Danny Wilde (alternate)

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Deep Space 17
Danny Wilde
Position Commanding Officer
Rank Commander
Species Human
Gender Male
Birthplace London, England, Earth
Writer ID C237708DW0

Danny Wilde (Alternate)

Commander Danny Wilde was the Alternate Universe counterpart of Lt.Commander Danny Wilde. In this alternate reality of our Prime Universe, The Gorn succeeded in their invasion of the Ithassa Region in 2383 with the First Battle of Eratis, and the Federation suffered heavy losses in the sector. In this dimension Danny was the bitter and fallen-from-grace Commanding Officer of a crippled and almost-abandoned DS17. He died in 2385 after escaping to France with Idril Mar on her wedding night, before sacrificing himself for his lost love.


  • Full Name: Danny Wilde
  • Race: Human
  • Rank: Commander
  • Date of Birth: 235908.04
  • Place of Birth: Kensington, London, Earth
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic Status: 0
  • Current Status: Deceased (Suicide)
  • Date of Death: 238506.08
  • Place of Death: Calais, France


  • Height: 6' 2"
  • Wight: 120 lbs
  • Hair Colour: Light Brown
  • Eye Colour: Blue
  • Scars/Distinguishing Marks: Same as Prime Danny Wilde
  • Accent: English R.P
  • Handedness: Left

Personal History

Everything in this Danny's life equals the Prime Danny's life until the point a few months into his recruitment at Starfleet Intelligence. Unbeknownst to either version of Danny, Idril Mar and Ensign Ben Walker stole a shuttle from the USS Independence to track him down. In the Prime Universe the shuttle was attacked and the occupants rescued by the AI driven prototype Achilles Class USS Achilles. In the Alternate Universe, Achilles never came, and Idril died. Afterwards Danny threw himself into his Intelligence work and became bitter and withdrawn, staging a timely takeover of command of DS17 when all the senior officers were killed in action during the First Battle of Eratis. Since Idril was dead, she couldn't sacrifice the USS Independence by warp-ramming it into the Gorn flagship, the Emperor's Fang. Danny commissioned his engineers to build a Transphasic Rift machine which would allow him to transport weapons, medicine and supplies from the Prime Universe. The Gorn were planning a second attack on DS17 and he needed the station to be battle ready before the invasion. He succeeded in stealing equipment, then began abducting engineers to help repair the station. He finally stopped the experiment after hearing his lost love's voice in a communique across dimensions. It was unclear whether or not DS17 survived the oncoming Gorn fleet's attack. It was later learned in 2385 that he destroyed the station himself with most hands on board - Starfleet and Gorn alike.

Relationship with Lieutenant Ben Walker Danny blamed Ben Walker wholeheartedly for the death of Idril, and Ben himself became withdrawn and feeble as a result of seeing his superior officer die. Commander Wilde would often belittle and torment the Lieutenant as a means of personal punishment. He had a rapport with Lt.Commander Walker from the alternate universe, but found it more amusing to think of his own Ben Walker like he is. It is revealed later that Commander Wilde had given Lt. Walker specific orders, and purposely transported him to the parallel universe to gather information on Idril Mar.

Relationship with Jackford Kolk Jack was Ethan's second in command of engineering - and as such - second in command of the Transphasic Rift project. When Ethan died under mysterious circumstances, Danny blamed Jack for murder. However, due to a shortage of supplies and manpower Danny couldn't imprison him. Instead Jack rose the rank to Chief Engineer and Chief of Project but the hatred between the two men erupted when Jack took credit for the Rift machine himself. Danny threatened to beat him, and refuse to promote him when he questioned Danny's orders regarding sending Ben to the parallel universe. Jack escaped the stations brig and transported himself to the opposite universe where he still resides, in stasis after attacking Lt.Commander Wilde of that universe.

"Evil" Jack Kolk in 2385 Evil Kolk was released from his Stasis prison on DS17 by Commander Danny Wilde sometime prior to 2385. Together they formed a plan to capture Idril Mar and make a getaway using the Boridium Reactor device designed by Kolk. It is later revealed that Jackford the Swine planned to double cross his former Commander and kill him.

Relationship with Ethan Brice As usual, Ethan was Danny's best friend, and it is implied that he helped the Commander come to terms with Idril's death. He trusted Ethan specifically with the details of the Transphasic Rift Device and was shocked and saddened to hear of his death. He blamed Jack Kolk thoroughly and sought his revenge accordingly. He met his long dead friend in our universe after kidnapping Idril Mar and Danny Wilde, and posing as the latter as Chief Tactical Officer of the Ronin. He regrets Ethan having died and wishes him to join his forces, allowing him to escape before being confronted by Commander Walker.

Relationship with Jhen Thelev Jhen was a new recruit to DS17 at the time of the initial Gorn Invasion, and was posted as a security member during the attack. He alerted Commander Wilde of Jack Kolks' scheme to flee the station and made an attempt to stop him. It was later confirmed that during the Battle for Eratis, Jhen was promoted to Danny's Chief of Security, but was left on the station was Wilde made his escape after setting the destruct sequence. Alternate Jhen made a reappearance in 2385 in our universe after being brought there by the Evil Kolk. Unbeknownst to either Danny or Jack, Jhen was in fact still loyal to his Commander, despite several injuries from the Gorn. After Danny sacrificed himself for Idril, Jhen vapourised them both by overloading his phaser rifle. He saluted his former CO before the blast in a touching tribute.

2385 Idril and Danny married in London in 2385 and honeymooned at The Inn on the Moors hotel outside Whitby. On their first night Idril was abducted and the senior staff were called to investigate. It turned out Commander Wilde from the Alternate Universe had taken her, posing as his Prime counterpart. He explains that he's been spying on Idril ever since their initial meeting the previous year and the news of her wedding sent him into action. Since he destroyed DS17 in his universe - will most of the hands onboard as well as Gorn invaders, he's fallen from grace with Starfleet, and been disowned by Starfleet Intelligence. It is clear that since he's abducted Idril his state of mind is not all that it was and he's intent on living as her husband himself. His England base is an ancient WW2 bunker converted with an underground monorail to his French base of Calais. He planned to resign from Starfleet and take his wife to start a family, but his plans were halted by the treachery of Evil Jack Kolk, who poisoned Idril and attacked Danny. It is then revealed that Alternate Jhen Thelev is in our universe, apparently working with Evil Kolk.

Death in France Cornered and attacked by Evil Kolk in France, Danny was about to meet death at the hands of his former CoS - Jhen Thelev. Little did he know that the Andorian was still loyal to him, and allowed Evil Jack to escape. After Idril was injected with a neurolytic poison, Danny sacrificed his own health for his lost love by giving up all of his regenerative nanoprobes - leaving his body to be ravaged by ACD once again. Sparing him the agonizing death, Jhen overloaded his phaser rifle - vapourising them both.

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