Tamin is a freelance journalist and since 239911.21 part of the Federation News Service.



  • Full name: Tamin
  • Date of birth: November 28, 2364
  • Age: 37
  • Species: Barzan
  • Gender: Male
  • Status: PNPC of John Kendrick.

Professional Life

Tamin is an economic/political journalist.

He first started his career with one of the two major newspapers on his homeplanet Barzan II (a non-Federation and non-aligned world), the Barzan Daily. After 5 years he became a correspondent for the Barzan Daily on Earth, covering Federation policy and how it impacted the lives of Barzans. Fascinated by frontier journalism as a child, he joined the Federation News Service when he learned there was a vacancy for a correspondent in the Aavaro Wilds.

He currently resides at Lightside Station.