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Please post any messages on my Talk Page. Thank you. - Jay

This user uses British English.

Quick note: I'm a perfectionist. If you feel I'm being overly critical and/or unfair, do please e-mail me and I'll try to be more helpful. I really don't mean to be overly harsh. Any messages sent will likely be replied to via e-mail, and I usually copy CO's into Direct OOCs out of habit. - Jay

Positions of Responsibility

In chronological order:

  • 118Wiki admin (Nov 2006 - Present)
  • Command Staff: USS Tiger (June 2008 - Present)
    • Second Officer (September 2008 - Present)
  • List Moderator: SCE IC Yahoo!Group (July 2008 - Present)

Primary Character

Lt. Cmdr. Salak
Career History
Working & Living Areas   ·   Medical History
SIM Archive

Personal History
Homeworlds   ·   Vulcan   ·   Andoria   (Embassy)
Family   ·   Vorak   ·   T'Plar   ·   T'Pel   ·   (T'Lani)
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Writing Challenge Entries

Isolated Amongst the Irrational, Aug/Sept '05


A Poignant Memory..., Mar/Apr '06


Behind the Lines, Jan/Feb '08 DRAFT ONLY

Internal Links

Info I'm always looking for

Wiki Version: 1.39.1

Forum Sig
