. Why she married Calvin was never explained. CD loved his mother very much, and developed a strong dislike for Starfleet by age 10 for taking her away so often. He did everything he could to spend time with her when she was at home. She was very proud when her son Chythar announced after his graduation from UW to go off to Starfleet. She remained on Romulus until her death, at the destruction of the planet.
|{{:Chythar Skyfire/ServiceTable}}
*'''Calvin Skyfire:''' Typical military-spouse: he'd cook, clean, take care of the kid. He didn't take much of an interest in Chythar's learning languages or studying the sciences, as Calvin was neither scientifically or linguistically inclined. He'd help CD with his homework, though when it came to science or linguistics would send him off for tutoring.
*'''Chris Harrington:''' While not an uncle by blood, he was Calvin's friend and Chythar's tutor for all the language and science. He'd routinely challenge Chythar with a new language every day, and it was because of Chris that CD has mastered so many. Also considered "Uncle Chris" because CD spent so much time with him.

'''Full Timeline:'''
{{heading|Awards & Accolades|silver}}
*236207.06: Born in Seattle, Washington.
See Full Article: [[Chythar Skyfire/Ribbons|Awards & Accolades]]
**Took up an interest in chemistry, linguistics, and xenobiology.
**Captain Skyfire recalled to Romulus as a negotiator.
**Graduates from high school
**Applies to University of Washington.
**Graduates from University of Washington a Doctor of Medicine.
**Enters Starfleet Academy to study xenobiology and medicine.
*'''2387:''' [[Hobus Supernova]] happens -- Captain Skyfire dies when planet is destroyed.
**Chythar Skyfire graduates from Starfleet Academy with a xenobiology major.
**Is posted to Starbase 118 Ops as a medical officer.

<table style="width:75%"><tr><td><h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Previous Service|COLOR=silver}}</h3></tr></table>
<center>See full article: {{s|Chythar Skyfire|Timeline}}</center>

<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Starfleet Academy|200|COLOR=teal}}</h3>
<table style="width:75%"><tr><td><h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Current Assignment|COLOR=teal}}</h3></tr></table>
[[Image:Academy.jpg|thumb|left|Starfleet Academy]]
<center>See full article: {{s|Chythar Skyfire|Timeline}}</center>

