
Revision as of 20:22, 20 September 2016 by Merrick RVen (talk | contribs)
Crew of USS Darwin-A/Unity Station

Sindrana Profile.png

Ensign Sindrana

““Cut the chains, break the molds . . . Be the difference!””

Ensign Sindrana is currently serving as a Counselor aboard the Unity Station and is a PNPC of Merrick R'Ven

Stats & Appearance

  • Full Name: Si-N'dhraenna
    • Federation Pronunciation: Sindrana
  • Race: Vulcan / Romulan
  • Place of Birth: Romulus
  • Gender: Female
  • Telepathic status: T3

  • Height: 5’10" (1.78 M)
  • Weight: 132 lbs.(60.1 Kg)
  • Hair: Black
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Skin Tone: Olive
  • Birthmarks, Scars: None
  • Tattoos/Body Modifications: None
  • Build: Athletic
  • Handedness: Right
  • Birthmarks: None
  • Scars/Tatoos: None
  • Voice: Controlto
  • Carriage: Graceful, powerful, fluid
  • Languages: Federation Standard, Klingon, Romulan, Vulcan


  • FATHER: Garavan (of the house of Tovek) Romulan Military Doctor who became Federation Physician
  • MOTHER: T’Laia Vulcan Deep cover spy and eventual Diplomat
  • Siblings: None
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None



She is a capable, flexible and confident, with dark sense of humor. She is observant, and has a strong sense of justice and wants to help people.

Personal Weaknesses

Sindrana is still dealing with a number of issues stemming primarily from her long stay among the Romulans, having to stay alive by her own wits and guile.

When she left for Romulus she was a psychiatrist who had been trained in spycraft, but when she first returned she was more Intelligence Operative than anything else. Over the past several years she has attempted to go back to her roots, trying to recapture her former personality and equanimity of life. While she has made some headway she still tends to rely too much on her own skills, had difficulty trusting, paranoid and who still wakes up at night in cold sweats thinking about the things she has been party to. For the most part she has gotten this under control, but stressful situations that cut too close to her old ways in the Tal-Shiar or that impact her more directly in these areas can exacerbate these things resulting in higher levels of independence and paranoia which can result in erratic behavior.

Personal History

Born to a Vulcan deep cover spy (T’Laia) and Romulan military doctor (Garavan) during the days of Romulan isolation. The first decade of Sindrana’s life was spent into relative peace, until two things happened at nearly the same time. The first was that her mother was almost killed in a shuttle accident, the results of which led to the second: The revelation that T’Laia had married a Romulan and given birth to Sindrana. T’Laia was subsequently given the command to pull out. However she would only do so with her husband and child, and so with great difficulty Sindrana and her parents were all smuggled out of Romulan territory and settled on Vulcan.

Sindrana spent the rest of her childhood and young adulthood on Vulcan, learning to adapt to the Vulcan culture and their dispassionate view of life. She was largely successful. During her school years Sindrana consistently did well at things dealing with direct personal contact or that dealt with living things in general. So she excelled at things like biology, psychology, sociology, but at the same time struggled with higher mathematics, physics, and other more theoretical or abstract science. Taking excellence courses to prepare her for college courses she took on Biochemistry which challenged her. Where it related to the biological she did well but the more complex chemical formulae were challenging. However it was that chemistry knowledge that she struggled with earlier on that really helped her when she made the choice to go to medical school and worked towards a psychology major. However when her high telepathic talent was fully realized, she was recruited into the Starfleet Intelligence agency. By the time she had finished her medical and psychological studies she was also being trained as a highly proficient intelligence agent, with specialties in: Infiltration, Intelligence and Telepathic Defense Training on Vulcan and Betazed.

NOTE: References to Intelligence and her time in Romulan territory have been redacted, save for those with high enough clearance to see it. IE: Captain and perhaps their first officers

Eventually she was smuggled to Romulus and she became a deep cover agent, sending back encrypted messages as she slowly worked her way into the Tal-shiar.

