
Joined 15 December 2014
Revision as of 23:49, 8 October 2015 by Ceciri (talk | contribs) (cleaning up the page a bit (removing msnpc's, editing some text))
Your Moment of Zen: "Avenge my twistery death!"

Hi. My name is Nicholas but you may as well call me by Ceciri. I'll answer it as well. I write for Ceciri Hakashri of the USS Doyle-A. I also used to write for Peinyuong Loizuthi of StarBase 118 Ops

Feel free to leave a line if you want to talk to me. You can also email me here


  • Name: Nicholas/Ceciri
  • Joined SB118:7 December 2014
  • Training Cruise: 10~15 December 2014

Ships of the Line

USS Constitution-logo.png Galaxy refit-scale.png
USS Constitution-BGalaxy classLieutenant Junior Grade Ceciri Ariadust, HCO Officer, Engineer
Dec 2014 - Apr 2015
DoyleLogo.png Luna-scale.png
USS Doyle-ALuna classLieutenant Commander Ceciri Hakarshi, Chief HCO Officer
Apr 2015 - ongoing
Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png Excelsior-scale.png
StarBase 118 OpsExcelsior classEnsign Peinyuong Loizuthi, Tactical Officer
May 2015 - Aug 2015

SB118 Offline Card Game!

Look here!


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Player Characters

Main Character/s
Serial: C239112CA0
Insignia Rank Character Name Vessel Current Post Status
Lieutenant Commander Hakashri USS Doyle-A HCO Officer Active Primary
Ensign Loizuthi Starbase 118 Ops Tactical Officer Inactive Secondary
Insignia Rank Character Name Vessel Current Post Status
Lieutenant Commander Lisero DS 285 Intel Active
Civilian Nadeshiko USS Doyle-A Science Analyst Active
Petty Officer Second Class Terei USS Doyle-A Engineering Officer Active
Lieutenant JG T'Zantha USS Doyle-A Science Officer Active
Ensign Smith USS Doyle-A HCO Officer Active
Chief Petty Officer Agrippina USS Doyle-A Science Officer Active
Civilian Nakarata Starbase 118 Ops Shopkeeper Inactive

In Progress