Emmalyne Scott

Revision as of 16:26, 10 May 2008 by Salak (talk | contribs)
Emmalyne A. Scott
Character Type Primary PC
Biographical Information
Homeworld Mydjya
Born 236303.22
Physical Description
Species Terran(Mydjyan)
Gender Female
Height 5'6"
Weight 125lb
Build Slender but well rounded and toned.
Hair Colour Ebony
Eye Colour Lavender, cat like pupil
Professional Information
Job Description Counselor
Rank Ensign
Group Independence-A

Ensign Emmalyne A. Scott, a female Mydjyan, is currently Counselor aboard the USS Independence-A.


  • Full Name: Emmalyne Anastasia Scott (pronounced Emma-line)
  • Race: Terran(Mydjyan)
  • Date of Birth: 236303.22
  • Place of Birth: Nienthra, Mydjya
  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Female
  • Telepathic status: A very strong Empathic ability. Has some Telepathic ability but has refused to cultivate it as she feels it is far to intrusive a skill.


  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 125 lbs
  • Hair Color: Ebony
  • Length of Hair: Long, usually in a braid.
  • Eye Color: Lavender, cat like pupil
  • Skin Tone: Fair
  • Birthmarks, Scars: Small mole, no scars.
  • Tattoos/Body Modifications: None
  • Build: Slender, toned.
  • Voice: Her voice is melodic and mellow with a 'proper' English accent, only softer.
  • Handedness: right
  • Overall Description: Emmalyne stands five feet six inches tall. Her skin is smooth and fair which sets off her long ebony tresses and mysterious violet colored eyes with cat like pupils. She has a feline grace and agility, slender but well rounded, fit but not overly buff. There is a mole, or beauty mark if you wish, above her right eyebrow near the temple.


Emmalyne was raised to be a lady and took to her lessons very well, though she is by no means stuffy and has been known to cut up once in a while. She is a warm and genuine person, very comfortable in her own skin. Caring, curious, and friendly, which is probably what drew her to counseling in the first place - a need to know what made people tick, as they say. That and her empathic abilities and natural people reading skills.

Being the daughter of a Mydjyan noblewoman and a Star Fleet officer gave her the ability to explore many cultures, races and personalities first hand. This fueled her desire to explore further and learn more, both about people and the universe around her which ultimately led to her decision to join Star Fleet. A decision that surprised her family. For though they know her well not only as a kind adventurous spirit, but also as a stubborn person who has no problem expressing her disagreement, especially when she sees something as unjust.

Hobbies and Pastimes

  • Fencing
  • Dancing
  • Equestrian Riding
  • Cooking/Baking
  • Harp and piano

Likes and Dislikes

  • Likes
  1. Reading
  2. Meeting new people
  3. Singing and acting
  4. Learning more in her field of study
  • Dislikes
  1. Waiting - is a bit impatient at times
  2. Feeling, or being, unable to help someone

Ambitions and Goals

At this point in time, Emmalyne has no specific future goals other than to continue her education, enjoy her work and add to her circle of friends.

Personal Achievements and Disappointments

Information about what the character sees as their personal achievements and disappointments. What are they? When did they occur? Did they occur "publicly" or "privately"?



  • Marital Status: Single




  • Father: Commander Joshua Scott
  • Mother: Lady Lenore Prentiss
  • Siblings: Sir Brandon Scott (brother, 28, Mydjya), Lt. Tanner Scott (brother, 25, Star Fleet), Mirelle Scott Danvers (sister, 20, Mydjya)

Personal History

Born on the planet Mydjya, one of the newer planets to join the Federation. It is an M class planet with high technology, yet its people choose to live life in the way of the past. Combining elements of life style similar to those of Terra’s Medieval, Renaissance, and Victorian eras, yet doing away with much of the gender and social bias of those time periods. Spending time on ships among the stars as well as in the courts of the Mydjyan nobility, she is well versed in both social graces and ship board protocols.


  1. 236303.22: Date of Birth
  2. 238505.05: Counselor, USS Independence-A

Professional History

  • Date Graduated from Academy: 238504
  • Current Rank: Ensign
  • Current Assignment: USS Independence-A
  • Duty Post: Counselor

Awards & Commendations

StarFleet Assessments and Records

Working Areas

Not the typical counselor office. Emmalyne prefers to make those who seek her aid as comfortable as possible. Thus she is often in the holo-suite of the counsling offices. There are times she will reserve a holo-deck for a session if the holo-suite is too small. She also will decorate her office to look as far from the sterile, cold room it was designed as she can. She prefers a warm, inviting atmospehere.



SIM Archive


NPC Listing    ·    Independence-A Senior Staff    ·    Crew History
CO: Flt.Capt. Sidney Riley · FO: Lt.Cmdr. Darius Clack
HCO: Ens. Isaac David Hertz · CCO: Ens. Alexander Richards
CEO: Lt. JG Lluneh Walker · R&D: Lt.Cmdr. Ethan Brice
COS: Lt. Eyas W'tine · SEC: Lt. Jade Shryker
CTO: Lt.Cmdr. Danny Wilde · TAC: Ens. Scarlet Delores
CSO: Lt. Tyriden · ACSO: Lt. Galon Sudra
CMO: Lt.Cmdr. Charles Sampi · CNS: Ens. Zinna
MO: Ens. Leah St. James · Ens. Velana
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