Akeelah D'Sena

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USS Constitution-B


Akeelah D'Sena

STO LtCommander Yellow.jpg

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Akeelah D'Sena is the First Officer on the USS Apollo-A. She is Rodulan from the Idanii racial group. She appears rather distant and sometimes even arrogant unless she is with other Rodulans.


  • Full Name: Akeelah D'Sena
  • Race: Rodulan - Idanii
  • Date of Birth: 2335 (56 years)
  • Place of Birth: Rodul
  • Gender: Female
  • Telepathic status: T4/E4 (Species with two lobed brain, no contact required) NR (Non-readable entity; four-lobed brain)


  • Height: 5'10 (ca. 178 cm)
  • Hair Color: Brown, curly
  • Hair Style Duty: Loose unless otherwise ordered
  • Hair Style Off-Duty: Loose
  • Eye Color: Completely black (Sclera, iris and pupils are black)


  • Mother: Drosa D'Sena, Scientist
  • Father: Kelar D'Sena, Artist
  • Sisters: Jenia (deceased), Wraya and Ianey (Twins 25)
  • Cousin: Talia Kaji - Counselor, USS Victory
  • Aunt: Adriana Kaji - Drosa's sister, mother of Talia Kaji
  • Marital Status: Single

Personal History

Akeelah was born on Rodul, as first (and unplanned) daughter of Drosa and Kelar D'Sena, a Scientist and an Artist during the Occupation of Rodul by Klingon Forces, in the war between the Klingon Empire and the Cardassian Union. During that time her parents did not work in their jobs but did everything to keep their small family safe.

Life had been hard on them, but it did not take long any more, because after the first couple of years of Akeelah's life the Klingon occupants were forced to withdraw from the planet. From then on, not only the D'Sena family but everyone affected by the war, began to rebuild their lives. A story that Akeehla would hear about all through her life.

Akeelah grew up as an only child until she was 15 and was rather spoiled with attention, that has then been divided between her and her sister Jenia. She did not appreciate that and got into a lot of trouble to regain the attention of her parents. She was a rebellious child in school and at home just for that purpose and enjoyed that she got what she wanted.

One day she and her then 10 year old sister went to the mountains, as they wanted to enjoy the snow and Akeelah ignored the warning signs and words of her parents. She wanted some fun and her Jenia wanted to be daring and bold like her big sister. Everything happened too fast and after slipping and losing her footing on the ground both of them slid down the mountain on snow and ice for a while until Akeelah found something to hold on to. But as she looked around to find her sister, she only heard a sharp scream and saw the small body fall over the cliff.

Her parents grieved but said it was an accident. Akeelah though did not think so, instead was convinced that it was her fault, as she had ignored the signs that her sister was too young to understand. From that moment on, she began to did not only read the rules, but started to follow them religiously and changed her life completely. And no amount of words spoken by her parents could change that. Rules gave her comfort, even though they would not bring her sister back.

When Akeelah finished her academic time it took her a while to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. She tried to follow her parents footsteps with years of assessment in both arts and science and several other professions. While Science was most interesting to her, it was not exactly what she wanted. When her parents announced that they were becoming parents again, Akeelah was so worried that she would harm the new baby as well, that the memory of the stories came back into her mind.

Starfleet had freed her planet from the occupation and with being military it would have rules to follow. She did not know yet in which direction she wanted her studies to go, so the basic training would give her a chance to figure that out. Her decision was made and she was accepted to Starfleet only weeks before the birth of her twin baby sisters and left as soon as possible.

During her first year she decided to major in security with a minor in science to honour her mother. And after graduating from the Academy she was transferred to the USS Potemkin as security officer. During her time on the Potemkin she did good work and climbed up the rank ladder. After being promoted to Full Lieutenant she was offered the position as Chief of Security, which she accepted. She worked hard and did not have many personal contacts on the ship and continued to climb up to later be promoted not only to Lieutenant Commander but Second Officer.

It did not take much time after the latest promotion that, during land shore, she had been recalled and transferred as Mission Specialist on the USS Apollo-A under Rear Admiral Andrus Jaxx.

Personal Notes

Drinks and Food Akeelah prefers non replicated food and drink but adapts to replicated versions while being on a ship unless she has resources to cook, something she enjoys doing. She has a sweet tooth, but indulges only rarely. When it comes to food she likes it really spicy.

Hobbies In her free time she visits the holodeck, cooks and practices Basotile to keep her mental powers in balance. She also enjoys studying cultures and their law systems.

Personality Unless she is among other Rodulans she appears distant and sometimes even arrogant. She does not easily make friends or connections to others, but is not actively going out of their way either. Akeelah follows the rules to the dot. If she does not know the rules of something she might feel lost and tries to learn them as fast as possible.

Starfleet History

Starfleet History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Ensign 2366 USS Potemkin Security Officer
  Lieutenant jg. 2372 Security Officer
  Lieutenant 2380 Chief of Security
  Lieutenant Commander 2389 Chief of Security
  Lieutenant Commander 2391 Chief of Security & Second Officer
  Lieutenant Commander 239109.06 USS Apollo-A First Officer

Missions aboard the Apollo

2391 - Pertainia Prime

Service Ribbons & Awards
Award/Ribbon Description
  2389 OOC Award (Former PC) - Next I would like to recognize Lieutenant Jalana Laxyn. She is awarded the Silver Palm. This woman not only serves as our Chief Medical Officer, but she is our Chief Morale Officer as well. She is often interjecting humor and unique insights into the mix. It is an enjoyment to be part of her escapades. Congratulations.
  2389 OOC Award (Former PC) - Named CMO of the year - Awarded to those medical officers who has moved beyond competence to display a true gift for the healing arts in the context of space medicine. The officers given this award should display the ability to keep a steady hand in the often hazardous conditions in which they must practice, as well as the willingness to risk their own life to save the lives of others.
  2391 - OOC Award: The Neelix Award is awarded for extra, out of character, simming devotion. In this case it has been rewarded for the work and devotion in the work as Facilitator of the Image Department. She had done a superb job on the Image Collective and in the Forums providing photoshop pictures and banner for several players. She is truly devoted, quick and her job meet no equal.
  2391 - OOC Award: Many people around the fleet are familiar with the name Jalana Laxyn. As facilitator of the Image Team she can be found diligently working on graphics and coordinating team efforts. She is a wonderful training officer that has guided many cadets through the academy. As if that was not enough, she has really done an excellent job as First Officer of the Apollo with her new character Akeelah D'Sena. As XO, she has stepped up to every challenge presented, even running things during a leave of absence of the commanding officer. She has been, and continues to be, a stellar friend, colleague, and First Officer to many of us!
For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons

NPC Listing   ·   USS Apollo-A Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Regional Commander
Commanding Officer
Andastre Ruane
Executive Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
Chief of Security
Khatri Darshana
Security Officer
Daniel Cain
Security Officer
Wallace Williams
Tactical Officer
Conrad Adler
Engineering Officer
Wiar Sh'zatrahr
Chief Science Officer
Davine D'fini
Science Officer
Dar Toral
Medical Officer
Sakira P'au
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