Elizabeth Snow

Revision as of 21:21, 3 October 2021 by Elizabeth Snow (talk | contribs)
A friend once told me.. "You are the captain of your own expedition! You are never stuck with, "the way things are." At any moment you can blaze a new trail!"
USS Chin'toka


Lieutenant Elizabeth Snow

Doctor Elizabeth Snow is currently serving as the Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Chin'toka


  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 125lbs
  • Hair: slightly curly, dark brown
  • Hair Length: Mid-back
  • Eyes: Light Blue
  • Build: Slim, Athletic
  • Birthmark: Small Brown oval, left side of her ankle
  • Scar: Right side of her navel due to an accident at Lake Cataria
  • Voice: Silvery
  • Handedness: Ambidextrous
  • Carriage: Usually perfect posture with with her head held high, arms usually to her side. Depending on the circumstances she is either casually strolling or walking with a purpose.
  • Posture: Sitting: Normally perfect posture, with her legs crossed at the ankles and her hands folded in her lap or on a table depending on what the situation is. Standing: Same as standing, though sometimes her hands hanging together in front of her
  • Off Duty Attire: comfortable mostly black leggings and a lose fitting shirt, semi formal sometimes, yoga clothes when going to the gym

Personal Information

  • Hobbies:
    • Drawing
    • Hand writing
    • Reading
    • Dancing
    • Sparring
    • Parrises Squares
    • Spending Time With Lephi
  • Favourite Food: Betazed Oysters
  • Favourite Drink: Jestral tea
  • Middle Name: Merandar - after one of the moons of Betazed
  • Likes:
    • Long walks around Lake Cataria
    • Helping others
    • Roses
    • Swimming
    • Red Wine
    • Fall
    • The color blue
  • Dislikes:
    • Bullies
    • Egotistical People
    • Serpents
    • Disrespectfulness
    • Enclosed spaces
    • Surprises
    • Heights
  • Phobias: Claustrophobia and Acrophobia


Elizabeth is fun-loving, kind, compassionate, free spirited, but serious when it comes to her work.

  • Temperament: Easy going, but stern when she needs to be.




Elizabeth and Lephi first met when the Ferengi walked into Sickbay to finish up her onboarding exam not long after Elizabeth was assigned to the Atlantis. Lephi asked the Doctor to accompany her down to the planet to discuss things in a more comfortable setting. They were kidnapped along with another Starfleet officer and never made it to that dinner. After being kidnapped together on Illara prime, things were rocky between them. As soon as things were repaired, the pair became really close in a very short period of time. The universe then threw a few setbacks into their path, but each time they prevailed stronger and closer. Lephi is one of the most important people in her life and the pair is currently planning their happily ever after.


George Snow

George Snow was born in Holland, Michigan on Earth. He was the second son and last born to his human parents. He enrolled in Starfleet when he was 17 and worked his way through the ranks to become Captain. He is a little rough around the edges, but is also a loving a devoted father and husband. He retired from Starfleet in 239605.17 to see the universe with his wife of 38 years. The years he missed with his family really had an impact on his life and since his retirement, he has done everything in his power to be as supportive and present as possible. The incident on Lake Cataria hit his heart hard and made him realize just how important his family was to him.


Rishma Snow

Rishma Omet was born on Betazed to her human father and half, human half Betazoid mother. She inherited some of her mother's Betazoid abilities, which she was able to use during her time as a doctor on Betazed. She is a loving and compassionate person with a passion to help others in need. She retired the same time as her husband to begin traveling and having adventures of her own with her husband. She raised her two children with the help of her mother while her husband traveled the universe. While her heart missed him when he was gone, her children kept her pretty busy with their rambunctiousness and competitiveness. After the incident caused by her children's prank war, things certainly changed in the Snow household.


Emerson Snow

Emerson Avandar Snow was born 236406.15 on Betazed in their on Lake Cataria. He is a lot like their father, but with more of a softer side. He is currently off exploring the universe learning the history of the different cultures and species that live among it. In other words, he is an Anthropologist. Elizabeth and Emerson have always been close, even with the vastness of space between them. An incident at Lake Cataria almost split the pair forever, but they came through it with a bond stronger than the one they had before.


Close Friend

Over the year of working with the Commander, Elizabeth has grown to both admire and respect her. She looks up to Serala and adores her daughter, T'Saara. After presenting little bean with a gift for her first birthday, Elizabeth was named one of her honorary aunts and it is Elizabeth's favourite title.


