Between the Worlds (Denali Station)

Revision as of 12:15, 21 August 2024 by Drex (talk | contribs) (→‎Act 3)


The Denali Crew is trying to improve communications around the Ring. Denali crew has splitted up into two main teams. The first one leaded by Lt. Commander Falt is onboard USS Eagle, while Commodore Oddas is in command of USS Nulato.


Officers taking part in the mission
Name Position Team Notes
Oddas Aria Commodore USS Nulato
Tomas Falt First Officer USS Eagle
Alora DeVeau Second Office - Chief Sci Ofc. USS Eagle
John Kendrick Chief Security and Tactical USS Eagle
Daniel McGillian Secutiry officer USS Eagle Transfered to USS Chin'toka July 10th
Kettick Chief Engineer USS Eagle
Ghee’looth Xiron Engineer officer USS Nulato Transfered to USS Chin'toka July 10th
Zevash Engineer officer USS Eagle
Araxxu Vahin Medical Officer USS Nulato
Alix Harford Medical Officer USS Eagle
Drex Science Officer USS Nulato
Arthur Strathmore Counselor USS Eagle
Name Position Notes
Ijo Alea Director of the Science Directorate in Shai Bel PNPC simmed by Oddas Aria
One Ijo Alea's assistant MSNPC simmed by Kettick
Colonel Oddas Ushow Captain of BDS Kai Ircash MSNPC simmed by Oddas Aria
Alt. Alix 'Doc' Harford Slave Crew member of BDS Kai Ircash MSNPC simmed by Alix Harford
Alt. Katsim Peri Crew member of BDS Kai Ircash MSNPC simmed by Alora DeVeau
Alt. Karen Stendhal Crew member of BDS Kai Ircash MSNPC simmed by Karen Stendhal
Alt. Tomas "Villkat" Falt Leader of the rebels MSNPC simmed by Tomas Falt


Act 1

USS Eagle

Commander Falt, Commander DeVeau, Lt. Commanders Kendrick and Kettick, Lt. JG Strathmore, Ensigns Harford and MacGillan are aboard USS Eagle to support Commodore Oddas' team and deploy a network of communication satellites in order to improve long distance communication in the Ring 42. Everything with the mission is going smoothly and the crew is calm and relaxed until Commander Falt calls the calm to attention and a couple of crew members, (Kettick & Harford) are concerned he may have jinxed the mission. In preparation Dr. Harford & Lt. JG Strathmore leave to Bridge to ready Sickbay, while Ensign McGillian is touring the ship. The remaining officers on the Bridge begin to pick up distortions in their readings and delays in their communications with the Commodore's shuttle team.

A large anomaly wreaks havoc with the ships systems as the USS Eagle is pulled into the anomaly and sustains significant damage. Focused on tending to injured crew members and attempting to repair systems, the crew did not notice a strange vessel approaching the USS Eagle until it was too late. After receiving audio hails only because of damaged Comms, the crew recognized the familiar voice of Dr. Harford on the other ship and the name Colonel Oddas Ushow who was the sister of Commodore Aria. This lead them to the realization that they had ended up in an alternate dimension orbiting the Ring which was under control of the Bajoran Hegemony.

Under threat of weapons and boarders, Commander Falt scrambled to form a plan. He tasked Lt. Cmdr. Kettick with using radiation to make abandoned decks unpassable with help of the newest member of the crew Ensign Zavesh, and Lt. Cmdr. Kendrick along with Ensign McGillian and Dr. Harford to repel the boarders.

Runabout USS Nulato & Shai Bel

Commodore Oddas is leading a small team of officers consisting of Drex, Vahin, and Xiron to map interference frequencies in the Ring 42. As the runabout approaches a large anomaly, communications with the support ship become slower. Suddenly the shuttle shifts towards the edge of a wide interference and a wave of energy overwhelms the runabout and crashes it into the city of Denali. The impact is so strong that the crew loses consciousness and when they wake up they notice anomalies on the station. It is evening and there are multiple lights and vehicles. An unidentified drone reaches the shuttle and orders everyone to wait for the security of the big city as ordered by the Bajoran Hegemony.