[[Category:Chythar Skyfire|Biography]]
Chythar spent the next 4 years at Starfleet, working on his science major and two specializations: Xenobiology and Medicine. When he graduated from Starfleet, it was the last time he sees his father as he leaves the nest to go exploring.The fact he is in Starfleet now is almost ironic, given how much he hates Starfleet Command for robbing him of his mother's time. She died while on a Starfleet assignment, so he feels conflicted between his addiction to work in medicine and his duty to the uniform.
'''Notable Relationships'''
*'''{{n|Ryoji|Chibitsu}}:''' Chythar's one friend throughout his Starfleet years, and the only who received a copy of Chythar's linguistic ciphers. Instrumental in helping him realize his goal to become a medic among the stars.
'''Full Timeline'''
*238402.05: Enters Starfleet Academy after graduating as an MD from University of Washington.
*239002.17: Graduates from Starfleet Academy with a xenobiology major.
'''Supplemental File:''' [[Skyfire, Chythar/Science Degree|Academy Transcript]]
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Career Overview|150|COLOR=Teal}}</h3>
{{:Skyfire, Chythar/ServiceTable}}
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Service Jacket: Starbase 118|350|COLOR=Teal}}</h3>
[[Image:Nav-spacedock.jpg|right|thumb|Starbase 118]]
* '''Rank''': Ensign
* '''Duty Post''': Medical Officer
* '''Commanding Officer''': Captain {{n|Kali|Nicholotti}}
* '''First Officer''': Commander {{n|Benjamin|Walker}}
* '''Stardates''': 239002.17 - 230908.09
His arrival onto Starbase 118 happened just in time for them to leave on the Odyssey mission. He managed to survive his first mission with his mind relatively intact, and afterward had himself a drink with Commander {{n|Benjamin J.|Walker}} and Marine Captain {{n|Joseph|Dubeau}} to discuss a game of poker. He passed out hardcore that night after the fact, due to some Antaran brandy. He woke up in time to learn of a beach party hosted by Lt. Commander {{n|Alexander|Matthews}}, the new first officer. He woke up confused, because far as he knew, Walker was still the first officer.<br>
<br />
During his time on Starbase 118, he had hated the Code Blues that always interrupted his off-days. All he wanted to do was have a day to himself, but he tried to be first on the scene whenever Lieutenant {{n|Johanna|MacLaren}} summoned him and one of said Code Blue situations arose. Near the end of his tour on the base, he and the crew were transferred to the {{USS|Excalibur|A}}, a new ''Vesta'' class starship that was launched under Captain {{n|Kali|Nicholotti}}.
'''Notable Relationships'''
*'''{{n|Johanna|MacLaren}}''':  See {{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Relationships}}
*'''{{n|Mandany|Rose}}''': Dany was the first who learned about Chythar's panic attack during his pre-Starfleet years that cause him intense stress when he's under pressure, and is one of the few to whom he has explained his complicated cipher system. She taught him how to recognize the languages he'd lapse into under stress, and encouraged him to keep a 'stress log' that records his thoughts as he panics and starts to lapse into other languages. <!-- Remove from relationships -->
*'''{{n|Ryoji|Chibitsu}}''': Graduated a few months after Chythar, and was stationed aboard the starbase. They met once or twice during this time, and while it is possible that Chibitsu is still on the base it is also equally as likely that the man is now AWOL. <!-- Remove from relationships -->
*'''{{n|Alden|Cuthbert}}''': Not known intimately to Chythar at this point, but they have met.
*'''{{n|Collim Kieran}}''': Not known intimately to Chythar at this point, met in passing.
*'''{{n|Benjamin|Livingston}}:''' Chythar pulled Ben out of the wreckage of the Astrolabe aboard the starbase and treated him for injuries.
'''Full Timeline:'''
**Chythar Skyfire graduates from Starfleet Academy with a xenobiology major. 
**Is posted to Starbase 118 Ops as a medical officer.
*239006.10: Calvin Skyfire dies from drug overdose -- news broken to him by his uncle Chris via subspace letter.
*239008.09: Chythar & senior staff transfer to {{USS|Excalibur|A}}.
'''Mission Logs:'''
* [[Starbase_118_The_Odyssey_Project|The Odyssey Project]]
* [[Starbase_118_Cash_On_Delivery|Cash On Delivery]]
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Service Jacket: USS Excalibur-A|350|COLOR=Teal}}</h3>
[[Image:Vesta_class.png|right|thumb|USS Excalibur-A]]
* '''Rank''': Ensign - Lieutenant Junior Grade
* '''Duty Post''': Medical Officer
* '''Commanding Officer''':
**Fleet Captain {{n|Cascadia|Rainier}} <!--239104.13 - 239106.14-->
**Fleet Captain {{n|Kali|Nicholotti}} <!--239008.03 - 239104.13 -->
* '''First Officer''':
**Lieutenant Commander {{n|Benjamin|Livingston}} <!--239012.21 - 239104.13-->
**Commander {{n|Benjamin|Walker}}  <!--239008.03 - 239010.23-->
* '''Stardates''': 239012.08 - 239106.14
Once he was transferred onto the USS Excalibur, the first mission they go on involves Chythar attempting to aid Lt. MacLaren in her efforts to stop a catastrophic plague from wiping out the Romulan population on Agurtha. During said efforts, he was injured in an explosion that caused his mind to become haphazard shards of random thought but he was still fully capable of doing his job as a medical officer with only partial hearing. He was dedicated to research, as that was the task that Fleet Captain {{n|Kali|Nicholotti}} had bestowed on him. Due to his fractured thought processes and a low-grade concussion, it took him a few minutes to realize that was what he should be doing and the capacity of being the most useful at the moment. The number of patients greatly outweighed the number of patients, so he was chosen as the research monkey. Hard at work on the cure to the plague, he was too hyper-focused on this to notice at once that Ensign {{n|Alden|Cuthbert}} was in fact suffering from poison and not from the plague itself. [[File:Medics of excalibur.jpg|right|frame|L to R: Skyfire, Morgan, Folds. The medics of Excalibur at launch]]
:He thought it was the plague at first because of his too-focused mindset. He is also the genius behind the teapaste that [[Skyfire_Saving_Ensign_Cuthbert|saved Alden's life]]. The security ensign's near-death experience averted, Chythar finished what later became known as [[Skyfire_Cure|The Skyfire Cure]]. Within hours after the cure was completed, he was granted the rank of Lieutenant JG and [[SIM:Skyfire, Chythar/Reactions|given awards for his actions.]] The promotion had unnerved him, and he had a nice [[Skyfire_Taybrim:Finding_Balance|chat with Taybrim]].<br /><br />
