Michael Jellico

Revision as of 16:15, 23 February 2015 by Talisa zh' Eriss (talk | contribs)

Michael Jellico is currently serving aboard the USS Darwin-A as a Security and Tactical Officer.

USS Darwin
Michael Jellico 2.bmp
Michael Jellico
Position Security & Tactical
Rank Petty Officer First Class
Species Half Human, Half Betazoid
Gender Male
DOB 235904.16
Age 42
Birthplace Betazed


  • Height: 1.8 Meters
  • Weight: 84 KG
  • Hair: Brown (starting to Grey)
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Build: athletic
  • Distinguishing Features: Biosynthetic left arm
  • Handedness: Right handed
  • Telepathic Rating: E0+ Telepathic/Empathic Scale

Petty Officer First Class Jellico is currently serving aboard the USS Darwin. Michael enlisted in Starfleet at the age 18, during his enlisted career he has served in many departments but proformed the best in Engineering. Michael's record shows that he has been demoted and has reprimands for fighting and contraband. He has however, resurrected his career prior to joining the USS Victory. While on the Victory Michael served in the Engineering and Tactical department. Upon joining the Tactical department he began taking academy courses in the subject. Michael lost his left arm during ‘The Hunger’ mission and was promoted two grades during the ‘Sunak’ mission.


  • Father: Gunnery Sergeant George Jellico (Ret.)
  • Mother: Dr.Eng Lyanna Jellico, BEng, MA, Eng.D
  • Sister: Lana Jellico


Michael is the eldest of two siblings, having a younger sister with an age gap of eleven years between them.

At the time of his birth, Michael Father was a middle aged man and former combat veteran of the Star Fleet Marine Corps. His mother was in her early twenties, studying for her degree in civil engineering on her home world Betazed. As a child Michael’s his father was having a hard time transferring from military to civilian life and did not show the love and tenderness expected of a new father, this had a knock on effect into Michael’s youth with their relationship being very distant.

Throughout his childhood education Michael suffered bulling and teasing for having almost no Telepathic abilities, as a teenager be began getting into fights often and being suspended from school was a regular occurrence. Michael briefly contemplated entering the Marine Corps once he finished his schooling, but recognized this an attempt to connect with his father that was likely to fail. Instead Michael enlisted into Star Fleet and entered the basic engineering program. His Mother was supportive of the decision but was also quietly disappointed that he did not aim higher.

Michael has always had a very good relationship with his younger sister, Laura.

Career Overview

Michael began his career as an enlisted teenager and for the first part of his career he was a complete profession, being reliable, willing to learn and extremely hard working. He also received recognition in the logs of his first CO for his part in the rescue of two junior officers from a compartment fire in his ships science labs.

Michael climbed the enlisted ‘ratings’ with relative quickness until he reached Petty Officer 2nd class. Over a four year period th Michael’s demeanor while on duty and off changed dramatically, due to being involved in two bad relationships and getting assigned to a ship with low morale & poor discipline. During this time Michael was reprimanded for various infractions including, three physical altercations between himself and off duty Marine personnel and being suspected as supplying the ship’s crew with contraband. On the last occasion, five cases of Romulan Ale and a container of Cardassian disruptors found in a one of the ships shuttles that was listed as down for repair. While it could not be proven by the Master at Arms that these were Michael’s there was enough circumstantial evidence against him to strip him of his Petty Officer 2nd Class rating and transfer him off of the ship.

After being demoted and wallowing in self pity for almost a year Michael resigned himself to have 'one last go' at resurrecting his star fleet career and gained an his first excellent rating in six year in a performance review after his transfer. After two more excellent reviews, Michael was again transferred, this time to the USS Victory.

Michael joined the Victory and was assigned as an NCO in the gamma shift (nightshift) engineering team. During his first mission on the ship, the victory was contacted by a crew from the future and warned about an upcoming invasion from a species known as ‘The Hunger.’ The crew of the Victory was able to prevent this invasion but during the final the ship was boarded by highly poisonous bug like creatures under the control of The Hunger. Michael was in engineering when the ship was boarded and during the fight he was bitten in the forearm, fearing certain death after seeing a crewmen die from a similar bite within a minute; Michael preformed an amputation of his arm with a wielding touch. The amputation almost cost him his life but he was saved by the Victory’s marine compliment and medical staff. Michael has since been given a biosynthetic arm which however his motor faction range, while expanding through physiotherapy, is still impaired. Due to his injury which limited his ability to conduct manual repairs Michael was transferred to Tactical as a Gunner’s mate.

During his time as Gunner’s Mate Michael often took the tactical consol while the senior officers were on stand down or on away missions. During one such away mission, the Victory was surprised attacked. With entire senior staff on an away mission and much of the Victory exposed to vacuum, Michael was battle field promoted to Petty Officer 1st Class by the Acting CO Lieutenant J.G Shedet so that he could take command of the remaining engineering section and begin repairing the ship. While that role was only temporary his promotion was not revoked when the senior staff returned.

Personal Relationships

  • Brooks

While on the USS Victory Michael entered into a romantic relationship with Staff Sergeant Brooks Gwinnett. He first saw her during a promotion ceremony and was instantly attracted to her, but it wasn’t until Michael walked in her working out on the Holodeck that the two actually exchanged words. After some flirting between the two Michael was informed that he could make up for the mistake by buying her a drink, the two have since gone on numerous dates and became very close.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment Additional Comments
Petty Officer Third Class 239107.30 - 239112.19 USS Victory Engineers' Mate Temporarily Reassigned as Gunners' Mate on 239110.14
Petty Officer First Class 239112.19 - Present USS Victory Engineer

Awards & Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons

Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
TOSMA 239112.16
USS Victory
As Talisa zh'Eriss for making each sim exciting in its own right
First Contact Ribbon 239201.05
USS Victory
Ship wide award for Sunak Mission
Explorer's Ribbon 239201.05
USS Victory
Ship wide award for Sunak Mission

Primary Cast
Support Cast
Deck by Deck
Edit/View Key

John Valdivia
Merrick R'Ven
Graeme Cook
Isabel Pond
Jora Kalis
Didrik Stennes
Rendal Rennyn
Randal Shayne
Nicu Icavoc
Kurt Logan
Emery Rhyn
Kael Thomas