USS Atlantis Cargo Bay 4

Revision as of 01:36, 16 August 2014 by Varu Novin (talk | contribs) (Varu Novin moved page Cargo Bay 4 to USS Atlantis Cargo Bay 4: The information on this page corresponds only to the USS Atlantis.)

Cargo Bay 4 on the USS-Atlantis has recently been Converted to a Forest Arboretum - Doomkitty Habittat In light of the "Purple Doomkitty" Situation, USS-Atlantis Engineer, Ensign Gwen Gardener has taken it upon herself to rig the entire cargo bay full of holoemiters compleate with a full on modified holoprogram that simulates the Forest Area and atmospheric content of the Doomkitty's natural enviorment.

So basically it now looks like a lush green forest with a small pond of fresh water and has a modified atmospheric content.

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