Alana Devar/Professional History

Alana Culemerwin Devar


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Vulcan Science Academy

  • 237103.02 Enrolled in The Vulcan Academy of Sciences at the age of 15. Graduated after 4 years of study; graduated in the top 15% of her class, in major interests of Astrophysics, computers and analysis, biology of species and planetary/heavenly bodies. She also took a Vulcan mentor by the name of Tarin.

Starfleet Academy

  • 237504.05 Fresh out of the Vulcan S.A., she immediately went to Starfleet Academy at the age of 19, where she studied psychology/counselling, and the sciences once more.
  • 237905.23 Graduation Simulation was PREX, Starbase 118

USS Phoenix-C

  • 237906.02 Serves at the ship USS PHOENIX-C as a ship's counselor.
  • 237907-237908 Cardassia Mission
  • 237909.02 Promoted to LtJG
  • 237909 Takes Leave with Horne Makra on Bajor
  • 237909 - Awarded TOSMA II

USS Independence

  • 237909.18 - New ship, Independence, serves as Counselor under the Command of Capt. Anassasi
  • 237911-12 - First Contact mission with the Serpentai. Speaking with them first-hand, her telepathic agents came into play. However, their mass power was overwhelming, leaving her nearly insane and unable to screen for a several hours. The experience almost killed her.
  • 238001.13 Promoted to full Lieutenant and reassigned as Second Officer of the USS INDEPENDENCE.
  • 23801-3 Assigned on Away Mission led by Commander O'Malley concerning the "Seer of Worlds" at the Bajoran temple on Orlidia Minor. Joint mission with the USS Kodiak.
  • 23804 Reassigned on Classified Mission aboard the Smokey en route to Draken IV. She would have a run in with her mirror counterpart, the sinister and psychotic Alana Lor Gulok, and finally find the true facts of her family's leave.
  • 238007.18 Promoted to Lt. Commander
  • 23810.26 Currently aboard the controversial ship, the USS Trillium, that is controled by an A.I. Her Vulcan persona is wavering.
  • 238012 - Was called in a Joint Mission with the Steadfast, but was called away prematurely by a personal message from her cousin Sumein on Betazed.
  • 238012.27 - Alana returns to the Independence.
  • 238101.02 - Awarded TOSMA I.
  • 2381.05 - Transferred to Chief Medical Officer, USS Independence.

USS Wallace/Deep Space 17

  • 238110.01 - Transfers to the USS Wallace as First Officer temporarily under the command of Commander Kare'en, en route to Deep Station 17 that rests within Tholian and Gorn space.

USS Independence-A

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13th House of Betazed

In 2384, she left her service on the USS Independence to travel to Betazed with her family.

Awards & Commendations

  • TOSMA I (The Order of StarFleet Merit and Achievement First Class ): This award is given to members who show great dedication in their behavior, and simming abilities. A candidate for TOSMA I regularly contributes good, solid ideas to the plot and character development. They also take the time to edit and proof-read their sims to ensure quality in their writing. Awarded in 2380.
  • TOSMA II (The Order of StarFleet Merit and Achievement Second Class): This award is for members who show a high level of enthusiasm in their writing and plot development. A candidate for the TOSMA II regularly contributes to the plot in solid ways, and helps keep the plot and energy onboard the ship at a high level. Awarded in 2379.
  • B-Plot Award: For those SIMmers who manage to show a good portion of the character's life despite the demands of the main plot. Awarded in 2381.

Current Projects

  • Taking the powers of the Thirteenth House of Betazed and restoring her family's name.
  • Alana has really taken to motherhood and has expressed an interest in having more children.
  • Organizing a foundation and center for Gifted Betazoid Childen and Adults. It is dedicated to helping those that suffer from mental ailments aflicked by their telepathy/empathy. Being born with the gift of telepathy, Alana has compassion for those that have suffered as she has.