Victoria in RL

RL Name: Victoria

Birthdate: 1975

Gender: Female

Hair: Reddish Brown

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 112 lbs

Ethnicity: Caucasian/Eastern European

Occupation: Publicist and Concert Sound Engineer

Location: Orange County, Southern California, USA

Joined SB118: November 16, 2003 on USS Constitution-B First SB118 Sim: Sim Groups: USS Constitution-B, Duronis II Embassy, USS Constitution-B (again), USS Eagle

My Characters:

In-Character Alias's for Victoria Yladro:

  • Jaime Battista - Maquis Pirate Pilot - Alias was created for a covert infiltration mission.
  • Rana Loradan - Laudean Cave Dweller from Bryque Desert at University of Bryque - Alias was created for a top secret mission to find the source of an illict substance called Mayhem on Duronis II.