Kelrod Quarters

Revision as of 13:47, 26 May 2015 by Varaan (talk | contribs) (fixed picture size)

Starfleet believes that providing comfortable living quarters to all crew and attached personnel to be of primary importance. Indeed, living accommodations are one of the most visible displays of Starfleet's commitment to caring for its single most important "system", its people.

Each person aboard an Intrepid-class starship is assigned approximately 85 square meters of personal living quarters space. These accommodations typically include a bedroom, living/work area, and a small bathroom. Living quarters decks are designed to be modular with movable walls to permit reconfiguration for requests as crew load and structure change. Other amenities available include food synthesizer terminals (replicators), a sonic showers and standard showers, null-grav sleeping chambers, and personal holographic viewers.

Individuals assigned to a starship for more than six months are permitted to reconfigure their quarters within hardware, mass and volume limits. Individuals assigned for shorter periods are generally restricted to standard quarters configurations.

Intrepid Class USS Atlantis Deck Tour
Operations Main Bridge · Ready Room · Observation Lounge · First Officer's Office · Mission Specialist Office
Medical/Science Sickbay · Stellar Cartography/Astrometrics Lab · Arboretum
Engineering Main Engineering
Recreation The Trident · Poseidon's Lounge · Holodeck
Crew Quarters Captain Blueheart · Commmander Dickens · Lt. Varaan
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