::Just before they ship out, he makes a friend in {{n|Sal|Taybrim}}, who is the first counselor Chythar's worked with happily since getting out of the academy. Unfortunately, the test of time and life of Starfleet brings Taybrim's time on the {{USS|Excalibur|A}} [[Skyfire_Taybrim:Another_Counselor_Gone|to a close]] as it takes him to the {{USS|Darwin|A}}. During Sal's absence, he realizes he's going to probably wind up breaking a fourth counselor by the name of Ensign {{n|Ceilidh|Riverview}}. Last thing he wanted was to do that, so he set up a [[Skyfire:Sensitive_Subjects|meeting over coffee]] with Lieutenant {{n|Collim Kieran}} in order to reinforce his shields and discuss the current situation with her. The two discussed, and Collim agreed to help reinforce his mental shields only if he set up that  [[Skyfire:Mental_States|appointment with Riverview]] and began the discussion. What seemed like a month to Chythar, [[Skyfire_Taybrim:Reunited|Taybrim's return]] from the ''Darwin'' cause him to hope again. Shortly afterward, the crew engaged the Slipstream drive and appeared in a region of space that began messing with their minds. The doctor was trying to save Ensign {{n|Azin|}}'s life during a [[Dokkaran]] mind meld that [[Skyfire_Azin:Complicated_1|messed with his mind]] in ways that he didn't imagine due to his impressive mental fortitude, for being human. As a result, the meld [[Skyfire_Trapped_In_The_Mind|rewrote his genetic code]] and granted him limited telepathy. Fleet Captain {{n|Kali|Nicholotti}} flies out into the void and seals a rift, creating what is now known as Kali's Scar and is presumably killed in action. During the aftermath, he befriends Marine 1st Lieutenant {{n|Debra|Cross}} in such a fashion that there is the beginnings of a romantic relationship. A day later, he confesses to his friend Taybrim that the love CD has for him is more like that of a brother instead of a lover. That night, after {{n|Vitor|Silveira}}'s court martial, he has dinner with Sal and they talk about life. Realizations dawn, and CD eventually falls asleep. When he wakes up, he has just enough time to inform Cross and Taybrim about his transfer orders to the {{USS|Garuda}}.
'''Notable Relationships'''
*'''{{n|Anscom|Folds}}''' Chythar met him when they served together on board Starbase 118 Ops, and together they saved the life of Ensign Alden Cuthbert. Folds was grateful to have CD in the medical department. They got along well, though in the end it was Anscom who was promoted to Chief Medical Officer of the USS Excalibur-A. Chythar seemed bitter for about ten seconds, but understood that he didn't possess the leadership qualities needed at that time to become chief. <!-- remove from relationships page -->
*'''{{n|Brek}}:''' While not notably fond of Ferengi cuisine or familiar with their customs, Chythar and Brek worked together on the synthesization and distribution protocol for the [[Skyfire Cure]] after the Argurtha incident.
*'''{{n|Sal|Taybrim}}:''' See {{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Relationships}}.
*'''{{n|Johanna|MacLaren}}:''' See {{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Relationships}}<br>
*'''{{n|Alexander|Morgan}}:''' Both men need to [[SIM:Skyfire Morgan:Learn to trust|learn to trust]] one another, and never spoke except when working together during missions. There wasn't enough time for either man to get to know the other, let alone learn to trust. <!--Remove from relationships page --><br>
*'''{{n|Ceilidh|Riverview}}''': CD met her during the aftermath of a combat drill. Chythar confessed his hatred of the position of counselor, making it perfectly clear he had no ill-will towards any one individual who held that position. His reasoning: "As soon as I find one I like, they leave." Unfortunately, they got to have one session of time before his transfer to the ''Garuda'' went through. <!--Remove from relationships page--><br>
*'''{{n|Azin}}:''' See {{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Relationships}}.<!-- keep entry in relationships page --><br />
*'''{{n|Alden|Cuthbert}}:''' Cuthbert was stabbed with a contact poison during Pythia's Tale -- Chythar and Folds created a wintergreen tea adrenal to save his life. Alden and CD became friends soon after, though shortly after that nearly fatal incident Cuthbert took an LOA. <!-- Remove from relationships page-->
*'''{{n|Collim Kieran}}:''' By this point, the two have served together since they were stationed at Starbase 118. However, they never formally spoke until one shoreleave after he developed his T2/E2 status and began establishing their friendship. The next time they meet, he owes her a stew surprise since she was promised one and he was transferred before he could deliver. <!-- remove from relationships page --><br>
*'''{{n|Benjamin|Livingston}}:''' He wasn't exactly close to Ben during their time together aboard the Excalibur, though fondly remembered their time together on the Starbase. In the aftermath that produced Kali's Scar, Ben in his role as acting captain was the one who presented the awards for Chythar's service aboard the Excalibur.
*'''{{n|Mandany|Rose}}:''' One of two and a half counselors he went through during his time on the Excalibur. <!-- remove from relationships page -->
*'''{{n|Kali|Nicholotti}}:''' They weren't very close, but she promoted him to Lieutenant JG after the Argurtha incident. He knew her well enough to speak a few sentences at her wake following the Kali's Scar incident where she was presumed killed in action.
*'''{{n|Debra|Cross}}:''' Debra Cross and Chythar met during the aftermath of a combat drill. The young doctor was giving her a physical when their eyes met for a moment. They began seriously talking during the wake of Fleet Captain Kali Nicholotti, and the romance was short-lived. The two are friends. Nothing more. <!--remove from relationships
*'''{{n|Vitor|Silveira}}:''' A master of parties, practical jokers, and random non-sequitur. He asked Chythar to help cook for the promotion ceremony in December, which led to Stew Surprise a la fairy, as it was served in a Midsummer Night's Dream with the holographic sprites on. Never again.
'''Full Timeline'''
*239008.09: Assigned to {{USS|Excalibur|A}}.
*'''239012.08''': Received promotion to Lt. JG and several awards bestowed by Fleet Captain [[Nicholotti,_Kali|Kalianna Nicholotti]]  after [[Excalibur Pythia's Tale|Pythia's Tale]].
