Hello! My name is Sal and I write for Toni Lupo, Mission Specialist aboard the USS Gorkon.


  • Name: Sal Lupo
  • Joined Starbase 118: November 30th, 2014.
  • Author ID number: E239112TL0
  • Training Cruise: from December 2nd till December 9th, 2014.
    • Command: CO Lieutenant Commander Ben Edwards, XO Lieutenant Commander Nugra
    • Training Scenario: TBA

I'm avid reader and I love writing. I wrote my first novel in Middle School, I still have 2 out of 3 notebooks I wrote it to. It's rubbish and no script doctor can ever save it, but it's my first effort in writing and I'm proud of it. I remember when my Literature teacher told me that good writers are those who work on their writing regularly every day. I was writing my nonsense regularly every day. It turned later into writing diary. I know, it's something only girls do, but I still like doing it occasionally... when I feel I have something to dump off my mind or heart.

My parents were SIMmers and then just stopped. I asked them how and why and they had no response. They were doing it together for 5 years and then decided to take a break... I can't imagine to do it. I can see myself doing this in 10-15 years and still love it too much to give up. Although, I may be wrong and I give up next week. Only thing that may take me away from this is my child and a need to spend more time with it. I don't have kids... yet. I'm not even married yet. But I'm dreaming of having lot of kids. I had twin sister, she died of Leukemia when I was 7 and my parents never braved to have another child. I'm lonely. I still miss my sister and main reason I want a lot of kids is to make sure none of them will ever be as lonely as I am.

Player Characters

Main Character/s
Insignia Rank Character Name Vessel Current Post Status
STO Lieutenant-JG Red.jpg
Lieutenant Junior Grade Lupo USS Gorkon Mission Specialist Active
Insignia Rank Character Name Vessel Current Post Status
STO Ensign Yellow.jpg
Ensign Yared Xyrou USS Gorkon Operations Officer Active
Civilian Lupo Embassy of Duronis II Civilian Inactive
Ensign Alboran Engineering Officer inactive Inactive
Main Page

Lupo, Toni

  • Serial Number: UB- 525 - 632
  • Rank: Lieutenant JG
  • Position: Mission Specialist
  • Assignment: USS Gorkon
  • Clearance: Beta-Two-Five-Zero
Toni Lupo's Medical Records Toni Lupo's Personal Log Toni Lupo's SIM Page


Ships Served

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Embassy of Duronis IIAkira class

Toni served aboard the Duronis II Embassy as Engineering Officer as Ensign 239112.09 - 239203.29 and as Lieutenant Junior Grade 239203.29 - 239208.07 before transfer to USS Avandar as Intelligence Officer.

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USS AvandarLuna class

Toni served aboard the USS Avandar as Intelligence officer as Lieutenant Junior Grade from 239208.07 till 239210.24. Writer was on short loA from 239210.24 till 239211.24 before joining USS Gorkon as Mission Specialist.

USS Gorkon-logo.png Sovereign-scale.png
USS GorkonSovereign class

Toni is serving aboard the USS Gorkon as Mission Specialist as Lieutenant Junior Grade since 239211.24.

OOC Activities

  • I love playing with wiki. I'm not really good in coding or making good templates, but I know how to use them and I love doing it.
  • I'm proud creator of the USS Bronwyn and it's Deck Layout.
  • 239205.10 - Completed work on the Announce List
  • 239205.28 - I received Letter of commendation for my wiki work
Lupo LoC.JPG
  • 239211.-- - I made avatars for Avandar crew for Haloween 2015
  • 239211.02 - Runner-Up in 2015 Halloween Graphic Contest



Toni Lupo
Engineer of USS Thunder-A and Duronis II Embassy. A proud mother to USS Bronwyn.
  • Shy
  • Protective
  • Reserved
  • Gadgeteer
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Toni Lupo
Intelligence officer aboard the USS Avandar
  • Paranoid
  • Reserved
  • Gadgeteer
  • Shy
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