Jessa Anassasi

Revision as of 14:55, 15 June 2008 by Salak (talk | contribs)

Rear Admiral Jessa Anassasi is the Commanding Officer of the USS Independence-A.


  • Full Name: Jessa Kyrn Anassasi
  • Date of Birth: 2353.07.14
  • Gender: Female
  • Species: Acamarian
  • Place of Birth: Acamar III, Cleone Colony
  • Hair: Black
  • Eyes: Green
  • Height: 5'4


  • Mother: Jenessa Wraifma (deceased)
  • Father: Kirith Anassasi (Deceased)
  • Siblings: Raefel Anassasi (M- deceased), Genna Anassasi (F- 18 yrs of age)
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: N/A

Personal History

Jessa belonged to Clan Cleone of the Cleone Colony. Her parents were members of the elders council of the clan. Cleone Colony was destroyed on stardate 2363.04.25 in an attack by the Gatherers. Both Jessa's parents and elder brother were killed in the attack. Jessa and her younger sister were sent to live with Kirith's brother, Dalon Anassasi of the Draegon Clan. Jessa grew up under the watchful eye of her uncle. Dalon Anassasi was set against either of his nieces joining the fight against the Gatherers, having lost one brother and both sisters in battle against the Gatherers. When Jessa was 14, she was initiated into the Draegon's Warriors. She fought the Gatherers during the next two years, losing friends, sheildmates, and kinmate in the skirmishes. Growing tired of the losses she had endured, she turned her hopes elsewhere. On stardate 2370.05.24 Jessa applied to Starfleet academy despite Dalon's objection. She was accepted one year later.

Professional History

  • Initiated to Draegon's Warriors: 2367.07.14
  • Fought Gatherers in battle of Cathon 4. Jessa's unit was destroyed.: 2368.04.20
  • Applied to Starfleet academy: 2370.05.24
  • Cadet Cruise at SB1: 2375.02.14
  • Graduation from Starfleet Acedemy: Major: Intelligence Minors: Communications and Security: 2376.01.19
  • Posted as security officer to USS Kodiak: 2378.01.21
  • Transferred to USS Hammond during leave: 2378.01.30
  • Transferred to USS Kodiak: 2378.02.02
  • Promotion to Ltjg: 2378.06.01
  • Promotion to Lt: 2378.09.01
  • Promotion to Lcmd 2378.12.19
  • Promotion to Cmd 2379.02.12


Jessa suffered a genetic mutation on the planet Kismett. Believed to be induced by a Breen genetic virus, the effects were not fully reversible.

NPC Listing    ·    Independence-A Senior Staff    ·    Crew History
CO: Flt.Capt. Sidney Riley · FO: Lt.Cmdr. Darius Clack
HCO: Ens. Isaac David Hertz · CCO: Ens. Alexander Richards
CEO: Lt. JG Lluneh Walker · R&D: Lt.Cmdr. Ethan Brice
COS: Lt. Eyas W'tine · SEC: Lt. Jade Shryker
CTO: Lt.Cmdr. Danny Wilde · TAC: Ens. Scarlet Delores
CSO: Lt. Tyriden · ACSO: Lt. Galon Sudra
CMO: Lt.Cmdr. Charles Sampi · CNS: Ens. Zinna
MO: Ens. Leah St. James · Ens. Velana
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