**Legion of Merit
** Medical Science
**Joint Meritorious Unit
**Gateway Ribbon
**Lifesaver Ribbon
*239012.23: Awarded Genesis Badge bestowed by Fleet Captain [[Nicholotti,_Kali|Kalianna Nicholotti]].
* '''239105.04''': Presented by Lieutenant Commander {{n|Benjamin|Livingston}} following [[Excalibur_Strange_New_Worlds|Strange New Worlds]].
**First Contact
**Explorer's Ribbon
*239103.11: {{n|Azin}} stumbled into Sickbay and requested help, as he couldn't see anything. In a dangerous attempt to save Azin's vision, Skyfire volunteered to participate in a Dokkoran mind meld.
*239103.16: Mind meld with Azin went out of control - T2/E2 status as a side effect and rewrote CD's genetics.
* 239103.20: Discovers he is telepathic and empathic while sedated in a dream sequence.
* 239105.07: Befriends First Lieutenant {{n|Debra|Cross}} and begins romantic relationship.
* 239105.08: Confesses brotherly love towards {{n|Sal|Taybrim}}.
* 239106.14: Receives transfer orders to the {{USS|Garuda}}.
'''Mission Logs'''
* [[Excalibur Pythia's Tale|Pythia's Tale]] (2013 Summer Blockbuster) -- [[Skyfire_Cure|Ensign Skyfire's Report]]
* [[Excalibur Strange New Worlds|Strange New Worlds]]
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Service Jacket: USS Garuda|350|COLOR=Teal}}</h3>
[[File:Galaxyclass2.jpg|thumb|right|USS Garuda]]
* '''Rank''': Lieutenant Junior Grade - Lieutenant
* '''Duty Post''': Chief Medical Officer
**Acting Chief Medical Officer
**Assistant Chief Medical Officer
**Medical Officer
* '''Commanding Officer''':
**Captain {{n|Aron|Kells}} <!--239204.13 - Present-->
**Fleet Captain {{n|Cassandra|Egan Manno}} <!--239106.14 - 239204.13-->
* '''First Officer''':
**Lieutenant Commander {{n|Roshanara|Rahman}}<!--&nbsp;239204.17 --> 
**Lieutenant Commander {{n|Msafiri|Bakari}} <!--&nbsp;239112.10 - 239204.13-->
**Lieutenant Commander {{n|Nia|Calderan}}  <!--&nbsp;239106.14 - 239112.10 -->
* '''Stardates''': 239106.14 - 239206.19
When CD arrived, the first thing he did was go to the bridge. He hadn't the faintest idea what was going on, although it seemed he arrived when they could use him most. He had started preparing inoculations with Ensign Vaala for basic relief efforts. It wasn't long before he was called to the bridge when a tactical console exploded, nearly killing his friend, Ensign Carter Greyson. The ensign was severely injured, and CD reacted with lightning agility. Once the ensign was stable, his attention shifted to Lt. Commander {{n|Alleran|Tan}} who was severely injured when a mine attached itself to his leg. With the help of [[Kotir_Arith|Dr. Kotir]], Skyfire managed to treat the injury and clear the commander for duty. Immediately afterward, he went on an away mission with the captain and several others to retrieve Captain {{n|Quinn|Reynolds}} from the clutches of the escaped first officer {{n|Harrison|Ross}}. The captain was rescued and treated by Chythar, then they took shore leave aboard [[Deep_Space_10|Deep Space Ten]]. During his shore leave, he was presented with the Silver Lifesaving Ribbon for saving the lives of his fellow officers. [[Image:Casualskyfire.jpg|frame|right|Skyfire dressed casually. Excalibur patch and SB118 Ops patches on jacket sleeves.]]
<br />
During shore leave, he was informed the original assistant CMO had been given a leave of absence and was interviewed by both {{n|Nic|Del Vedova}} and Captain {{n|Cassandra|Egan Manno}}. During his [|a conversation with the captain], he was given the position of Assistant Chief Medical Officer. What seemed to him perhaps minutes later, he was called into sickbay to patch up some injuries on Lieutenant Commander {{n|Nia|Calderan}}, who had gotten into a fight with one of the ensigns during their shore leave, received a Klingon love bite to the cheek, bruised a few ribs, and torn a ligament in her knee. After treating her injuries, he headed off to enjoy his leave and scheduled an appointment with Counselor {{n|Raissa|Moonsong}}. He wanted to try getting a handle on his telpathic and empathic abilities without needing to rely too much on the inhibitors he'd been taking.
<br /><br />
Shore leave seemed over too quickly when they were sent after the rogue ship {{USS|Mercury}}. He was called upon by his superior, Acting CMO Lieutenant Commander {{n|Nic|del Vedova}} to head the medical team that went over to the ship. The ''Mercury'' was exploding around them, and all that Skyfire could do was his job. Commander Calderan stood a bit too close to an exploding console, and he had to treat her injuries once again. This time, ribs were bruised, third degree burns were present, and the same knee injured once more. He replicated her a fresh uniform and told her to try staying off the leg before he was called away into a turbolift to save another life -- that of Lieutenant Commander {{n|Alleran|Tan}}. This time, instead of something simple like an injured leg, it was symbiotic rejection. Not too long after the extraction of the Tan symbiont, he was promoted to full Lieutenant and Acting CMO aboard the ''Garuda''. Shortly after his promotion, he met Safine Rael, who then became Safine Tan, as she was the only available candidate for joining with the Tan symbiont. <br><br>He didn't have much of a chance to enjoy what little shore leave he had, because he got one counseling session in with Lieutenant JG {{n|Raissa|Moonsong}} before he was called to [[Deep Space 10]] for a medical emergency involving Lieutenant {{n|Trel'lis}}. As a quarantine alert broke out around the station, he noticed a pattern he'd seen before in relation to his research with the [[Skyfire_Cure|Skyfire Cure]] on Argurtha. With time being of the essence, he made a call to Lt. Commander {{n|Nia|Calderan}} and [ explained his plan] of injecting himself in order to produce the necessary antibodies in order to save the Cardassians. His life hung in the balance of writhing pain and agony, doing a risky thing based on historical research that was done in order to prevent a plague from wiping out the {{ma|Klingon Empire}}. His [[Skyfire,_Chythar/EyeOfTheStorm|mind wandered]] as he fought for his survival. During his near-death experience, he [ came to the realization] that it was a message: get better social skills. <br /><br />Once they returned to the sickbay of the {{USS|Garuda}}, he had just gotten back in himself to meet with a new face on his staff, Ensign {{n|Roslyn|Mo'Phatz}}. He didn't have time to schedule his wrist surgery when they got