Embassy Tactical Department

Embassy of Duronis IIUSS Thor


The Tactical Department is responsible for...


Chief Tactical Officer's Officer

Tactical and Flight Operations

The Chief Tactical Officer has an office inside the Embassy located near the Strategic Operations office and Chief of Security office.

Tactical and Flight Operations

The Tactical and Flight Operations office is located in the rear of the Embassy Tactical Wing hanger just outside of Lokesh City. The office contains a desk as well as a conference table for pilot meetings. The Tac. Wing technicians also utilize this office for conferences of their own.

Tactical Wing Hanger

Subterranean Hanger Bay

The Tactical Wing Hanger is located just outside Lokesh City. Craft assigned there include 2 Valkyrie-class Light Escort Fighters, and 4 Peregrine-class Heavy Fighters. The hanger also supports 2 Runabouts and a single Hopper.

The following Runabouts are housed Subterranean Hanger Bay when not in use. There are three Starfleet stationed on Duronis II:


Chief Tactical Officer's Office

The Chief Tactical Officer's Office is located on Deck 15 located near the Chief of Security and Strategic Operations offices.

Torpedo Magazine and Manufacturing Area

This restricted area on deck 9 is for storing unarmed photon torpedoes, quantum torpedoes (if the mission dictates), and science probes I - VI (VII - X if mission dictates). Also stored here are the components for manufacturing new photon torpedo as well as the equipment to put it all together. This room is also accessed by the loading mechanism for the torpedo launchers.



Phaser array arrangement: Two dorsal phaser arrays on the primary hull, extending from just aft of the bridge to almost midway around the saucer section. The arrays converge to intersect at the bow of the ship, giving them an almost oval appearance. Two ventral phaser arrays on the primary hull, extending from the very back of the primary hull almost to the bow. These arrays also converge gradually as they approach the widest part of the primary hull, converging near the bow. Two phaser arrays are located on or near the aft sail covering the rear firing arc.

Phaser Array Type: The Akira Class utilizes the Type X array system. The seven arrays are all type X, the new standard emitter. Each array fires a steady beam of phaser energy, and the forced-focus emitters discharge the phasers at speeds approaching .986c (which works out to about 182,520 miles per second - nearly warp one). The phaser array automatically rotates phaser frequency and attempts to lock onto the frequency and phase of a threat vehicle's shields for shield penetration.

Phaser Array Output: Each phaser array takes its energy directly from the impulse drive and auxiliary fusion generators. Individually, each Type X emitter can only discharge approximately 5.1 MW (megawatts). However, several emitters (usually two) fire at once in the array during standard firing procedures, resulting in a discharge approximately 10.2 MW.

Phaser Array Range: Maximum effective range is 300,000 kilometers.

Torpedo Launchers

Arrangement: Three fixed-focus torpedo launchers, one located just above the main deflector dish and another at the bow of the primary hull along with a third launcher within the main sail. These launchers are the second generation of automated, high-speed launchers originally developed and found on the New Orleans and Saber Class (and later seen aboard Excelsior Class Starships as part of their refit schedule) starships and each launcher is armed with 5 tubes per launcher, giving the Akira Class the ability to launch up to fifteen torpedoes in a single salvo. The third generation of this launcher has seen deployment aboard the Sovereign Class and Norway Class.

Type: Mark XXV photon torpedo, capable of pattern firing (sierra, etc.) as well as independent launch. Independent targeting once launched from the ship, detonation on contact unless otherwise directed by the Chief Tactical Officer or TIC Weapons Officer.

Payload: The ship can carry a maximum of 375 torpedoes.

Range: Maximum effective range is 3,000,000 kilometers.

Deflector Shields

Type: A symmetrical subspace graviton field. This type of shield is fairly similar to those of most other Starships. However, besides incorporating the now mandatory nutation shift in frequency, the shields alter their graviton polarity to better deal with more powerful weapons, such as the neutron-carbide beams of Tamarian vessels. During combat, the shield sends data on what type of weapon is being used on it, and what frequency and phase the weapon uses. Once this is analyzed by the tactical officer, the shield can be configured to have the same frequency as the incoming weapon - but different nutation. This tactic dramatically increases shield efficiency.

Output: There are sixteen shield grids on the Akira Class, and each one generates 186 MW, resulting in a total shield strength of 2976 MW. However, during normal combat operations, only 10 of the 16 shield generators are activated, with the remaining 6 generators serving as the emergency shield system. This means that, in normal combat operations, the Akira class has a rated shield strength of 1860MW. The power for the shields is taken directly from the warp engines and impulse fusion generators. If desired, the shields can be augmented by power from the impulse power plants. The shields can protect against approximately 36% of the total EM spectrum (whereas the standard Galaxy Class Starship's shields can only protect against about 23%), made possible by the multi-phase graviton polarity flux technology incorporated into the shields.

Range: The shields, when raised, stay extremely close to the hull to conserve energy - average range is ten meters away from the hull.


Duronis II Embassy Crew Manifest
Insignia Rank/Title Portrait Character Name Duty Post
Ensign Avatar: Farzan Athari
Tactical Officer


Embassy Security Staff NPC Roster
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Species and Gender Current Post Posted By