Fracking Reality (Embassy of Duronis II)

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Things are not as they appear on a shakedown cruise of the new USS Thor.

Plot Summary

Part 1

Most of the senior staff, excited and relaxed from a previous day at the spa, have taken the Thor into the Thypon Expanse as part of testing its new TSD. As they are leaving the Expanse the Admiral calls a break for lunch, and the crew breaks into various groups to socialize. Riding the turbolift has, inexplicably, seemingly taken the crew far and wide.

Team Pirate
Della Vetri, T'Lea, Hannibal Parker, and Kamela Allison found themselves in the middle of a primitive, pirate themed, bar brawl. Fighting their way out of the brawl to the nearby docks they found their way to a wooden sailing vessel, bearing the name 'Thor'.
Team Risa
Irina Pavlova, Boris Hendon, Hunter Caminos, and Oddas Aria have found themselves on a beach resort on the beautiful planet of Risa. Some of them seem to be suffering from some memory changes, remembering a trip to Risa and content with being on Risa.
Team Forrest
Toni Turner, Tyr Waltas, Rode Mitchell, and J.T. Aadi have been located in the middle of a primitive forest, so far with no sign of civilization anywhere around them.