Special award
A special award is an OOC award that is awarded during the annual fleet awards ceremony. Any member can receive a special award. However, only one of each award is allowed per ceremony.
Locutus Award: For members of the Publicity Team who go above-and-beyond their monthly requirements for participation on a regular basis. These team members show enthusiasm and flair for spreading the word about or role-playing community and take an active interest in finding new ways to invite people to join our ranks. |
Sarpeidon Award: Given to any simmer who has made outstanding contributions to the 118Wiki. Sarpeidon was the world in TOS's "All Our Yesterdays," in which the planet's population created a library containing their entire world's history. This is, in essence, what our wiki strives to become: a collection of our group's history and a simming database. |
Boothby Award: For trainers who go above and beyond their Academy Training Requirements. These trainers display an outstanding example of dedication to bringing new cadets to our community. |
Rising Star Award: For members who show great promise in many facets of their participation in the group, and to whom we look to as a future leader. |
Kalendra Award: Awarded to a simmer who has performed (on more than one occasion) devious, unexpected plot twists. The simmer must have shown an ability to surprise their colleagues with clever plot twists that were relevant and plausible, given a particular plot. |
Xalor Clan Xifilis Award: Given to any simmer who overcomes any sort of disadvantage while simming. This award was originally called the "Rachel Garett Pendant," but was renamed for the 2000 ceremony to to honor a respected simmer in UFOP: StarBase 118 who passed away in that year. |
Great Bird Award: This award is the highest honor given to any officer, and has only been given once in the history of the group. It is given to an officer who helps develop and/or invents a new way of simming, a new way of thinking, or a new way of looking at the Star Trek universe. |
Data Artistic Award: (Retired in 2015) Rewarded to any officer in the fleet who has made a consistent effort to enter each of the bi-monthly writing challenges. Most notably, the officer must have continued participation even if their submissions were not picked as the winner, thus sticking with the challenge and always giving other something exciting to read. |