another patient, Counselor {{n|Raissa|Moonsong}}; a registered E3 whose abilities seem to have evolved due to traumatic stress that Chythar may have helped trigger. Once she left sickbay, CD allowed his wrist to be seen to by Dr. Mo'Phatz and the Bajoran neurologist Ven Demar. Shortly after his corrective surgery, he had a conversation with {{n|Gabrielle|Porchevska}} about risking his life which resulted in a bruise across the jaw and another kiss. The following day, he had another counseling session with Counselor Moonsong and gained a new "big sister" to his adopted family. He also learned basic shielding techniques, and for the first time since his accident with {{n|Azin}} had stable shields around his mind. It was with a heavy heart that he and Dr. Mo'Phatz pulled {{n|Trel'lis}} off duty due to some medical complications, and shortly after that he was decorated with a second Medical Science Ribbon, the Silver Star, and confirmed as the Chief Medical Officer for the ''Garuda''.
<br /><br/>
Not long after the start of their shore leave does he get presented with his new best friend, a puppy named {{n|Devlin}} by one of his staff: Petty Officer {{n|Greywin|Fergus}} and the chief science officer {{n|Alora|DeVeau}}. They chatted for about twenty five minutes, then Alora encouraged Chythar to bring the pup by as she offered him plants. He got plants from her and was invited to some possible game nights. During this shore leave and another conversation with Counselor Moonsong and, with her help, gained basic control of his mental shields.
<br><br>Later on, their leave was interrupted as they went to go survey a cloud of proto-matter which the overall plant life on the ship had been largely altered by some telepathic entity inside the cloud. The doc was tasked to develop a weaponized herbicide, though it never actually got used. He instead spent most of the time treating the wounded who were brought in. Hard though it may be to believe, he never left sickbay during the crisis until he was called to do a follow-up check on Lt. DeVeau once the crisis had passed. During the award ceremony that followed, he was then was rewarded with the Innovation and Explorer ribbons. After the awards ceremony, he had his first and only date with Chief {{n|Chase|Valaine}}.
When they left on their [[Prometheus_Incident/Garuda|next mission]], Chythar was asked to be part off an away team that would be attempting to sound out popular opinion of the Paplaxian's <!-- I'll fix the spelling when I find the species again. --> desire to travel back to their own time while being the first to conduct any form of bioscans on them. Naturally, the scientist within CD was intrigued by the opportunity resented itself, though unfortunately they beamed down into a fracture of time that seemed to place them ten thousand years in the past. Same place, more or less. He and his team, which consisted of Lt. Commander {{n|Msafiri|Bakari}}, Ensign {{n|Ryan|King}}, and {{n|Andrew|Davenport}} were taken prisoner and permitted to stay as guests. Due to some ingenuous contraption Davenport carried on his person, they rigged a universal translator out of a tricorder while Chythar attempted to communicate using Klingon. <br><br>
A week passed before they were granted an audience with the queen, and during their conference with her a strange thing occurs which causes fire to fall from the sky, thus the unfortunate naming coincidence "Skyfire". They are brought into a room with "relics" after much discussion, and Chythar recognizes the bodies of three of his colleagues from a few thousand years ago.<br><br>The remains are examined, Chythar comes to the horrible and shocking revelation that the corpses were those of {{n|Ki|Shandres}}, {{n|Tristam|Core}} and {{n|Saveron}}. All three of which CD recognized without needing to open his tricorder. He did open said tricorder and confirm the identities of the victims, then was led to the infirmary after a discussion with the queen regarding his injured comrades. Lt. Commanders {{n|Msafiri|Bakari|}} and {{n|Valen Carys}} were both unconscious and Bakari injured. CD did his best to treat the wounds before tending to Yeoman Lynch, whom he didn't recognize as being one of his crew. A flash of light later, and he was beamed back to the bridge along with his colleagues. Within hours, he returned to sickbay to treat the critically wounded. Shortly after his return, he begins treating Lt. Commander Core and has to fight the impulse to say "You're looking pretty good for a 10,030 year old dead guy." Shore leave gives him a few opportunities to make friends, have his report turned inside out by the Department of Temporal Investigations, and a chance to get a few tests run on his interesting genetic quirks. The suggestion first made by Captain {{n|Cassandra|Egan Manno}} is that his abilities have somewhat evolved due to the slips through time. During the end of their leave, he is decorated with another four ribbons.
[[Image:Romulan_Skyfire.png|175px|right|Assumes identity of Dr. So'lon, a humble physician]]
His most recent mission was an interesting one that began with covert investigation into the [[Va Wreth]] species aboard [[Astrofori One]]. He was assigned to a team with Lt. Commander {{n|Evan|Delano}} and Lieutenant {{n|Raissa|Moonsong}}, in which they had to disguise themselves as Romulans in order to meet with the [[Tholian|Tholians]] to get information. Day one also consisted of some sort of reaction to her loss of the Community representatives, thus making her lash out in anger to find the others of Captain {{n|Aron|Kells}}'s team: Kells, {{n|Saveron}}, and Ens. {{n|Ryan|King}}. Day two consisted of CD being temporarily given command of the {{USS|Garuda}} to go and investigate a colony that was along the path of the [[Va Wreth]], and his team consisted of Counselor {{n|Raissa|Moonsong}} and Professor {{n|Ian|Dunross}}. He was also on his neural inhibitor, because his abilities had once again been triggered by something strange that he couldn't explain since Raissa's encounter with the [[Community]]. Despite his reluctance to go back on it, he felt it was necessary to prevent becoming incapacitated. He manages to diplomatically ask the Va Wreth and Taredge delegates for updates on their status, discover the one-off freak of nature ice storm that has crippled the colony, and return to the station just in time to find out about a transfer to the {{USS|Invicta}}.
<br />'''Notable Relationships:'''
