Pholin Duyzer

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Ensign Pholin Duyzer is a Denobulan currently serving aboard the USS Columbia as science officer.

USS Columbia
Pholin Duyzer
Position Science Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Denobulan
Gender Male
DOB 234304.15
Age 58
Birthplace Iyax, Denobula
Writer ID C239509P10


“The stars will never be won by little minds; we must be big as space itself.”

Robert A. Heinlein



Full Name Pholin Duyzer
Gender Male
Age 58 years old
Handedness Ambidextrous
Service Number CL-156-418
Languages Denobulan, Federation Standard, Dutch, Romulan
Nicknames "Pholin" by almost every Denobulan
"Pho" by Hana and some close friends
Name in Denobulan  


Species Denobulan
Date of Birth 234304.15
Place of Birth Iyax, Denobula
Current Residence Tycho City, Luna


Denobulan Science Academy 2361-2365, Sociology
Starfleet Academy 2391-2395, Operations and Science, Academy Transcript;
Minor in Operations and Communications;
Major in Science, specialized in Astronomy and Xenology.


Height 1.83 meters
Weight 64 kilograms
Build Slender
Hair Style Combed back with a central hairline.
Hair Color Deep Vermillion
Eye Color Bluish White
Skin Color Pale Orange



Positive Extravert, respect for the rules, motivated.
Negative Quickly nervous, perfectionistic, gawky.


Likes Reading, socializing, nature, swimming.
Dislikes Pets, being touched, feeling old.


Early Life

Born in Iyax, Denobula, to Bem (99) and Tira (104); he spent his early childhood helping his parents on his grandfather's farm, who passed away just before Pholin was born. He felt free running and playing on the farm. When Pholin was four years old his brother Fren (53) was born. He learned how to be a good brother and played with him on the farm fields. Three years after Fren was born, their father went back to work for the Denobulan Marine, like he did before his children were born. Pholin was then only seven and did not understand why he would do that, and began to develop a grudge for the Marine.

Although Pholin loved his father, he disagreed with him most of the time. Whether it was about his friends or his grades, his father always had something to complain. Pholin was more close to his mother since he felt more like her. They were both open and always ready to talk; they also always had a smile on their face. Pholin - even to this day - did not understand the relationship between his parents; they never agreed on anything. Where Pholin was more drawn to his mother, Fren was closer to his father. He was almost as conservative and grumpy as his dad. He had already decided to join the Marine when he was only eight years old.

He performed dexterous in school and made some good friends, some still friends with him to this day. He was interested in a lot of topics in school to the surprise of his parents. He would talk for hours about his new science project, while his mom would talk about her adventures in the Marine. The two brothers would often listen to stories of their mom while sitting near the fireplace, as it would get very cold in winter. Every summer, their father would come back. As Pholin got older, he could feel the atmosphere worsen as his father would be back. Grumpy from the morning to night, Pholin would try to amuse him with a joke, but even that didn't work. He would later learn from his mother that his father was depressed during Pholin's childhood since his father had died.

Pholin's parents had always wanted him to join the Marine too, but during his puberty, he expressed that he wasn't planning on joining the Marine. Both his parents disagreed when he decided not to apply for the Marine after his studies, it took him two years to convince his parents it was what he wanted. It was a stressful time for him since he had no one to support his decision and sometimes questioned if this even was the thing he wanted. Even his own brother turned against him, as he did plan on joining the Marine. Luckily Pholin could talk to his uncle, Kolir (95), who stood up for him. He lived near Pholin and he could always go to Kolir if he was upset.

Denobulan Science Academy

It had taken him a lot of time to convince his parents, but eventually, he did and went to the Denobulan Science Academy. He followed a five year course, the first two about an introduction to the Scientific Method and Science in general, and the last three about his field of choice, Sociology.

Bajor and DS9

Back to Denobula

Starfleet Academy

Starfleet Career




There are Always Possibilities...
Awards and Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239509.12
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet First Class 239109.18 - 239503.23 Starfleet Academy Science Officer
Ensign 239509.12-Present USS Columbia Science Officer

NPC Listing   ·   USS Columbia Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Theo Whittaker
Executive Ofc.
Pholin Duyzer
Asst. Chief Ops
Jona ch'Ranni
Asst. Chief Tactical
James Colquhoun
Security Ofc.
Artinus Serinus
Security Ofc.
Kano Risha
Engineering Ofc.
Ryan Horn
Chief Medical Ofc.
Anath G'Renn
Karen Stendhal
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