Tyr Waltas

Duronis II Embassy | USS Thunder


Captain Tyr Waltas


  • Statistics
  • Age: 244
  • Gender: Male
  • Date of Birth: 214704.15
  • Place of Birth: Ba'ku Homeworld
  • Race: Ba'ku

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Tyr Waltas is a Ba'ku who is now the captain of the USS Discovery-C

  • Race: Ba'ku
  • Date of Birth: 214704.15
  • Place of Birth: Ba'Ku
  • Gender: male
  • Height: 188 cm
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • Eye Color: blue


Personal History

Stardate 214704.15- Tyr Waltas is born on the Ba'ku homeworld.

Stardate 2147xx.xx-237504.04-Tyr spends a majority of his life on the Ba'ku homeworld, studying music and, much to his parents' dismay, Starfleet. He becomes an accomplished guitarist but spends most of his time looking up at the stars, dreaming of the wonders that are out there.

Stardate 237504.04- Tyr's father, Gyruld, is killed during the Son'a attempt to remove the Ba'ku from his home planet. Tyr and his mother Lyntha are rescued by the Enterprise-E and her crew. Crushed by his father's death and disillusioned with the Ba'ku's shunning of technology and inability to defend themselves, Tyr applies to Starfleet Academy by sending his application via Lieutenant Commander Worf.

Stardate 238001.xx-Tyr has a romantic liason with Leonna Sovhar, a Talarian woman, during Nekkar's wedding. The two bond through their loneliness, and spend the night together. The next morning, Leonna was gone, never to be seen again.

Stardate 238007.xx-Tyr becomes romantically involved with Merigold Kitiganzibi. Tyr had flirted with her in the past (unsuccessfully), but made his feelings known to her on the Daris II mission. Merigold was infected with a virus that threatened to kill her. Merigold escaped from sickbay to die, leaving Tyr her pounch of merigold and sunflower seeds as a memento. Risking his life, Tyr followed her and found her. With the aide of Doctor Yavanna he created a mental link with her. He entered her mind and protected her from the dark memories of what she had been forced to do by the virus. Tyr was seriously wounded as well, and the two bonded during the healing process. Shortly after the mission Tyr reaffirmed his feelings to Merigold in person, and the two became involved and began a relationship together.

Stardate 238012.09-Tyr proposes to Merigold KitiganZibi on the Ba'ku homeworld. She accepts, but the engagement is short-lived. Choosing duty over love, Merigold breaks off the engagement. This nearly destroys Tyr and he transfers off the Constitution to escape the pain.

Stardate 238102.08-While commanding the USS Discovery, Tyr is confronted by Nekkar's uncle, Kho-Lak, who has brought with him a Half-Talarian girl. Tyr is told that Leonna, the girl's mother, was killed in a border dispute, and her foster father no longer feels that she is safe. Kho-Lak turns Daisha over to him, and tells Tyr that he is her father. Tyr begins to bond with his new half-Talarian, half-Ba'ku daughter.

Stardate 238111.xx-After a failed relationship with a young Science Officer, Tyr is determined to avoid women in general. Ironically, he encounters Eden Redstone, a half-Vulcan Security Officer. Redstone goes out of her way to attempt to stop his daughter's abduction, and builds a bond with her. She gradually breaks down Tyr's walls and he is slowly becomes enamored with her. During the Proenok mission, Tyr and Eden pose as a married couple to infiltrate an alien faction. Though at first the deception is strictly for the mission, they realize that there is something far beyond their assigned roles. The two begin to explore their feelings for each other. As their relationship deepens, Eden is captured and tortured by a vicious killer. She's eventually rescued, and both realize their love for each other kept them both alive and sane. Eden tells Tyr that she loves him. During her recovery, Tyr cuts his hair to differentiate his looks from the shape-shifting killers. Eden, realizing his sacrifice, proposes to him. Tyr accepts.

Later, on a mission to the Camelot system, Eden is tragically killed in an attempt to save an innocent life. In a final mental burst sent through their link, Eden gives Tyr the strength to move on..without her.

Stardate 238603.xx - Tyr endures several other painful relationships, including one with Lieutenant Andrews, an officer who took command of the USS Constellation after Commodore Decker was injured. The Discovery had been thrown back in time to the confrontation with the planet killer and Tyr had to make the decision to allow history to proceed-which meant Andrews had to die along with the rest of her crew. Following this, he swore off relationships entirely, and has spent most of his time being a confidant and advisor to his daughter.

Stardate 2387-88: Tyr is reunited with his lost love, Eden Redstone, having thought she had been killed long ago. On the Camelot mission, she had been cloned and her katra had been kept inside a Vulcan crystal. During the Fal'Tor'Pan ceremony, the consciousness was returned to the clone and Eden slowly became herself again. After 5 long years apart, they were reunited in sickbay and Tyr quickly proposed afterward. They were married on stardate 238816.11.


