Nak'aqi Socxo

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STO Ensign Teal.jpg
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Nak'aqi Socxo
Position Science Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Klingon
Gender Male
DOB 236812.11
Age 33
Birthplace Kronos
Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg

Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon

“Every action has it's own reaction”

co-opted by Nak'aqi Socxo, currently serving as Science Officer of the USS Za



  • Height: 5 feet 11
  • Weight: 92 kg
  • Hair color: Brown
  • Eye color: Dark brown
  • Handedness: Left

Service Record

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Ensign 239308.09 - Present USS Za
Science Officer


  • Parents:
    • Father: Rei'go Socxo
    • Mother: Is’Ka Socxo
  • Siblings: Two
    • Elder Brother:: Grevoki Socxo
    • Younger Sister: Ushalli Socxo
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None

Chronological History

Born on the homeworld of the Klingon Empire, Kronos, in 2368 under the care of Rei'go and Is'Ka Socxo of the House Socxo. Nak'aqi was born as the second oldest of the family as Ushalli was born into his family a few years later. The House of Socxo is a minor house that does the bidding of the House of D'ghath. Rei'go has to aid the Hous of D'ghath in combat on many occasions.

Nak'aqi was in a way unique in his own personal development as he had little to no interest in warfare. Even though his father had forced him to train with him every day so that Nak'aqi could defend himself. No his interest was focused on Science and Engineering, to explore the unknown and try to figure out impossible puzzles.

When reaching the Age of Ascension Ceremony, he barely manage to succeed in the ritual. Nak'aqi felt those pain sticks for at least a few more weeks after it. When he completed his Warrior Academy he received the rank of SuvwI' wejDIch (Warrior 3rd Class) and served for a short period under his father defense guards. But at the same time behind the back of his father and even his family he kept himself in a learning state towards that of Science and Engineering elements.

But after a while his father did notice it and burned all his books, work and everything related towards his ambitions of becoming a Science or Engineering Officer. Out of rage he grabbed his gear into a bag and after a cursing fight with his father, where he finally throw his rank pip onto the ground and spit on the ground, he left the House hall and took his ride towards the stars.

He wanted to start over, to follow his own dreams. But that was not going to be easy as the path laid ahead of him was the Federation one. He asked for asylum and after a period of three month with narrow investigation he was finally accepted into both the Federation space and the Academy. The day to day progress was brutal, not that anyone challenged him, he was rather alone and no one seeked out any contact with him. He is afterall a Klingon, but the exam would hopefully make a difference.

Finally he was faced off with the exam that challenged him on both thinking like an Engineer and afterwards as a Science Officer. The simulation of his exam was a success and with that he passed the Academy and got assigned towards the USS Za. A ship that was to be set out into the south side of Federation space to explore the unknown. Yet Nak'aqi knew that the Klingons would be there as well that would also challenge him on his own turf.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Za Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Keelah Rhani
Helm Ofc.
Lael Rosek-Skyfire
Chief Tactical Ofc.
Alexander Williams
Alex Blair
Femi Cattan
Trellis Vondaryan
Chief Security Ofc.
Krindo Pandorn
Science Ofc.
Alora DeVeau
Medical Ofc.
Chythar Skyfire
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