Hello! My name is Gina and I write for Lieutenant Commander Lael Rosek, Mission Specialist aboard the USS Chin'toka.


  • Joined 118: October 2004
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 37
  • Occupation: Instructional Paraeducator
  • City of Residence: Scottsdale, Arizona
  • OOC Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Hobbies/Interests: Star Trek (obviously), Science fiction, writing, reading, life-long learner, travel


I was 17 when I first joined the group. I spent what felt like forever trying to find a group that I liked. When I did--wow! However, in my second year of college, I had to retire my character (Rebecca Hollendale) to focus on my studies. But I missed the outlet that role-playing provided and before long I was reapplying to UFOP with another character (Elina Kincade). Again, real-life interfered when my oldest son was born and I had to retire her. As my son grew older, I had more time to write and roleplay. So I rejoined with my character, Lael Rosek, in 2015. With the exception of one leave of absence to have my second son, I've been an active member ever since.


  • Where were you first placed? What was it like starting to sim on your vessel? The first ship I ever simmed on was the USS Independence under Captain Jessa Anasasi. I remember my first mission quite well. It's when I meet Daydan Taboo, a commander at the time. He was one of my first friends in the group.
  • What have been your greatest challenges in this group? I'd say balancing it with real life. I retired twice before I finally came back to stay.
  • What have been your greatest achievements in this group? I really feel like I've connected to other people and drastically improved my writing. It's changed how I view my world.
  • What do you hope to ultimately accomplish? I'd love to be a Captain someday.
  • Where do you see this group in five years? It's my sincere hope that the group will become even more a close-knit community than it is now with more formal training available to advance into command roles and even more support for incoming writers.
  • How do you think this group has contributed to Star Trek's legacy? How has the group contributed to the internet community? This group has brought Star Trek to life for me and so many others. It's given us a chance to be someone else and experience a different life. As far as the internet community...I can honestly say I believe there's no better Star Trek RPG group out there.


USS Chin'toka-logo.png Akira-scale.png
USS Chin'tokaAkira class

For full ship listing, click here.


For full character listing, click here.




Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Barclay Bead.png
Barclay Bead 2382
USS Independence
Awarded to those officers who have improved their methods of simming since their acceptance into StarFleet.
Awards General BPlot 2011.jpg
B-Plot Award 2383
USS Independence
Awarded to those simmers who manage to show a good portion of the character's life despite the demands of the main plot
Awards General 1Year.jpg
1-year Member 2391
Given to those who have been members continuously for one year.
Awards General GenesisAward 2011.jpg
Genesis Award 2392
USS Victory
Awarded to those officers who show conspicuous effort in improving their simming skills.
Awards General 3Year 2011.jpg
3-year Member 2393
USS Gorkon
Given to those who have been members continuously for three years.
Awards General Pathfinder 2015.png
Pathfinder Award 2395
USS Veritas
Awarded to those who have shown great care in the mentoring of fellow members.
Awards General Neelix 2011.jpg
Neelix Award 2395
USS Veritas
Awarded to those who demonstrate extra, out of character, simming devotion. This includes, helping fellow officers who are in need of simming aid, running OOC sims, upkeep of wiki pages, etc
Awards General SheathedSword 2011.jpg
Sheathed Sword 2396
USS Astraeus
Awarded to those who decide to inflict mental and/or physical trauma on their character, and then dive into the resulting emotions and choices in a realistic manner.
Laudean Commendation.png
Laudean Commendation 2397
USS Atlantis
Awarded for achievements in exploration with new lifeforms.
Awards General SilverPalm 2011.jpg
Silver Palm 2397
USS Atlantis
Awarded to those who have consistently boosted the morale of his/her crew.
Awards General 10Year 2011.jpg
10-year Member 2397
USS Atlantis
Given to those who have been members continuously for ten years.
O'Brien Award.png
O'Brien Award 2398
USS Chin'toka
Given to those who have been members continuously for ten years.


Podcast Team Facilitator
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Team Facilitator
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Podcast Team
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SFMJ Author
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Chat Trivia Participant
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Andaris Architect
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Featured Bio of StarBase 118
Badge 1.png
25th Anniversary
Badge 1.png
Awards Ceremony Nominator Legendary
Badge 3.png
Awards Chairperson
Badge 1.png
Appreciation Forum Nominator
Badge 1.png
Badge 1.png
To Boldly Go
Badge 2.png
Captain's Citation
Badge 1.png
SOTFA Taskforce Commendation
Badge 1.png

Commemorative Coins

Per Aspera Ad Astra Commemorative Coin.png 25th Annual Awards Attendee Commemorative Coin.png

Player Achievements

The Collective Intelligence
The Collective Intelligence
The Collective Intelligence
The Collective Intelligence



1 Tours Completed


7 Tours Completed


1 Tours Completed


6 Tours Completed


3 Tours Completed


1 Tours Completed


3 Tours Completed


4 Tours Completed


2 Tours Completed