Takashi Chen

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USS Independence-A
Prometheus Class

Takashi Chen

  • Gender: Male
  • Position: First Officer
  • Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Race: Terran

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Lieutenant Commander Takashi Chen is currently serving on the USS Ursa Major as its First Officer.


  • Name: Takashi M. Chen
  • Current Rank: Lcmd
  • Race: Terran
  • Date of Birth: 20 April 2357
  • Place of Birth: Johore, Malaysia
  • Sex: Male


  • Height: 5' 7".
  • Weight: 155lbs.
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • Eye Color: Dark Brown


  • Parents
    • Father: Victor Chen
    • Mother: Hiroko Tonegawa
  • Siblings: Older brother, Tetsuo Chen
  • Spouse: -
  • Children: -

Personal History

Takashi was born on April 20, 2357 in a small town at the Southern tip of Malaysia, Johore. Takashi went to live with his uncle (Samuel Chen) in San Francisco when he was 6. He completed his primary education there and went on to his secondary education in Vancouver, B.C. After which he spent two years as a lab technician, honing his scientific skills.

His parents are now semi-retired and run a farm in Oregon. His older brother (5 years older) has been promoted to Associate Professor at the Division of Biological Sciences at the University of Chicago.

After an unsuccessful attempt in applying to the Academy, he was accepted the second time. From his grades he was a fairly average student throughout the years in the Academy. His final thesis was entitled "Spatial and Temporal Kinetics of Theoretical Subspace Funnel".

Professional History

  1. 238209.22: Graduated from Starfleet Academy.
  2. 238209.27: Posted to the Nova class vessel USS Aurora, under the command of Captain Megan Parker. Assigned posting as science officer, and was Chief Science Officer soon after.
  3. 238212.16: Promoted to Lt. jg.
  4. 238301.07: Transferred from USS Aurora to USS Ursa Major, under the command of Vice Admiral Hollis Calley. Retained Chief Science Officer post.
  5. 238304.05: Promoted to Lt.
  6. 238311.30: Became Chief Engineering Officer, USS Ursa Major
  7. 238312.06: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
  8. 238412.03: Promoted to First Officer, USS Ursa Major

Groups: Ursa Major

NPC Listing    ·    Independence-A Senior Staff    ·    Crew History
CO: Flt.Capt. Sidney Riley · FO: Lt.Cmdr. Darius Clack
HCO: Ens. Isaac David Hertz · CCO: Ens. Alexander Richards
CEO: Lt. JG Lluneh Walker · R&D: Lt.Cmdr. Ethan Brice
COS: Lt. Eyas W'tine · SEC: Lt. Jade Shryker
CTO: Lt.Cmdr. Danny Wilde · TAC: Ens. Scarlet Delores
CSO: Lt. Tyriden · ACSO: Lt. Galon Sudra
CMO: Lt.Cmdr. Charles Sampi · CNS: Ens. Zinna
MO: Ens. Leah St. James · Ens. Velana
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