
Revision as of 15:09, 21 November 2022 by Freck (talk | contribs) (Formatted Language section correctly)

Ensign Freck is currently serving as a Science Officer at Denali Station.

Denali Station
Ens Freck STO.png
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Position Science Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Ferengi
Gender Male
DOB 2374
Age 28
Birthplace Irtok
Writer ID D239911F12


  • Height: 1.53m
  • Weight: 50kg
  • Hair: N/A
  • Eyes: Green
  • Build: Lean



Freck was born to Tarik and Morra in 2374 on the Ferengi colony of Irtok. One year later, during the social reforms taking place on Ferenginar and in Ferengi society as a whole, Morra became one of the first Ferengi women to divorce her husband, doing so with Tarik. Devastated and in financial straits, Tarik leaned on his brother, Rutano, for support, and the two of them pooled their resources together to purchase a Ferengi runabout for their new business enterprise: charting and selling star charts.

Tarik and Rutano took Freck with them on the shuttle, raising him as they toured the stars, as well as giving him a first-hand look at how his people did business. As he grew older, however, potential customers weren't as charmed by his cute appearance, and he had to rely more on the same tactics as his father and uncle. It helped that Freck grew more interested in the actual stars and astronomical phenomena they were scanning and mapping more than interfacing with strangers, but he still felt stifled by his family's expectations for him, and so, after a couple of years passed since he became an adult, Freck reached out to one of the Starfleet captains they had regular encounters with, requesting a sponsorship to the Academy as more and more Ferengi were doing in the decades since the Dominion War.

Freck was worried when he'd told his family what he'd done, but was surprised when Tarik and Rutano both were more than supportive of his bid to join Starfleet, helping him with every step of the process, from studying for the entrance exams to dropping him off at the Academy itself with tearful farewells.



Major: Science
- Astronomy
- Nanotechnology
Minor: Engineering (Programming)
- 101: Federation Standard
- 190: Elementary Cardassian

Service History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 2395 - 2399 Starfleet Academy
Ensign SD 239911.16 - Present   Science Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239911.16
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

SIM Archive

NPC Listing   ·   Denali Station Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Kali Nicholotti
Chief Engineer.
Eng. Ofc.
Jackson Tanner
Ops Ofc.
Kenzie West
Sec. Ofc.
Alexander Williams
Tac. Ofc.
Tholin ch'Clex
Tomas Falt
Elliot Rian
Chief Sci Ofc.
Alora DeVeau
Science Ofc.
Chief Med. Ofc.
Araxxu Vahin
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