Hi! My name is Emma and I play Rear Admiral Quinn Reynolds, the commanding officer of the USS Gorkon. Quinn has been my primary character since I joined the fleet in the February of 2007, and I've gathered a small posse of PNPCs along the way. I'm an EC member and one of the deputy commandants for the academy, so whether you're new to the fleet or a veteran simmer, if you have any concerns or questions please feel welcome to drop me a message!


Active Characters

Primary Character
Insignia Rank Portrait Character Name Gender and Species Current Position Current Posting
  Fleet Captain   Quinn Reynolds Female Human/Deltan Commanding Officer USS Gorkon
  Commander   Walter Brunsig Male Human Commanding Officer, USS Triumphant Tyrellian Defence and Exploration Taskforce
  Lieutenant   Caedan Nkai Male Rodulan Interim Chief of Operations USS Gorkon
  Lieutenant   Isioma Uzoamaka Female Betazoid/Human Chief of Counselling USS Gorkon
  Ensign   Valesha Sienelis Female Romulan Science Officer USS Gorkon

Inactive characters can be found here.


Decoration Award Description Commanding Officer Stardate
  Purple Star Awarded to an officer who shows extreme courage to finish a task or mission after having become injured. Jessa Kyrn Anassasi 238501.18
  Sheathed Sword Given to those officers who suffer grievous, life-affecting wounds in the course of their duties. Rocar Drawoh 238601.13
  Phoenix Award Presented to those officers who continue Zefram Cochrane's tradition of excellence in the field of engineering. Rocar Drawoh 238601.13
  Strange Medallion Awarded to executive officers who perform above the call of duty. Rocar Drawoh 238701.22
  The Order of Starfleet Merit and Achievement: First Class (TOSMA I) Decorates those officers who demonstrate great dedication and ability in the performance of their duties. Rocar Drawoh 238703.25
  The Black Cross Awarded to an officer who strives to accomplish the goals of Starfleet Intelligence, while upholding the ideals and structure of Starfleet command Cassandra Egan Manno 239201.01
  Pathfinder Award Awarded to an officer who has shown great care in the mentoring of fellow members Tristan Wolf 239306.28
  Staff Member of the Year Award Awarded to to those staff members who have contributed tirelessly to the organization through any number of OOC channels, while maintaining excellence in simming on their vessel. Tristan Wolf 239306.28
  Christopher Pike Pendant Awarded to to commanding officers who command their ship with honor and dedication, and help to provide an creative atmosphere which fosters outstanding simming. Tristan Wolf 239306.28
  B-Plot Award The B-Plot Award is a general award and is awarded to those simmers who manage to show a good portion of the character's life despite the demands of the main plot. Tristan Wolf 239406.28
  Russ Bar Awarded to a writer whose knowledge of Trek lore is extraordinary. Named for Tim Russ, the actor who played Tuvok on Star Trek: Voyager, who was already a dedicated Star Trek fan before securing the role on the show. Tristan Wolf 239406.28

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