Devinon VI

Revision as of 17:12, 27 July 2008 by Canreb (talk | contribs) (changed data)

Kivis Sector
Sigma Dorphus Sector
Free Haven Sector
Local Species
Stellar Phenomenae
Federation Presence
  • None

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Devinon system Star  · I  · II  · III  · IV  · Belt  · V  · VI  · VII  · VIII


  • it's orbit is approximately 315 million km from it's star
  • a tropical planet with a diameter of 19,478.4 km (12,174 miles).
  • a density of 4.6 and a gravity of 1.28 G's
  • a standard type atmosphere with a pressure of about 0.88 earth normal with nitrogen 62%, *oxygen 31% and others 7%
  • axial tilt of 26%
  • temperatures at 30% latitude range from a low of 26C to a high of 49C with the norm being around 38C
  • surface water over 57% of the planets surface
  • it has a 30 hour day
  • it's year is 123 days long


Planetary scans and records show that they have an abundance of organics, heavy, light and industrial metals. They also have gems, radioactives, crystals and rare metals all in useable amounts.

Scans of the moon prior to the construction showed useable amounts of most construction metals. No other resource types were detected. After the construction on all 5 moons most of all the useable amounts of metals have been used. Trace amounts can still be found.


it has 1 tiny moon, and 4 medium moons

  • Devinon VIa: is 498 km (311 miles) in diameter, with a density of 3.1 and a gravity of 0.02 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 44,782 km. (27,989 miles)
  • Devinon VIb: is 2,998 km (1,874 miles) in diameter, with a density of 3.8 and a gravity of 0.16 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 46,651 km. (29,157 miles)
  • Devinon VIc: is 2,856 km (1,785 miles) in diameter, with a density of 3.9 and a gravity of 0.16 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 48,696 km. (30,435 miles)
  • Devinon VId: is 2,929 km (1,831 miles) in diameter, with a density of 3.8 and a gravity of 0.16 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 51,437 km. (32,148 miles)
  • Devinon VIe: is 2,976 km (1,860 miles) in diameter, with a density of 3.9 and a gravity of 0.16 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 53,523 km. (33,452 miles)


According to their histories their race originated in the Galvis Trench, a deep section of the ocean. As they evolved over time they changed from water breathers to air breathers. They believe this was caused by changeing factors in their worlds environment. Now they occupy most of the oceans of their world except the Galvis Trench.


The Phaelasour do not seem to have any form of government. Even the various medical academies they have seem to be run with very little understandable organization. Their culture seems to be so cooperative and relaxed that formal organization of any kind is not needed.


A dolphin-like mammal with graceful lines and soft gray coloring. Their bellies are usually white or a very pale gray. They have optical sheaths which cover and provide protection for their eyes which are located forward on the sides of their large graceful heads. They breath through the mouth and unlike dolphin's they do not have a blow hole in the top of their heads. Their main flippers which propel them throught the water are about 2 foot longer than those of terran dolphins. They also end in 4 webbed fingers that are extremely nimble.


The surface of this large planet is covered by 87% water. The few sections of land being found in one small area in a set of small island chains. The rest of the planet is covered by warm water to an average depth of 2,000 feet. The number and variety of sea life that grows and florishes upon this world is vast and remarkable. It is the homeworld of the Phaelasour.


The oceans are alive with thousands and thousands of different types of fish, mammals, crustations and other wildlife. Their are a few breeds of birds as well but no true land dwelling animals.


They have no need to import anything and export very little. Mostly just sea food and medical staff to those who can afford them.


They do not need to do any work in order to find the food they need to survive. The oceans around them easily provide all the food they could ever use and then some.


They do not build communities like most other races as they are constantly in motion when under the water. Their are no walls or roofs, but areas can be recognized by the items in the area. So class's, markets and manufactureing areas are easy to find.


It is believed that there is about 1 billion Phaelasour liveing in the oceans.