In 2387 when the Hobus Supernova rocked the Romulan Empire, she lost contact with her Federation handlers and she was presumed to be dead. However Sindrana survived, but It would be another 24 months before she would resurface again as the Tal Shiar began to recover and reassert its authority not only at home but also abroad. Around that time reports of an Ak’jhimn (Black Serpent) began to appear, it was Sindrana’s code name. It took nearly 6 months for the federation to realize that it was actually her and to pull her out. With the Romulan empire in disarray, which cut her off from any outside help, Sindranna had fled far undercover, using any contacts she had to maintain her identity and survive! She had became part of the secret police, interrogating suspects and stopping anyone who was against the empire. Keeping this role forced her to make many choices that left her uncomfortable, even dirty. While she strove for justice, and law, Romulan law was often swift and brutal, and the compromises she made and actions she had to take in an effort to stop the guilty and protect the innocent still wake her up at night.

Upon returning to Vulcan she was debriefed, counselled and examined. She was eventually absolved of any crimes committed while undercover and she was assigned to a Vulcan ship as a medical officer to reintegrate her once again. Over time she was assigned medical and mental patients again. At the same time she continued with her psychology courses, gaining doctorate in Psychology, specializing in Adaptive Exopsychology. The goal, to try and put Romulan behind her.

She has been only partially successful.

NOTE: She is considered on indefinite leave from the SFI. (IE: For as long as she is on Darwin) Which is fine with her.


  • Martial Arts: Sindrana grew up training with her father and it was an important way of bonding with him in as a young woman. As an adult she has ventured into the ancient Vulcan and even some of the Klingono styles. She found the ones she learned in service to the Federation serviceable but lacking in either finesses or aggressiveness.
  • Games: She enjoys a wide variety of games from chess to card games like poker and even spades. She prefers games which allow her to interact and play against people as oppose to ones that are ones of pure chance or against a computer or an uninvolved 'dealer'. However she has developed an interest in darts.

Education and Certifications

Medical training: Sindrana is a trained psychiatrist, and although her time with the Tal-Shiar twisted her skills horribly, they are still intact. Her original training was in biochemistry, medicine and psychology, and she has received specialized in Adaptive Exopsychology, ie: The training to study new races and understand their culture and psychology. Please keep in mind that psychiatry covers both Psychology and medical science, her focus is psychology. She can, and has done medical rotations, but complex procedures and surgeries in general would be referred to a doctor who has more experience in these areas. ((Think of a mechanic who is specializes in domestic cars being asked to do engine work on a foreign one))

Psionics: She is a T3 touch telepath and trained in psionic defences, it is very difficult to read her mind accurately. (IE: If she is playing the role of a damsel in distress, it would be difficult for a telepath to see otherwise. Although it does require some preparation before hand.)

Combat: She is a fully trained intelligence officer, proficient in Starfleet and Romulan hand weapons, hand to hand combat, and able to hold her own against opponents physically larger than herself.

Intel: As a member of Starfleet Intelligence and later in the Romulan version of it she is trained in surveillance, information-gathering (passive, active, and "forced") and intelligence/counter-intelligence. She is skilled in various interrogation techniques, many of which were drawn from her psychological training. She is very good at ‘getting in someone’s head’.

Training Weaknesses

Her personal combat skills are excellent, but do not translate well into starship combat. She can fly shuttle well enough to get from point A to point B, but she could never be called an ace pilot. And she was marginally passable in dog fighting styles of combat, but the biggest complaint her instructors had was that she ended up being more of a 2D thinker and she succeeded only by ‘out thinking’ or 'psyching out' her opponent rather than out flying. And as difficult as that was for her, flying and fighting in the larger ships where she cannot see anything except through a monitor or, worse yet, a sensor screen, were a significant challenge for her. "Too much between her and the other person." Also she is good at the intelligence side of things and can operate the machinery with an adequate amount of skill, fixing things that are more electronic in nature or that require more than basic computer knowledge are beyond her. In the field she may be given devices to allow her to pick locks or circumvent security. However if they were to malfunction and required more than basic mechanical or cosmetic repairs, or if she had to modify it to a different purpose, that would be beyond her skill set.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Cadet, 4th Class 238709.21-238809.15 Starfleet Academy,
Starbase 118
Major: Psychiatry
Psychology, medicine, Biochemistry
Major: Intelligence
Intelligence, infiltration

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation

Mission History

Primary Cast
Support Cast
Deck by Deck
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John Valdivia
Merrick R'Ven
Graeme Cook
Isabel Pond
Jora Kalis
Didrik Stennes
Rendal Rennyn
Randal Shayne
Nicu Icavoc
Kurt Logan
Emery Rhyn
Kael Thomas