Apollo-A Deck Layout/Apollo-A Security

Apollo-A Security


Security on the USS Apollo-A is split into sub-departments and each has a Security Team Leader who in turn answers to the Chief of Security. All security officers and enlisted are capable of fulfilling any security role and can be retasked as needed.

Armed Protection (AP)

Security officers and enlisted within this sub-department are considered the ‘face’ of the Division and the people the general public and other members of Starfleet are most likely to interact with. They are usually the first ones on the scene and usually handle the preliminary work for all incidents on the Ship or Federation Facility. Some duties listed below.

Guarding Vital Areas:

  • One of the primary duties of the Security department on board a starship or starbase is safeguarding vital areas that may be vulnerable to theft or sabotage, or that might draw intruders. Such areas include the bridge, main engineering, the central computer core, cargo bays containing valuable goods, the shuttlebays, and the brig. When the ship or station is not on alert, guards are routinely posted at security stations on all decks, able to monitor the security scanners and respond quickly if there is a need.
  • For a yellow alert, security personnel are placed on guard at vital points throughout the ship. They may be given special orders regarding access to those facilities (such as allowing no one but the Captain and First Officer access). The security guards allow access to authorized crew members unless ordered otherwise. The Captain, First Officer, or Security Chief can also give certain crewmembers access privileges, as needed.
  • Under red alert, security guards are posted on all decks, as well as vital areas of the ship. If an intruder alert is sounded, security personnel guard all turbolifts and airlocks, and begin sweeping the ship for signs of intruders. Information is relayed back to the main computer and the Security Chief.
  • Standard procedure calls for at least one security guard on duty in the transporter room when unknown or potentially dangerous individuals transport on board. The transporter chief can hold such individuals in stasis in the pattern buffer if necessary to await the arrival of security. Transporter scanners automatically detect any dangerous weapons or other devices and can render them inoperative before the subject rematerializes, making security's job easier.

Guarding the Captain:

  • One of the prime duties of Security is safeguarding the commanding officer of a starship or station. The captain is considered a vital element of the ship and treated accordingly. The captain should have a security escort at all times in red alert situations, and when beaming down into any situation that might become dangerous. The Security Chief and/or Operations Officer helps to safeguard the captain while on the bridge, but additional security personnel should be present if trouble is expected.
  • Part of safeguarding the captain involves performing security sweeps of areas before the captain enters or beams into them. Security personnel check for any potential hazards and ensure they are within reasonable limits before the captain arrives. The captain can, of course, override standard security procedures in these matters, but it is not recommended.

Away Team Duties:

  • While all Starfleet personnel on Away Missions are expected to remain alert, it is the security officer's duty to look out for potential threats to the Away Team. This includes the use of tricorder scans for hazards (both natural and artificial) and "reading" the reactions of any life-forms the crew may encounter. The security officer should make recommendations to the commanding officer of the Away Team with regards to appropriate security precautions.

Brig Duties:

  • Charge over those who are in the brig. Since the Apollo-A does not have a permanent prison all prisoners are temporary and are either being housed awaiting trial, having been convicted and awaiting transport to the location where they will serve out their sentence, or for their own and the public’s protection (aka the drunk tank).

Armoury Duties:

  • Check on all weapon lockers and rapid deployment weapon panels on each deck.
  • Check crew members for unauthorised weapons.
  • Assist Engineering with Alien Weapons and house them safely in the Armoury

Patrol Duties:

  • Patrol teams are normally made up of two officers armed with side arms, who will walk around the deck they are assigned to. They will be based out of the deck station at the normal alert status one pair will be roaming as the alerts go up more teams will be added as needed.

Criminal Investigations

The Criminal Investigations sub-department deals with more serious crimes for further investigation and handling with federation jurisdiction.

Type of crimes:

  • Homicide - cases involving a dead person
  • Vice - Drugs and gambling
  • Fraud - Both the act and any crimes resulting from fraud
  • Burglary/Larceny
  • Assault/Battery
  • Other crimes that require a great deal of investigation work
  • Smuggling
  • Trafficking


The lifeblood of the division, Administration are the personnel that ensure that everything is running smoothly within Security.

Some tasks Admin handles are:

  • Scheduling
  • Intake
  • Dispatch
  • Clerical work
  • Human resources
  • Liaising between both security departments and other divisions on the ship.

Internal Affairs

Internal Affairs is concerned solely with all possible lawbreaking and professional misconduct of the Starfleet personnel of the ship and facilities. Their duty is to investigate reported issues and to provide a recommended outcome based upon the results of their investigation to the Chief of Security and Commanding Officer of the Ship or Facility. Their recommendation is almost always followed.

