Joined SB118 / Graduated from Academy: 240006.13 / 240006.25
Writer ID: A240006GS1
SIM Example: "Anesthezine-Neurozine-Relorazine. Now, 3 Times Fast!", USS Artemis-A, Stardate 240007.04
I grew up in a - comparatively - dysfunctional childhood home, but I lacked for nothing, and my family is extremely close. We often get together once a week for family dinner with my parents, my siblings and my nieces and nephews. I also live across the street from my parents, so I functionally have two kitchens. Nice!
I became a 'nerd' at age 12 by becoming initiated into the local 'weeb'-environment, and as such, most of my nerd-interests were centered on the Asian sphere for most of my formative years. This led my childhood dream to be becoming a professional translator of Japanese video games. I have completed 3/4 of a Bachelor's Degree of Japanese Studies, but questionable politics in my country made it borderline impossible for me to get a job with it, so I switched gears to become a teacher.
Apart from anime and videogames, my wide interest in all things Nerddom include, but are not limited to: Doctor Who, Fantasy books, TTRPGs (D&D, ATLA:Legends, STA, CoC, VtM5e, etc.), boardgames, the Sims and SO MANY MORE THINGS.
I first got interested in Star Trek in the latter part of the 2010's when I dipped my feet into playing Star Trek: Online, and while playing it, I started watching The Original Series on a whim. Now, I have watched everything in release date up until the beginning of Season 4 of DS9 and Season 2 of Voyager.
What I love most about Star Trek is the message of hope, unity and a better tomorrow, as well as the creativity and amazing characters. Star Trek and Classic Doctor Who live in the same area of my heart, and thus, I know I'm a Trekkie for life.
Favorite Trek Things
Favorite Star Trek Show: Deep Space 9
Favorite Character: Odo
Favorite Captain: Christopher Pike
Favorite Ship: USS Enterprise-D
Favorite Species: Cardassians
Favorite Episode: "The Quickening", Deep Space 9 Season 4 Episode 24.