

Introduction to StarFleet information. Give a general summary of the career in StarFleet.

Previous Assignments

Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Cadet, 4th Class 238402.05 - 238902.17 Starfleet Academy, San Francisco (Earth) Student
Major: [[

Skyfire, Chythar/Science Degree

  Cadet, 3rd Class
  Cadet, 2nd Class
  Cadet, 1st Class
  Ensign 238902.17 - 239008.09 StarBase 118 Ops Medical Officer
  239008.09 - 239012.08 USS Excalibur-A
  Lieutenant Junior Grade 239012.08 - Present

Starbase 118 Ops

  • Rank: Ensign
  • Duty Post: Medical Officer
  • Commanding Officer: Captain Kali Nicholotti
  • Stardates: 238902.17 - 239008.09

His arrival onto Starbase 118 happened just in time for them to leave on the Odyssey mission. He managed to survive his first mission with his mind relatively intact, and afterward had himself a drink with Commander Benjamin Walker and Marine Captain Joseph Dubeau to discuss a game of poker. He passed out hardcore that night after the fact, due to some Antaran brandy. He woke up in time to learn of a beach party hosted by Lt. Commander Matthews, the new first officer. He woke up confused, because far as he knew, Walker was still the first officer.

During his time on Starbase 118, he had hated the Code Blues that always interrupted his off-days. All he wanted to do was have a day to himself, but he tried to be first on the scene whenever Lt. MacLaren summoned him and one of said Code Blue situations arose.

USS Excalibur-A

  • Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
  • Duty Post: Medical Officer
  • Commanding Officer: Fleet Captain Kali Nicholotti
  • Stardates: 239012.08 - Present

Once he was transferred onto the USS Excalibur, the first mission they go on involves Chythar attempting to aid Lt. MacLaren in her efforts to stop a catastrophic plague from wiping out the Romulan population on Agurtha. During said efforts, he was injured in an explosion that caused his mind to become haphazard shards of random thought but he was still fully capable of doing his job as a medical officer with only partial hearing. He was dedicated to research, as that was the task that Captain Kalianna Nicholotti had bestowed on him. Due to his fractured thought processes and a low-grade concussion, it took him a few minutes to realize that was what he should be doing and the capacity of being the most useful at the moment. The number of patients greatly outweighed the number of patients, so he was chosen as the research monkey. Hard at work on the cure to the plague, he was too hyper-focused on this to notice at once that Ensign Alden Cuthbert was in fact suffering from poison and not from the plague itself. He thought it was the plague at first because of his too-focused mindset. He is also the genius behind the Teapaste that saved Alden's life. The security ensign's near-death experience averted, Chythar finished what later became known as The Skyfire Cure. Within hours after the cure was completed, he was granted the rank of Lieutenant JG and given awards for his actions. The promotion had unnerved him, and he had a nice chat with Taybrim.

Just before they ship out, he makes a friend in Sal Taybrim, who is the first counselor Chythar's worked with happily since getting out of the academy. Unfortunately, the test of time and life of Starfleet brings Taybrim's time on the USS Excalibur-A to a close as it takes him to the USS Darwin-A. During Sal's absence, he realizes he's going to probably wind up breaking a fourth counselor by the name of Ensign Ceilidh Riverview. Last thing he wanted was to do that, so he set up a meeting over coffee with Lieutenant Collim Kieran in order to reinforce his shields and discuss the current situation with her. The two discussed, and Collim agreed to help reinforce his mental shields only if he set up that appointment with Riverview and began the discussion. What seemed like a month to Chythar, Taybrim's return from the Darwin cause him to hope again. Shortly afterward, the crew engaged the Slipstream drive and appeared in a region of space that began messing with their minds. The doctor was trying to save Ensign Azin's life during a Dokkaran mind meld that messed with his mind in ways that he didn't imagine due to his impressive mental fortitude, for being human. As a result, the meld rewrote his genetic code and granted him limited telepathy.

Command Reviews

None at this time

Disciplinary Log

None at this time

Medical Records

Start first with a general introduction on this character's health history in StarFleet.

Doctor's Assessment

In this section, you could give, in the words of a StarFleet Doctor, a "recent" assessment of the officer's health.

Sickbay Log

In this section, you can give a brief on each time the officer has been treated in sickbay for serious ailments or injuries. Use sub-sections ( ===Like so=== ).

Psychological Profile

Start first with a general introduction on this character's pyschological history.

Counselor's Assessment

In this section, you could give, in the words of a StarFleet Counselor, a "recent" assessment of the officer's mental health.

Counseling Log

In this section, you can give a brief on each time the officer has been treated by the counselor for psychological issues. Use sub-sections ( ===Like so=== ).

Telepathic Status

If the character is telepathic or empathic, give a further in depth summary of the character's abilities. If you so desire, use sub-sections to explore notable encounters.