Astraeus Officer's Manual/Formatting Your Sims

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Astraeus Officer's Manual


Astraeus Officer's Manual

1: Expectations
2: The Lists
3: Formatting Your Sims
  • II: Astraeus 101
4: The Setting
5: The Ship
6: The Crew
  • III: Operating Procedures
7: Missions
8: Shoreleave
9: Mission Proposals
  • IV: Beyond the Basics
10: Promotions
11: Secondary Characters
12: Department Heads
13: OOC Activities
14: Mentoring

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Formatting Your Sims

The Astraeus SIM format corresponds with that used in the academy and detailed in Training Tutorial 1.

Subject Lines

A typical subject line for a sim on the Astraeus will look like

Character Rank and Name: Sim Title

For example:

  • Captain Mei'konda Delano: The Best Title Ever
  • Commander Serala: So Here's the Thing...

You do not need to specify if the character is an NPC, PNPC, or MSPNPC in the subject line. If a sim is particularly long or you are writing a joint post with someone else, split the sim into two parts and label them in the title:

  • Captain Mei'konda Delano & Lt. Cmdr. Rosek: New Places (Part 1)
  • Captain Mei'konda Delano& Lt. Cmdr. Rosek: New Places (Part 2)

Roman numerals (I, II, etc) are also permissible. If a sim title is getting long, you may also wish to shorten a character's rank in order to make it more readable on a single line, such as CPT instead of Captain, or ENS instead of Ensign.

No Tags or Location Markers in the Subject Line

Aboard Astraeus, we do not list characters that are tagged for a response in the subject line, and we do not list the location of the sim in the subject line.

We refrain from doing so to encourage everyone to read each sim. You never know when you might want to tie in something that someone else has introduced in another scene or another location, even if it isn't a direct tag for your character!

Bolding vs. Non-Bolding

Do not bold entire paragraphs. However, many players prefer to bold names at the beginning of a line of dialogue. Such as:

Mei'konda: Why yes, that's a great idea, Ensign!

. Common uses of bolding include:

  • Location headers: ((Sickbay, USS Astraeus))
  • Signatures

A typical signature will look like this:

Captain Mei’konda Delano
Commanding Officer
USS Astraeus, NCC-79652

REV SD 239911.28