*'''{{n|Cassandra|Egan Manno}}:''' See {{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Relationships}}.
*'''{{n|Gabrielle|Porchevska}}:''' See {{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Relationships}}.
*'''{{n|Nic|Del Vedova}}:''' When Chythar arrived on the Garuda, imagine how strange for him it must've been not to see anyone who was the acting chief medical officer. He didn't know whom he was writing reports to, just addressed them all to CMO. Sure enough, they landed on Del Vedova's desk and the two met during their shore leave. At first, Nic attempted to offer Skyfire the job of assistant chief. CD didn't give an immediate answer.
*'''{{n|Devlin}}:''' See {{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Relationships}}.
*'''{{n|Carter|Greyson}}:''' Carter and Chythar started as room mates aboard their new posting, USS Garuda. CD saved Carter's life after a console exploded on the bridge. The two are now best friends due to this one action. During their second shore leave, CD's promotion to lieutenant caused a swapping of quarters, where the doctor left for his own room. Before that happened, Carter told CD that he was starting to experience feelings for him that may've just been misplaced gratitude. CD explained he was just looking for friends, not relationships.
*'''{{n|Saveron}}:''' See {{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Relationships}}.
*'''{{n|Raissa|Moonsong}}:''' See {{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Relationships}}.
*'''{{n|Alora|DeVeau}}:''' See {{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Relationships}}.
*'''{{n|Tristam|Core}}:''' Chythar and Tristam have only talked a few times, and usually because Tristam had wound up in sickbay. First was the extraction of shrapnel from the man's leg when CD first boarded, then later after CD swore that Core died some ten thousand years ago in the First Kingdom of Peppelaxia. A transporter malfunction when they got pulled back caused the duplicate Tristam that Chythar saw.
*'''{{n|Chase|Valaine}}:''' See {{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Relationships}}.
*'''{{n|Nia|Calderan}}:''' When Chythar and Nia met, she was a lieutenant commander and had a habit every mission of losing at least one piece of clothing or otherwise wind up in sickbay with CD needing to extract her from said clothing in order to tend to injuries sustained in the line of duty. She made for some very nice eye candy, though with her engagement to {{n|Eerie}} he never made a pass.
*'''{{n|Evan|Delano}}:''' They didn't work together very often, or very closely. Skyfire interviewed and performed a physical on a passenger named {{n|Andrew|Davenport}}, then passed the results on to Evan and {{n|Cassandra|Egan Manno}}. Otherwise they didn't talk much.
*'''{{n|Greywin|Fergus}}:''' This man originally transferred because he wanted to pursue a MD under the tutelage of Dr. Skyfire. He was also responsible for bringing Chythar and Devlin together.
'''Full Timeline'''
*239106.14: Receives transfer orders to the {{USS|Garuda}} as a medical officer.
*239108.14: Receives promotion to Assistant Chief Medical Officer by Captain {{n|Cassandra|Egan Manno}}.
**Ended romance with Debra due to betrayal letter he received via subspace.
**Decorated with ribbons:
***Silver Lifesaving Ribbon
***Diplomacy Ribbon
**Performed first symbiont extraction on the Trill {{n|Alleran|Tan}}.
**Friendship begins to form before Alleran is put into stasis.
**Promoted to Lieutenant by Captain {{n|Cassandra|Egan Manno}}.
**Promoted to Acting Chief Medical Officer.
*239109.30: {{n|Raissa|Moonsong}} begins to work with him on gaining control of his abilities.
*239110.09: Received Captain's Commendation from Captain {{n|Cassandra|Egan Manno}}.
**Makes a positive step in gaining control with beginning level shielding during his session with Counselor {{n|Raissa|Moonsong}}.
**Performs successful symbiont transplant surgery to Safine Raal, now Safine Tan.
*'''239110.17 - 239110.23:''' Undertook dangerous medical experiment due to a pattern he saw with the Romulan-based virus on Argurtha; performed under DSX medical supervision. See {{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Medical History}}.
*239111.23: Full corrective surgery left wrist.
*239111.27: Gains basic shielding, courtesy of Counselor {{n|Raissa|Moonsong}}.
**Decorated with ribbons presented by Lt. Commander {{n|Nia|Calderan}}.
***Medical Science Ribbon (2nd citation)
***Silver Star
***Confirmed as Chief Medical Officer, also by Lt. Commander {{n|Nia|Calderan}}.
*239112.06: Adopts {{n|Devlin}} as a pet, courtesy of {{n|Greywin|Fergus}}.
*239112.19: Awarded Neelix Award by Captain {{n|Cassandra|Egan Manno}}.
*239201.01: Received 1 year length of service award.
*239201.25: First and only date with Chief {{n|Chase|Valaine}}.
*'''239201.28:''' Decorated with ribbons presented by Captain {{n|Cassandra|Egan Manno}}.
**Innovation Ribbon
**Explorer's Ribbon (2nd citation)
*'''239204.13:''' Decorated with ribbons presented by Fleet Captain {{n|Cassandra|Egan Manno}}.
**Diplomacy Ribbon (2nd citation)
**Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon
**Prometheus Incident Ribbon
**First Contact Ribbon (2nd citation)
*239206.19: Transferred to the {{USS|Invicta}}.
'''Mission Logs:'''
*[[Rescue_Mission_and_Unexpected_Surprise_(Garuda)|Rescue Mission and Unexpected Surprise]]
*[[The_Ghost_Ship_of_Shadows_(Garuda)|The Ghost Ship of Shadows]]
*[[Ghost Ship (Garuda)|Saving Old Friends]]
*[[Little_Ship_Of_Horrors_(Garuda)|Little Ship of Horrors]]
*[[Prometheus_Incident/Garuda|A Very Strange Signal]]
*[[Demons Past (Garuda)|Demons Past]]
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Service Jacket: USS Invicta|350|COLOR=Teal}}</h3>
[[Image:Cardiff_new_5.jpg|thumb|right|USS|USS Invicta]]
*'''Rank:''' Lieutenant-Lieutenant Commander
*'''Duty Post:''' Chief Medical Officer
*'''Commanding Officer:''' Captain {{n|Aron|Kells}}
*'''First Officer:''' Lieutenant Commander  {{n|Roshanara|Rahman}}
*'''Stardates:''' 239206.19 - 239207.19