* Martial Arts: While on the homeworld, Tyr studied the martial arts of many species, most notably ancient Earth. With over 200 years of training, practice, and discipline, he is an accoplished hand-to-hand and weapons expert, and a terror in a fight. Although his advancing age has caused him to slip slightly in his prowess, he is still a force to be reckoned with when starships and phaser rifles fail. He wields an ancient, 16th-Century Earth [[1]], given to him by his late sensei, Hiro Nakagawa, who took over his training when Tyr entered Starfleet. The razor-sharp weapon has sent many of Tyr's foes to their demise.

* Music: Tyr's other great passion (besides his family and crew) is his love of "offlander" music. Again, his primary interest is 19th-21st century earth music. He has been known to play for his crew on special occasions, but mostly will pluck the strings of his guitar in quiet contemplation in his quarters. He is especially fond (to the dismay of his Ba'ku brethren) of rock music of the late 20th and early 21st century Earth.

Nature / Rock Climbing: One love Tyr does share with his Ba'ku kin is the love of animals and all things natural. He is at home in a natural environment, out under the sky in the sunshine. His keen eyesight and instincts are sharpest in this environment as well. He has been known to climb a mountain "because it's there", as he loves to quote Kirk, when on shore leave.

Professional History

# 237506.06: Tyr is accepted into Starfleet Academy, and departs the Ba'ku homeworld, sacrificing his near-immortality for his unquenchable thirst for knowledge and exploration. He barely passes his math courses but excels in ship defense, weapons and tactics.

