Sigma Dorphus Sector

Revision as of 17:17, 27 July 2008 by Canreb (talk | contribs) (added links)

The Sigma Dorphus Sector is located at coordinates A02-0004-1299. It is just north of the Cardassian Union and the Badlands which are in the next sector south. It is also next to the Tzenkethi Coalition which is in the next sector to the east. Not far away to the north is the Ferengi Alliance and the Breen Confederacy. It is under the Kivis Sector and over the Free Haven Sector.

Kivis Sector
Sigma Dorphus Sector
Free Haven Sector
Local Species
Stellar Phenomenae
Federation Presence
  • None

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The badlands to the south extend into this sector by about 4 lightyears, while the Tzenkethi Coalition to the east extends into this sector by about 3 lightyears.

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