After spending nearly a year on the {{USS|Garuda}}, he was ordered, along with the rest of the crew, to transfer over to the {{USS|Invicta}}, a ship dedicated to science and diplomacy in the Menthar Corridor. He wasn’t overly fond of the idea, as he hates transfers. Shortly after they had transferred, their security chief {{n|Evan|Delano}} had performed a mind-meld with {{n|Harrison|Ross}}. Both men wound up in sickbay and in comas, with Evan developing {{ma|Pan’ar Syndrome}} as a result. CD also had a nice [[SIM:Skyfire Genetic Variation|chat]] with {{n|Saveron}} and {{n|Raissa|Moonsong}} regarding his own abilities, gaining temporary shielding and adapting them to his needs in addition to finding out what changes in his genetics had been triggered by Ris’ telepathic contact to the away team during his last mission. It wasn’t long after that in which he found himself in the ready room of Captain {{n|Aron|Kells}} and received a promotion to Lieutenant Commander. During that conversation, he also explained how he became telepathic in an effort to get better acquainted with the man, who expressed an interest in learning about the crew he didn’t know or couldn’t remember. Re-evaluation of his telepathic and empathic abilities reveals a new rating of T4/E6, courtesy of a test administered by {{n|Saveron}}. Somehow in between the test administration and the launch, Chythar paid a visit to Lieutenant {{n|Alora|DeVeau}} and somehow found himself back in First Kingdom Peppelaxia to chat with the queen who seemed ready to give birth. Once he returned to the present time, Alora offered to run a few tests and took a sample of his blood. Just before they embark on the maiden voyage of the {{USS|Invicta}}, the crew watched as Fleet Captain {{n|Cassandra|Egan Manno}} presented the awards from the last mission. <br><br>His time on the ''Invicta'' was short-lived, as a Q-being arrives on the bridge just as he gets another transfer order, this time to the {{USS|Columbia}}.<br>
'''Notable Relationships:'''
*'''{{n|Aron|Kells}}:''' Kells had no memory of Chythar as they'd never served together before, and in a conversation with CD had learned about the fact that he was telepathic/empathic while promoting him at the same time.
*'''{{n|Nic|Del Vedova}}:''' After Nic received a promotion, he gets in contact with Chythar to interview him about induced telepathy. Unfortunately, Chythar gets a transfer to the Columbia before the interview can be scheduled.
*'''{{n|Carter|Greyson}}:''' The shoreleave following the transfer to the Invicta, Carter went to go see Chythar at first about Ris and asked him to explain why she was dodging his calls. Medically, CD couldn't say anything so advised him to relax and give her time. Then he went to go consult Chythar on a professional matter -- more specifically to check him out for nerve damage after telepathic contact with her. Fortunately, no harm was done during the meld.
*'''{{n|Greywin|Fergus}}:''' CD promoted him to head nurse in light of Lara Knight's departure, as she took an internship at Astrofori One.
*'''{{n|Raissa|Moonsong}}:''' See {{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Relationships}}.
*'''{{n|Quinn|Reynolds}}:''' Skyfire started to talk to her on a deeper level after diagnosing {{n|Harrison|Ross}} with possible amnesia when he wakes up from the coma, mostly about his telepathic and empathic abilities. The beginnings of a friendship start to form, though at the time it was presumed both would be aboard for a lot longer than they were.
*'''{{n|Evan|Delano}}:''' Diagnosed with Pan'ar Syndrome following a mind meld with the above-mentioned Ross while he was in custody.
*'''{{n|Alora|DeVeau}}:''' See {{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Relationships}}.
'''Full Timeline'''
*239206.19: Transferred to the {{USS|Invicta}}.
*239206.23: Gains temporary mental shields via Saveron following a discussion on his abilities.
*239206.27: Receives promotion to Lt. Commander by Captain Aron Kells.
*239206.30: Declared Summer Graphic Contest Runner-up.
*239207.01: Test results return a updated telepathic/empathic rating of T4/E6.
*'''239207.13:''' Decorated with ribbons presented by Fleet Captain Cassandra Egan Manno.
**Peacekeeper Service Ribbon
**Diplomacy Ribbon (3rd citation)
**Excellence in Training Ribbon
**Department Chief Ribbon
*239207.19: Transfers to the {{USS|Columbia}}.
'''Mission Logs'''
*Shakedown Cruise <!--Placeholder-->
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Service Jacket: USS Columbia|350|COLOR=Teal}}</h3>
[[Image:Columbiawiki.jpg|thumb|right|USS Columbia]]
*'''Rank:''' Lieutenant Commander
*'''Duty Post:''' Medical Officer
*'''Commanding Officer:'''
**Commander {{n|Brek}}
**Captain {{n|Benjamin|Livingston}}
*'''First Officer:'''
**Lieutenant Commander {{n|Rendal|Rennyn}}
**Lieutenant Commander {{n|Brek}}
*'''Stardates:''' 239207.19 - Present
After a brief stop at Starbase 118, Skyfire had a brief reunion with his adopted brother, Lt. Commander {{n|Sal|Taybrim}}. After an evening of pizza and windsurfing, he headed over to the {{USS|Columbia}} with {{n|Devlin}} to get settled in. Once aboard, he met Captain {{n|Nugra}} and Counselor {{n|Talia|Kaji}} on the way to check in. Once at the XO's office was reunited with his old friends Lt. Commander {{n|Brek}} and his mentor Lieutenant {{n|Johanna|MacLaren}}. Brek had mentioned two colleagues who were both residing in sickbay: Captain {{n|Benjamin|Livingston}} and Lt. Commander {{n|Vitor|Silveira}}, both of whom CD had previously served with aboard Ops and the ''Excalibur''. While attending his first party aboard the ''Columbia'', Brek received command of the ship and was promoted to the rank of Commander. CD recognized only one more face from the ''Excalibur'''s former crew, that of his friend and mentor {{n|Johanna|MacLaren}}. During the same party, he ran into some of his students from the academy: {{n|Antero|Flynn}} and {{n|Mirra|Ezo}}. During this shore leave, he also met with Counselor {{n|Talia|Kaji}} for the first time, and tried not to begin another streak of breaking counselors. <br><br>His first mission aboard the ''Columbia'' met with some interesting challenges, most specifically the first serious use of his telepathy. Despite the practice he'd received on the ''Garuda'' and ''Invicta'', it was not enough to prepare him for this.
'''Notable Relationships'''
*'''{{n|Brek}}:''' An old friend of Chythar's from the {{USS|Excalibur|A}}, and the first he recognizes from the old crew.
*'''{{n|Johanna|MacLaren}}''': See {{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Relationships}}.
*'''{{n|Tyler|Kelly}}:''' A friend whom Chythar met through the ”Idea and Knowledge Exchange for Starfleet Officers” program, which hooked them up as pen pals.
'''Full Timeline'''
*239207.19: Transfers to the {{USS|Columbia}}.
*239208.12: First meeting with {{n|Talia|Kaji}}.
<br>'''Mission History on {{USS|Columbia}}'''
*[[Force of Nature (Columbia)|Force of Nature]]
[[Category:Chythar Skyfire]]

