Ronin Main Engineering

Revision as of 20:56, 4 July 2007 by Ethanbrice (talk | contribs)

Located on Deck 14, Main Engineering is the thriving heart of any vessel in space. It has access to almost all systems aboard the starship, and manages repairs, power flow, and general maintenance.


It supplies all systems with power and monitors everything that has a blinking light through the system displays. If something goes wrong, an Engineer will have noticed. It is arguably the most important area of the ship though not the most remembered.

There are numerous ladders and access panels to Jefferies tubes, leading throughout the starship - the Sovereign Class being the first series of starship to take full advantage of these access spaces for more than extraordinary maintenance. The technical complexity of the starship dictates the use of these spaces to maintain peak efficiency and affect proper repairs.

In the center of Main Engineering is the Matter/Anti-Matter Assembly (M/ARA). This is where primary power for the ship is generated inside the Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Chamber (M/ARC). This system is checked on a regular basis due to its importance to the ship. Access to the warp core is restricted, with a front port to get to the Dilithium matrix as well as an over side port for access to the warp plasma conduits.

A second tier rings the second level of Main Engineering on deck 13. Two small single-person elevators, as well as a ladder on the opposite end, provide access to this catwalk. Controls for the various Fusion Power Plants, along with the Impulse Engines, are monitored from this deck.

Main Engineering

A lower tier runs below Main Engineering on deck 15. Damage Control Teams are mustered here, as well as internal ship maintenance teams. Numerous consoles and replicators line this section, serving as auxiliary consoles for Main Engineering, along with providing engineering research space and secondary computer core support.

Access to the Jeffries Tubes is provided in various places on both the First, Second and Third Tier of the Engineering Spaces.

Typical crew compliment in Main Engineering consists of twenty engineers and forty technicians of various grades. During Red or Yellow Alert, that number is increased.

Lt.JG Ethan Brice is Chief Engineer of the USS Ronin at the moment.

Lt.JG Jackford B. Kolk is presently Acting Assistant Chief Engineer.