Shurimal Vex

Revision as of 18:10, 13 October 2015 by Rich (talk | contribs) (avatar)

Shurimal Vex is a Ullian science officer aboard the USS Invicta.

USS Invicta
Shurimal Vex.png
Shurimal Vex
Position Science Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Ullian
Gender Male
DOB 236205.23
Age 39


  • Hair Color: Very dark brown
  • Eye Color: Grey
  • Height: 196 cm (6'5")
  • T/E Rating: T4
Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Ensign 239209.30 - Present USS Invicta
Science Officer


  • Mother: Igmor Vex
  • Father: Gren Vex
  • Spouses: None
  • Children: None


Shurimal was born to Gren and Igmor much later in their lives than the generally accepted norm. They had each travelled extensively and pursued successful careers before meeting each other and starting a family. As such, Shurimal is an only child whose parents are now quite elderly.

He was never an academically gifted child, but Shurimal sure loved digging through the dirt! It was when, at the tender age of 12, he discovered a holopedia simulation on pre-historic Ullian civilization that he found his foremost passion to this day: he fell in love with both the scientific histories and the myths and legends of the distant past.

Despite being nearly obsessed with the past, he was never a traditionalist, and longed to leave Ullia to explore the galaxy.

His mediocre scholastic performance kept him out of Starfleet on his first two attempts at the age of 18, so he instead applied to work as an archaeologist with the Ullian History Council, eventually earning professional accolades for numerous archaeological finds across the neigbouring sectors of space.

It was when, after seven years at the age 25, he was offered the chance to apply for a permanent position on the History Council's archaeology staff that Shurimal realised he had to make some important choices about his future. Declining the opportunity, he instead took the Starfleet entrance exam one more time, but this time he was accepted!

He spent the duration of his studies at the Academy campus on SB118, majoring in Anthropology and Archaeology.

Shurimal is remarkably curious and persistent and is, in general, methodical and analytical in his thinking. He does, however, strongly trust in his own intuition and will sometimes act contrary to logic if the 'hunch' is strong enough.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Invicta Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Joseph Washington
Intelligence Ofc.
Rune Jolara
Operations Ofc.
Chief Engineer
Luna Walker
Carter Greyson
Chief Medical Ofc.
Raj Blueheart
Raissa Moonsong
First Officer
Tristam Core
Ryan King
Kessa T'Dara
Chief of Security
Hanar Tuk
SAR Team Leader
Chief of Science
Alora DeVeau
Science Officer
Stiftany Harik
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