Stiftany Harik

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Ensign Stiftany Harik is a science officer aboard the USS Invicta.

USS Invicta
Stiftany Harik
Position Science Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Trill
Gender Female
DOB 2364
Age 38


  • Full name: Stiftany "Frankie" Harik
  • Age: 29
  • Hair color: Silver
  • Eye color: Azure blue
  • Height: 5'6"

Service Record

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Ensign 239305.30 - Present USS Invicta
Science Officer


  • Parents:
    • Father: Gregr
    • Mother: Fandik
  • Siblings: None
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None


She was an only child since her parents couldn't conceive another. She was raised in a fairly normal Trill home, always with the hope that she would be joined when old enough. She excelled in science and won many science fairs and competitions.She decided to go to college at age 16, where she studied exobiology.

She graduated at twenty and found that she had been chosen to be joined and spent a year learning her new self, which included a desire for psychology. She soon joined starfleet and studied science and psychology. She graduated with a phd.

She enjoyed social activities including billiards, rock climbing and tennis. She has resigned herself to never having a true love, though in her heart of hearts she wishes she could have that.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Invicta Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Joseph Washington
Intelligence Ofc.
Rune Jolara
Operations Ofc.
Chief Engineer
Luna Walker
Carter Greyson
Chief Medical Ofc.
Raj Blueheart
Raissa Moonsong
First Officer
Tristam Core
Ryan King
Kessa T'Dara
Chief of Security
Hanar Tuk
SAR Team Leader
Chief of Science
Alora DeVeau
Science Officer
Stiftany Harik
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