Aine Sherlock/Sandbox

< Aine Sherlock
Revision as of 21:59, 25 November 2021 by Aine Sherlock (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Current mumblings/musings. Excaliber Mission Log Redux <pre>{{Excalibur}} =Missions in 2398 under the command of Fleet Captain Kalianna Nicholotti= {{Episode |NAME=Cats...")
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Current mumblings/musings.

Excaliber Mission Log Redux

=Missions in 2398 under the command of Fleet Captain [[Kalianna Nicholotti]]=
|NAME=Cats Among The Pigeons
|BLURB=A distress call brings the [[USS Resolution]], with Acting Captain [[Genkos Adea]], to Rinascita Research Station.