Nashira Rho
Nashira Rho |
Nashira Rho |
Nashira Rho is the name given by stellar cartography that covers a region of space from south of the Tholian Assembly to Rigel. The majority still considered unexplored, Nashira is divided in to 36 sub-sectors of space which, for the most part, are unclaimed by any specific race .
Named Sectors
- NR-A1 - Tempest Sector
- NR-A3 - Cestus Sector
- NR-A4 - Vor’Cha Sector
- NR-B5 - Mulphien Sector
- NR-B6 - G’Roth Sector
- NR-C1 - Typerias Sector
- NR-D4 - Betelgeuse Sector
- NR-F6 - Rigel Sector