Commodore Oddas shoots the drone and the team abandon the destroyed runabout. They are all quite bruised, and Doctor Vahin suggests finding a safe place as soon as possible where he can provide the necessary medical care.

Heading towards the city, they notice a huge display on one of the buildings. A Vorta is proclaiming the edicts of the Bajoran Hegemony. Passing through the less crowded alleys, the group is intercepted by a Jem'Hadar patrol. Two kids help them escape, but once they are safe the child who remains with them threatens Commodore Oddas with a knife, mistaking her for the ferocious Colonel Oddas, terror of the poor citizens of the city. The diversion does not keep the Jem'Hadar busy for too long, and soon the group is forced to flee again. Walking along the secret corridors they reach a room where a group of people are gathered, perhaps fugitives or renegades, certainly people who fear and hate the regime of Colonel Oddas and the Hegemony.

An old lady recognizes that Aria is not the evil sister and points the way out. Lieutenant Drex returns the gesture by leaving food and medicine from his emergency supply and is rewarded with some worn-out cloaks, but they make the group less conspicuous.

Act 2

USS Eagle


Science Directorate, Shai Bel

Dawn approaches and the group reaches the Science Directorate of Shai Bel. They access the interior through an unguarded door and, managing to hide from the people who work there, go through the internal doors until they reach the laboratory area.

Here Commodore Oddas is petrified at the sight of a Bajoran woman. She is Ijo Alea. In this universe she is alive while Aria died in an accident many years ago. Even in this universe the two women loved each other and when a Vorta bursts into the room Ijo decides to rebel against the regime and protect Oddas and his team. Doctor Vahin freaks out at the sight of the Vorta and the Jem'Hadar and opens fire on them. The Commodore orders a ceasefire, but the shots from the Ijo and Vahin have already silenced the adversaries. Drex is also forced to open fire to protect Vahin.

Once calm has returned, Doctor Vahin takes care of the wounded while Drex takes care of blocking the entrances. Ijo and Oddas begin to talk, but One, Ijo's Remillian assistant, does not accept his superior's about-face and opens fire on the traitors.

The Remmilian is quickly stopped, but soon a new clone enters the area. Drex felt guilty because he failed in securing the area. Vahin convinces the new One to help him on better securing the room, while Oddas orders Drex to send the logs and any information and hypothesis he has to Commander DeVeau on USS Eagle. The tranquility doesn't last long: the floor shakes and from the underground a group of rebels leaded by a copy of Lt. Commander Falt breaks in.

The new One tries to attack Villkat, but the man is faster and shoot the insectoid to death. Oddas begins a diplomatic approach, while Doctor Vahin decides to look after the injured and those in needs among the rebels, not caring about the phasers he has pointed at him. Drex takes advantage of the rebels' hesitation to kill them immediately and try to send a new message to the Eagle. The diplomatic dialogue seems to turn against the Commodore, since Villkat does not seem to believe the words of the sister of the terrible Colonel Oddas, but his second in command convinces him to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Suddenly a sequence of explosions is heard outside the big room. Drex and Vahin are willing to leave and seek a safer place, but the Commodore orders them to hold the room. Given the situation, Villkat also opts to resist on the spot, having no guarantees that the tunnel is still passable to exit.

Act 3

USS Eagle


Science Directorate, Shai Bel

While Villkat decides to face the soldiers who are trying to breach the lab, Ijo leads the federal officers and Enni, Villkat's right-hand man, to one of the complex's transporter rooms. Oddas doesn't want to give up the device that can take the federals home, so he orders them to take it with them. The transfer goes smoothly and the small group of fugitives reaches one of the rebel ships. Enni takes command and with the support of the starfleet officers takes the shuttle into orbit. While traveling inside Ring 42 space area, they spot the USS Eagle and not far away the ship commanded by Colonel Oddas Ushow. They watch helplessly as the two ships exchange fire, while Commodore Oddas and Drex manage to connect the Artifact to a secondary power line on the Unity. Once the Artifact's start-up commands are entered, the group of federal officers manage to beam themselves onto the USS Eagle; while Enni remains aboard the rebel ship, Ijo decides to follow Aria.