While its members technically report to the Chief of Security, they are able and authorized to go higher to the Second Officer, First Officer, Commanding Officer or the upper echelons of Starfleet Command itself if the circumstances of an investigation call for it.

List Of Active Personal (PC, PNPC & NPC)
Apollo-A Security Crew Manifest
Insignia Rank/Title Portrait Character Name Duty Post
Lieutenant JG Avatar:
Chief of Security
Lieutenant JG Avatar: Scott Foley​
Daniel Cain
Security Officer
Apollo-A Security Staff NPC Roster
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Species and Gender Current Post Posted By
Security Rooms

Chief of Security Office

The Chief of Security's office has a small Tactical Display mounted on the wall to the right of the desk, to the left of the desk is a door which takes the Chief to a small corridor which links with the the other Sub-Department Head Offices and is the main entrance to the CoS Office, at the left of the office is a glass door which bears the logo of Starfleet and the Registry Number of the USS Apollo-A, this leads on to the Security Briefing Room/Security Center.

Security Center

The Security Center is always manned by members of security. The second turbolift to Deck 2 is right outside the office allowing easy access to it in an emergency.


The armoury is located in a restricted area on deck 2 next to the security centre and is under constant guard. The room is sealed with multi-phasic shielding and can only be accessed by personnel with Beta One security clearance (usually the senior staff). For those needing access to the armoury, the Chief of Security reserves the privilege of permitting limited access to an unspecified section of the ship to any person whose functions, in the eyes of the CoS, require it. Inside the armoury is a work area for maintenance and repair of weapons as well as multiple sealed weapon lockers. Additionally, there are 100 weapon lockers located around the ship, built into the bulkheads, that require a level 1 clearance code.

  • The Odyssey-class carries enough Type-II phasers to arm the entire crew as well as enough Type-III phaser rifles and the new compression phaser rifles to arm approximately two-thirds of the crew.

The heavy ordinance is available in limited numbers and can only be used by those trained and authorized to use them:

  • Type-II Compression Hand Phaser (Aquila): 50
    • An updated model of the standard Type -II that was used throughout the early 24th Century, the Type-II Compression Hand Phaser (Aquila) pattern was designed for use by the Federation Marine Corps, Starfleet Hazard teams, and for more robust away missions. Along with these design improvements the Starfleet Corps of Engineers simplified the power scale and restructured the emitter to fire phaser pulses instead of a concentrated phaser beam.
    • Phased pulse Intensity Settings: 1, 3, 7, 9 & 12
  • TR-116 Projectile Rifle: 10
  • Integrated Search and Rescue Armour System: 50
    • Integrated Search and Rescue Armour System (ISARAS) is a modular armoured vest system based on the Crye and CIRAS systems of 21st century Earth, designed specifically for the varied duty requirements of the SAR Team. The vest itself provides moderate protection from physical injury.

The ISARAS can be fitted with numerous pouches and clips and customized to the individual wearer and their role on the SAR Team. For example, an engineer may have -- in addition to the phaser holster standard on all configurations -- a tricorder pouch and various tool and equipment pouches/clips, while a medical officer would carry advanced medkits, hyposprays, etc. A marine participant may have the majority of their ISARAS dedicated to carrying weaponry and explosives, depending on the role the individual has been asked to fill.

  • Combat Tricorder: 20
    • Combat Tricorder is a specialized tricorder carried by Starfleet Security. Along with its basic tricorder functions, the combat tricorder is programmed with strategic and tactical information and EMF countermeasures. The combat tricorder links with the ballistic helmet for combat operations.

Security Deck Station

Each deck station is a small office with a weapon locker and no doors, for rapid deployment. The room can hold about 10 officers if needed.

Security Offices 1-4

Two of the security offices are dedicated to AP, one for CI and one shared with Admin and IA.

Brig 1-2

The Main Brig is the larger of two on an Odyssey-class ship, this one has 7 standard sized cells all spartan in furnishings and a small area at the rear where the waste reclimators take away the waste and change it into useful energy and replicator nutrients. At the front of the "Cell Block" is a guard duty station for the Brig Officer and any Security personnel given duty.

Security Training Area

The small training facilities on Deck 9 are comprised of a small gym, a matted room and a holo firing range.

Interrogation Rooms

Types of Lockers & Loctions

Weapons Locker

There are 100 weapon lockers located around the ship, built into the bulkheads, that require a level 1 clearance code.

Heavy Weapons Storage

Other Department Related Stuff

Department Logs