Wyla Avae
Close Friend

After bumping into each other, literally, in a corridor of the Atlantis, Elizabeth and Wyla have become close friends. Wyla's bubbly personality caught Elizabeth's attention from the start. Since that day, she and Wyla base jump together, among many other trilling things on the holodeck and the Antosian nurse keeps things in Sickbay light and fun. Since the transfer of Kurt Logan Wyla has been blue. Elizabeth continues to do her best to help her friend get over her heartbreak blues and so far things are looking up.


Stahma Omet
Maternal Grandmother

Stahma Omet is half Betazoid, half human. She and her husband met on Risa and married a few months later. He settled on Betazed with her and they had 2 beautiful daughters. She has no filter and is a bit eccentric. She is a retired counselor. After going behind Elizabeth's back and pairing her with another, in the Betazoid tradition, the bonding. She and Elizabeth had a falling out that has still yet to be repaired.


Elizabeth is the second born to her father, Captain George Snow and her mother, Dr. Rishma Snow. Her mother raised her and her brother on Betazed with the help of their maternal grandmother, who was half Betazoid, half human. Although they would often visit their father on the starships he served aboard, she missed having him at home.

As a child, Elizabeth was always had a knack for helping others, but she also loved exploring with her brother. They would often explore around their home and also the many ships their father served on through his journey to becoming captain. She was always fun-loving and kind, but she was also stubborn and free-spirited as well, which often landed her in trouble with her parents. She and her brother were always finding themselves in trouble due to their competitive nature. A prank war broke out between the pair which nearly resulted in Elizabeth's death after a fall from a tree to the rocks at the waters edge of Lake Cataria. Luckily she survived with just a scar. It ultimately ended the prank war and changed not only her, but her family as well, especially her brother.

As she grew older, her knack for helping others grew stronger. So she enrolled in the University of Betazed. But she couldn't help but feel like she was meant for more. She wanted adventure, but she also wanted to help people throughout the unknown, so of course she joined the Academy.

When she joined the Academy, Elizabeth couldn't settle on being a doctor or becoming a counselor, but, eventually, she settled on one. Upon graduating from the academy, Elizabeth took her oath and was assigned to the USS Atlantis as a medical officer. After two weeks of serving aboard the Atlantis, Elizabeth and two other members of Starfleet (Lephi and Wes) were kidnapped on an outing to Illara Prime. It took a bit of time to put the events of the kidnapping behind her, but somewhere along the way, she and Lephi formed a relationship.

Two months after calling Atlantis her home, the universe dropped a lot on her. The crew of the Atlantis was now transferring to the Chin'toka, her grandmother had dropped the unexpected news of her bonding Elizabeth to someone, she got promoted to Lieutenant JG and Assistant CMO, and she also lost Captain Thoran to an unknown cause. All while trying to navigate a relationship with Lephi. Things got a bit dark and Elizabeth managed to lose herself, but thankfully she was able to overcome it with the help of her loving partner.

Since her time on the Chin'toka, Elizabeth realized just how much Lephi meant to her when her beloved picked up a unidentified box on a mission. The box detonated, resulting in a few minor injuries, but also damaged Lephi's hearing. Their bond only grew stronger. Though they have had a lot of bumps along the way, they've proven that they will just come out on the other side of things closer. Since her promotion to Lieutenant and Chief Medical Officer, Elizabeth has recently gotten engaged to her imzadi and is in the process of wedding planning and the running of the Chin'toka's Sickbay Complex.

Chronological History

236810.28 Born on Betazed in their home on Lake Cataria

238106.13 Accident at Lake Cataria

University of Betazed 238508.08 - 238903.24 - Majoring in Medical

Starfleet Academy of Betazed 238908.14 - 239707.26 - Majoring in Medical

239707.27 Medical Officer of the USS Atlantis

239708.09 Kidnapped on Illara Prime

239709.01 Medical Officer of the USS Chin'toka

239709.22 Promoted to Lieutenant JG and Assistant Chief Medical Officer

239710.08 Lost Captain Jarred Thoran

239804.25 Promoted to Lieutenant and Chief Medical Officer

239805.03 Engaged to Lieutenant Lephi

Crew Roster

NPC Listing   ·   USS Chin'toka Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
First Officer
Aine Sherlock
Chief of Operations
Acting Chief of Eng.
Ghee’looth Xiron
Acting CTSO
Asst. CMO
Sylvie Doucet
Medical Officer
Leenaya Edrei
Chief of Science
Kimberly Stapledon
Science Officer
Skye Shepherd
Alexander Brodie
TacSec Officer
Seleya of Khanda
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