
Revision as of 11:04, 11 August 2023 by Doz Finch (talk | contribs) (Point of interest simmed: City of Idridi)
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Betazed is the homeworld of the Betazoids and a member of the United Federation of Planets.

System Information

Betazed map.jpg
  • Quadrant: Alpha
  • Location:
  • Proper Name: Beta Veldonna System
  • Star: Orbits a G-class star
  • Distance from Star:
  • Companions:
  • Moons: 3 moons

Planetary Information

  • Proper Name: Betazed ("BAY-tuh-zed")
  • Diameter:
  • Gravity: 1 standard gravity with a density of 3.4
  • Axial Tilt:
  • Orbital Period: 377 days
  • Rotational Period: 25 hours
  • Classification: M
  • Surface Water: 78%
  • Atmosphere: Oxygen-nitrogen, with Earth-normal pressure.[1]
  • Climate: Weather is usually calm, pleasant, and bordering on tropical. When atmospheric conditions shift, they do so with startling speed.[2]
  • Terrain: Lush and varied. Known to contain jungles, canyons, cliffs, and numerous lakes.
  • Population: 1.3 billion (2370 census)

Points of Interest

  • Ohmallera: A city attacked by the hijacked USS Constitution-B in 2388.
  • Delebi: A city located on the northern part of the Dalar continent.
  • Janaran Sanctuary: A religious facility.
  • University of Betazed: Prominent university. Primary campus located in Medara.
  • Delaria: Location of the Starfleet Academy on Betazed
  • Oxeania: Located on the northern coast of the Tharazad continent on Betazed, Oxeania is a modern city built forty years after Betazed first joined the Federation. It is known for its far more modern architecture than the historical city of Rixx. Like Rixx, Oxeania has its fair share of greenery. But compared to Rixx, Oxeania is far more of a commercial hub. It is also known for having the most diverse population of different species on any part of the planet, according to the Betazoid government’s near-live census.[3]
  • City of Idridi: An opulent city famous for its "lavish astrodomes", prominent occupants, vivid fashion sense and socialite-driven society. Inhabitants are known to wear elaborate outfits here and speak in expressive, inflected accents.[4]


  1. Betazed, Star Trek Expanded Universe
  2. Betazed, Memory Beta
  3. "Meeting At The Top", Jager Hodgson, SD240001.09
  4. "Such Dazzling Delights", Miaxdiso Avoi, SD240005.26
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Memory Alpha