StarBase 118 Vessel Control Teams
Due to the huge variety of vessels moving in and around the base, including shuttles, runabouts, fighters, maintenance vehicles and worker-bees, all the way up to the super-heavy cargo freighters which cannot move into the spacedock, a number of different Vessel Control Teams are each responsible for different types of movement, including spacedock departure and arrival, and movement solely around the base.
StarBase 118 |
Small Craft Teams
These teams work solely with small craft.
Fighter Watch Team
As base fighter craft are extremely numerous, incredibly maneuverable, and staffed by some of the most highly trained pilots in the fleet, Flight Control does very little to coordinate the movement of these craft. Nonetheless, a small team of FLY-CON members does monitor these craft in battle situations, and coordinate their launch and landing.
Small Craft In/Out Team
This team monitors all vessels which have flight-paths which meet the following criteria:
- Launching from any non-spacedock location on the base, moving directly out of StarBase 118 vicinity, and ending at any location not under FLY-CON jurisdiction.
- Launching from any location which does not have FLY-CON oversight, and ending on the base, in any location other than the spacedock.
For such vessels, the team handles scheduling of launch pads, movement coordination, flight path separation and collision avoidance, and speed advisories.
Maintenance Craft Team
Although the Engineering Department authorizes the maintenance of the base, the Maintenance Craft Team actually monitors and authorizes the movement of maintenance craft around the base.
Small Vessel Spacedock Clearance Team
Small vessels do not utilize the main entry and exit corridors (doors 1 and 3) for the spacedock access. Instead, spacedock door 2 is instead used. (However, in emergency situations when rapid ingress or egress is required, all four doors become available for all craft. Small craft specifically are expected to retreat to their non-spacedock docking areas, or participate in emergency flow among the large craft if no other avenues are available.)
As such, this team organizes and routes the flow of traffic through door 2. Unlike the Large Craft teams, which "hand-off" vessels from team-to-team, this team simply monitors and instructs the other Small Craft teams on how to proceed.