Talisa Zh'Eriss

USS Victory
Talsia Zh' Eriss
Position Marine Officer
Rank Second Lieutenant
Species Andorian
Gender Female
DOB 236401.01
Age 38
Birthplace Zhevra, Andor


  • Height: 185cm
  • Hair: White
  • Eyes: Dark Blue

Family History

While neither of her parents have ever served, Talisa's family has a history of serving in the Andorian military. Her great grandfather served in the Imperial Guard while her grandmother and uncle served in the Andorian Defence force. Despite this, Talisa is the first member of her family to have joined Star Fleet.

Prior to Star Fleet

While at school Talisa learned about the all Andorian Crew of the USS Atlirith and became obsessed with the ships legend. Talisa applied to join the Academy at the age of 19 but her application was rejected. She traveled for a year before moving to the federation colony of Korvat and studying for three years at the Curzon Institute of Learning, where she gained a degree in Modern Klingon Military.


During her second year at the Academy Talisa chose Marine Officer Training as her major and Helm & Navigation as her minor.

At the age of 23 Talisa successfully re-applied for Star fleet Academy. While at the Academy Talisa joined the Fencing team & Judo Club, she continues to practice both whenever she has the opportunity.

Talisa is part Academy Graduating Class of 239107.07

Service History

Service History
2nd Lieutenant 239107.08 - Present USS Victory Marine Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons

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NPC Listing   ·   USS Victory Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
First Officer
Chief Engineer
Cory Stoyer
Chief Security Ofc.
Paul Sharpe
Chief Science Ofc.
Ayiana Sevo
Science Ofc.
Lael E. Rosek
Engineering Ofc
Adam Haase
Tactial Ofc
Danny Wilde
Alucard Vess
Medical Officer
Janel Tarna
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