Latest revision as of 06:28, 5 July 2024

Crew of the USS Astraeus

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Lieutenant Commander Chythar Skyfire, MD

Career Overview

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Civilian 238007.06 - 238402.05 University of Washington Medical Student
Cadet 2385 - 2387 Starfleet Academy
Major: Xenobiology
Cadet 1st 239002.10 - 239002.17 USS Centris-A
Cadet Cruise
Science Officer
Ensign 239002.17 - 239008.09 Starbase 118 Ops
Medical Officer
239008.09 - 239012.08 USS Excalibur-A
Lieutenant Junior Grade 239012.08 - 239106.14
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239106.14 - 239108.14 USS Garuda
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239108.14 - 239109.29 Assistant Chief Medical Officer
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Lieutenant 239109.29 - 239112.05 Acting Chief Medical Officer
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239112.05 - 239206.19 Chief Medical Officer
239206.19 - 239206.27 USS Invicta
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Lieutenant Commander 239206.27 - 239207.19
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239207.19 - 239209.03 USS Columbia
Medical Officer
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239209.03 - 239209.22 USS Gorkon
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239209.22 - 239304.09 First Officer
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239304.09 - 239308.03 Mission Specialist
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239308.03 - 239404.11 Chief Medical Officer
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Lieutenant 239404.11 - 239404.16
STO Lieutenant Teal.jpg
239404.16 - 239407.06 USS Za
Medical Officer
239407.06 - 239501.02 USS Veritas
239501.02 - 239506.12 Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Commander 239506.12 - 239510.31
239510.31 - 239603.05 USS Montreal
Civilian 239603.05 - 239606.11 Raktajino Coffee Shop, Earth Barista
(Leave of Absence)
239606.11 - 239701.07 USS Astraeus
Brew Continuum Franchise Owner
239701.07 - 239710.26 USS Veritas
Brew Continuum Barista
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239710.26 - 239712.26 Raktajino Coffee Shop, Earth Barista Abroad
(Leave of Absence)
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Lieutenant Commander 239712.26 - 239911.27 USS Chin'toka
USS Chin'toka-logo.png
Medical Officer & Barista
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239911.27 - 239909.25 USS Astraeus
USS Astraeus-logo.png
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239909.25 - 240105.29 Shemesh Colony Chief Medical Officer & Barista
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240105.29 - Present USS Astraeus
USS Astraeus-logo.png
Medical Researcher

Awards & Accolades

See Full Article: Awards & Accolades

Previous Service

See full article: Timeline

Current Assignment

See full article: Timeline