Carter Greyson/Professional History
Crew of the USS Astraeus | |||||||||||||||||||||
Lt Commander Carter Greyson | |||||||||||||||||||||
Current Assignment: USS Syracuse
See Full Article -- Aboard the Invicta and Syracuse
Career Overview & Service Ribbons
Full Service Record | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Service Ribbons | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Previous Service
Early Life & Career
- Supplementary Data File: Personal Record from SD 283707.06 to SD 239106.14
Aboard the USS Garuda
- Supplementary Data File: Personal Record from SD 239106.14 to SD 239206.19
Aboard the USS Invicta and USS Columbia
- Supplementary Data File: Personnel Record from SD 239206.19 to 239209.03
Aboard Starbase 118 Ops
- Supplementary Data File: Personal Record from SD 239206.19 to 239309.01
Aboard the USS Invicta & USS Syracuse
- Supplementary Data File: Personal Record from SD 239309.01 to Present