  • 237909.22: Tyr and his fellow fourth-year cadets undergo final simulation training under the tutelage of Major Brandon Toullis on Starbase 118 before graduation from Starfleet Academy
  • 237910.07: Tyr passes his final simulation training and is promoted to Ensign, becoming the first Ba'ku in Starfleet.
  • 237910.15: Tyr is assigned to Starbase 118 ops as Helm/Communications/Ops officer and begins his career in Starfleet
  • 237911.20: Tyr participates in the campaign to purge the Federation of traitorous Marine factions, who were hell-bent on proliferating the drug Felicium. He exposes Lieutenant Dakar Erunian's involvement (and gains an enemy) by disobeying orders and stowing away on an enemy ship. Tyr runs a bio-scan on Dakar which reveals him as a Felicium addict and a traitor. Tyr is threatened with disciplinary action but his exposure of Lieutenant Dakar nullifies it.
  • 238001.XX - 238003.XX: Tyr participates in a fleet battle against rogue Marine factions bent on destroying the Federation. Piloting the USS Constitution, Tyr is also ordered to assume tactical, where he takes his first life. After the battle Tyr is nearly destroyed by the conflict between his Ba'ku heritage and his Starfleet obligations, but is helped back from the brink by his friends Commander Nekkar and LTJG Warry.
  • 238003.16: Tyr is promoted to Lieutenant, JG
  • 238006.XX - 238007.XX: Tyr participates in the Daris II mission, dispatched by Captain Hebron to track down the sender of a false message regarding his wife's death. Tyr is instrumental in locating the source, which turns out to be a stolen Constitution-Class vessel commanded by a Romulan madman naved Chevez, and Drake Thompson, a renegade Federation officer who nearly killed him. The Tiamat attacks and destroys the shuttle Tyr is piloting, and he is captured and tortured at the hands of Thompson. He is exchanged for Commander Nekkar and ends up on Daris II, where he and his crewmates unite to combat an undead horde and uncover a terrible secret. Daris II eventually destroys itself, but Tyr and his shipmates are rescued by the Constitution
  • 238007.31: Tyr is promoted to Lieutenant, and assigned to the USS Constitution as Chief Tactical Officer under Fleet Captain Hebron.
  • 238010.XX: Tyr is captured and assimilated by the Borg while on the Dead Space mission with the USS Constitution. His tactical knowledge is used against the crew but Fleet Captain Hebron mounts a rescue mission and saves him. He escapes sickbay and is nearly killed, actually being pronounced dead for 20 minutes. The nanites that once fought his system now save it, and bring Tyr back to life-destroying themselves in the process. Tyr is declared Borg-free and slowly is rehabilitated with the aid of Lieutenant Kitiganzibi and Doctor Gabriel.
  • 238012.30: Tyr transfers to Starbase 118 Ops to continue his career. When arriving on the starbase, he sees the USS Tiamat de-cloak and begin destroying the interior of the starbase. Tyr intercepts an attempt to abduct the family of Thomas Firehawk, and with Ensigns Kayne and Firehawk, sabotage the Tiamat to prevent its escape. Tyr confronts Captain Thompson attempting to escape, and sucks them both out of the shuttlebay. The Tiamat is destroyed by a fleet from the Starbase-Thompson is killed in the process but Tyr is saved by Captain Nekkar and the USS Discovery
  • 238101.22: Tyr is promoted to Lieutenant Commander and becomes 2nd Officer of Starbase 118. During the ceremony he is also awarded the TOSMA I and the Sisko Tactical Cross.
  • 238102.xx - 238103.11 Tyr is given command of the USS Discovery by Captain Nekkar, to oversee mining operations of the Daris II debris field. During the mission, the crew uncovers a pirate operation and tows one of the vessels back to the Starbase to bring them to justice
  • 238103.11 - 238105.xx: Returning triumphantly to the Starbase, Tyr finds that Nekkar and a few officers are locked into the holodeck with the safety protocols off. Teaming with the crew he opens the holodeck and frees Captain Nekkar, but also releases a vicious program that has achieved sentience. An insidious computer worm has invaded the starbase. Tyr eventually battles and destroys the program while the crew eliminates the worm that caused it.
  • 238108.xx:Tyr commands an away team comprised of Ensign Iswarya Ghaurav, Professor James and Lilly Evergreen to scout out the planet Bova III for possible terraforming. The team is nearly killed when the transporter malfunctions due to ionization in the atmosphere, but materialize on the planet, unable to contact the ship or each other, the team has to locate each other, complete the mission, and avoid deadly "Wraiths" that seem to draw out the greatest terror in one's past. Out of oxygen, under attack and wounded, the Discovery descends into the atmosphere and beams them out at the last moment.
  • 238108.xx: Daisha is kidnapped by a ruthless Cardassian named Gul Dusist. It was Dusist's intention to use Daisha as a bargaining piece against Daisha's stepfather, Annzo Chafka, who controls a Talarian border colony desperately wanted by Dusist. Tyr begs Starfleet to help him, but Starfleet refuses to start a war over one little girl. Tyr turns in his pips and goes after Dusist himself. After a long battle, Tyr kills Dusist and destroys his ship, rescuing Daisha in the process. He returns to the base and faces court martial
  • 238110.02: Tyr is tried and convicted, but it is revealed that Dusist was plotting a terrorist attack against the Starbase itself. Tyr is given an official reprimand but is also promoted to Commander for his valor and elimination of a known terrorist. He returns to active duty with the Ops crew.
  • 238111.xx: Tyr and the officers of the USS Discovery are tasked with recovering a crew marooned on the planet Proenok VI. Posing as one of the planet's inhabitants, he is ordered to recover the downed shuttlepods and protect the secrets of Federation technology at all costs. During the mission it is found that the Captain of the marooned crew has supplied weapons to the Proenokians. Tyr, Lt. Redstone and Lt. Mitchell capture the Captain and destroy the Federation technology before the Proenok civilization can be further contaminated. Meanwhile, in orbit, the Discovery is attacked by the M5 computer, which the crew learns was the cause of the marooned Proenokian crew. Captain Nekkar is critically injured and slips into a coma.
  • 23812.xx: Upon returning to the station, Captain Nekkar is declared comatose. Commander McCall assumes command of the starbase, and Tyr is promoted to First Officer.
  • 238202 - 238204: The crew is stalked by a shape-shifting serial killer named Zero. Zero impersonates Tyr and uses his command authority to endanger the lives of his crewmates. Zero is eventually captured and Tyr escorts him personally to Earth for imprisonment.
  • 238205 - 238207: Resulting from a transporter accident, the crew is hurled into a medieval setting and their memories erased. Alternate realities are put in place, and Tyr is cast as a reclusive Ranger. Eventually, through a bond with Eden Redstone, he recovers his identity and helps to rescue the rest of the crew. Eden is later killed by one of the inhabitants of the medieval world.
  • 238208 - 238211: Determined to find the cause of Eden's killer, Tyr and the others trace the orders back to their source: Admiral Mathias, a hard-nosed woman intent on gathering information regarding Black Ops. While on shore leave, Tyr is attacked in his Risan quarters. The crew pursues the Black Ops crew to Betazed, where Tyr engages and destroys the USS Renegade, a Defiant-class starship, while Captain McCall quells resistance on the surface and eliminates the Ops leader. Tyr beams down with Syn Anestri and traces the now-deceased Admiral's information to its source and retrieves it.
  • 238301.11: Tyr is awarded the Silver Palm by Starfleet Command.
  • 238301 - 238303: The Starbase is attacked by a fleet of Romulan Warbirds, and overwhelmed. Tyr and the others are forced to retreat, leaving Captain McCall behind. Tyr returns after organizing a massive battle fleet and, with much bloodshed, retakes the base, only to find McCall has been taken prisoner and spirited away to Romulus.

Previous Ships Served On: USS Constitution-B, Starbase 118-Operations, USS Discovery, USS Discovery-A, USS Discovery-B

Awards Received:

  • Sisko Tactical Cross (TAC)
  • Shuvalis Diamond of Recog...
  • Karagite Order of Heroism, The
  • Federation Peace Medal, The
  • Christopher Pike Pendant, The
  • Silver Palm, The
  • TOSMA 1