Columbia Gallery: Forum Banners

Columbia Forum Banners

This is the home of all the banners for current members of the Columbia. Banners for former/long term LOA members can be found here.

Forum Banners have been designed for the personnel of the Columbia. Pholin Duyzer is the primary contact for having a forum banner created or updated, and can be contacted by email, Discord or forum PM.

How to get a banner

The character the banner is to be made for must first have a "face" to represent them and it must be fitted with an appropriate Starfleet uniform before a banner can be made. The (Image) Collective are able help with this if needed, they can be found on the forums. If there is an image for the character but it's not available on the wiki it will need to be sent as an attachment when requesting the banner.

Including a quote is optional and it can be updated at a later date as necessary. If a quote is to be included send it over when you make your request or the banner will be made without one. If you do not want one this should be indicated at the time the request is made.

Once the face and quote have been decided send a request to Pholin Duyzer] for a banner.

How to display your banner on the forums

Step by Step guide for displaying a forum banner as a forum signature.
  • Log in to the forums on
  • At the top right of the page username is displayed- click on it and select Account Settings
  • The page will now have a number of tabs on the left of the screen. Click on the one that says Signature
  • At the bottom of the page is a white box, and just underneath it says Insert other media
  • Click on this and select Insert image from URL
  • Paste in the direct link to your image, (Click on the appropriate banner below. It will open a character.png image page with update history. Click on the banner again and it will be displayed on it's own. Copy the address from the address bar - that is the direct link needed.) then click ok.
  • The image will now fill the white box. Click on it and then click center, which is the second last icon on row 2.
  • Click save at the bottom of the page.

Please note it may take some time for the signature to update and appear properly. Try refreshing the page or pressing control and F5. Be patient but if after a few hours it is still not working try again.

Completed Banners

Only the banners for current characters on the Columbia are shown here. Characters from other ships can be found on the page 'Category:Signature Banners', which is linked at the bottom of the page.