Sedrin Belasi

Revision as of 21:53, 2 January 2015 by Eyas Wtine (talk | contribs)
Sedrin Belasi
Strategic Operations Officer
USS Albion

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Name: Sedrin Belasi
Rank: Lieutenant

Gender/Species: Male Deltan

Sedrin Belasi, is currently a Strategic Operations Officer aboard the USS Albion.


  • Full Name: Sedrin Belasi
  • Race: Deltan
  • Place of Birth: Cerusa, Capital City, Delta IV
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Male
  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Position: Strategic Operations (formerly Helm/Pilot)
  • Call Sign: Spitfire
  • Assignment: USS Albion


  • Height: 6'1"
  • Weight: 150 lbs
  • Hair Color: None
  • Length of Hair: Bald
  • Eye Color: Grey
  • Skin Tone: Pale
  • Birthmarks, Scars:
  • Build: Athletic


  • Habits/Mannerisms: Often puts hands together, with forefingers pointing together, outwards.
  • Theme Song/Tune: 'Guiding Light' by Muse
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Meditating and physical training.
  • Likes: Flying.
  • Dislikes: Klingon cuisine.
  • Temperment: Quiet and thoughtful.
  • Best SIM Quotation: Lost to me, once - a heartbreak, twice - like dying, thrice would be the end of everything.


  • Marital Status: Single, but has an on/off relationship with Alahndra Nevarass
  • Children: None
  • Parents
    • Father: Ryul Belasi
    • Mother: Fretya Felsian

Character History

Sedrin Belasi grew up on Delta IV . He was a childhood friend, and boyfriend (briefly) of Ensign Alahndra Nevarass but believed official reports that she had died alongside her family in a house fire. Years later, having achieved the rank of LtJG on Deep Space 17 as a pilot, Sedrin was briefly reunited with Alahndra during a mutual friend's wedding reception. He was soon transfered to the USS Independence-A where he underwent training to join the new Air Group, where his call sign was 'Spitfire'. He was very distraught when Nevarass left the Independence to parts unknown and Sedrin took some time off his duties to try and find her. He failed, and returned this time to a new ship, the USS Garuda to resume his Star Fleet duties as Strategic Operations Officer.

Additional Information